How are it that illiterate goat herders armed with 50 year old tank and petrol bomb are able to destroy most modern, most powered best defensed tank of entire world?
Abrahams 2 : The Shartening
Other urls found in this thread:
>most modern
>most powered
??? elaborate after learning english
>best defensed (sic)
Challenger 2
abrams old
>how are it
>calling someone else illiterate
Why do you call it this?
Also, if the Abrams is 50 years old then the T-90 is 70 years old considering from it's design history.
>What are the sarcasm?
Shartnik detected
Illiterate shart.
The Abrahams was destroyed by Type 59 (50 year old tank), image proves it.
Oh this is one of those threads. Remember to sage people
>Arab tank crews
Note the severe lack of combat casualties when Western mbts aren't crewed by sand niggers
Also wtf is with these threads trying to bash the Abrams every other day?
>The Abrahams was destroyed by Type 59 (50 year old tank), image proves it.
Really? An image that shows it was hit from a round fired from another Abrams and a Maverick fired from a plane to prevent capture means it was killed by a Type 59? Really?
>most modern
>most powered
>best defended
That tank was crewed by westshits.
>eats a SABOT from a second Abrams as well as a Maverick
>turret is still attached
>We shoot the tank ourselves because of reason
The next level CIAnigger 25D chess.
>the absolute state of Amerimutts
Russians are 3rd world brown shitskins 89% of whom have aids and even they build better tanks than you kek! How will amerifats every recover!
>An image that shows it was hit from a round fired from another Abrams
Image eroves it was old style APCR. NOT carried by Abrahams at the time.
anuuuu cheeki breeki
What are your proofs it was an older style of SABOT and not the more modern ones used in Abrams? Do you have comparison images of penetrations from new v old?
Also stop calling it an Abrahams, at least pretend you're not a vatnik and call things by their proper names
>being this arsemad
You have the worlds largest economy after China, yet a subhuman filled shithole like Russia manages to continually produce world-class tanks better than anything out of your country.
Explain yourselves m8.
I dunno man, that Abrams died and didn't even throw it's turret. Speaks of superior craftsmanship compared to the Turret Throwing Olympics of slavshit
>world class tanks
But the thing is that slavshit is so poorly built that everyone expects it to throw it's turret. However, that is not an excuse for the appalling performance of the Abrams
>Large hole
>Smooth clean penetration
Abrahams uses fin discarded. Smaller hole. Only iraqi tank could have knock out that abrahams.
Westshit buttshart mad democrat faggot = DESTROY
>appalling performance
I dunno it sodomized all those slavshit tanks in Iraq
Post side by side comparison of fin discarded vs non-fin discarded sabot penetrations
Vote democrat muttshart
slavshit is shit so destroying it is not an accomplishment!
>best defensed (sic)
>Challenger 2
The Challenger 2 is worse protected than the Leclerc, a tank ~10 tons lighter.
The Abrams has had the best performance of all western MBTs.
can someone explain the "Abrahams"-joke to me?
Jow Forums, jews, israel, buttmad aspies.
And it was killed by a massive ied, not whatever hit the turret, neither of those holes are penetrations into it, note the massive damage to the tracks and skirt
Look at the hole difference/
>Westshit excuses increase
You have proofs then?
Except we literally did
What do you think a Maverick is?
Actually, OPs pic is of "Cojone, Eh" that was disabled and burned out during the run on Baghdad in 2003.
From the report at the time, it got hit by one SPG-9 round into the engine, setting it on fire.
Then abandoned with a few termite grenades into the crew compartment.
Then some 120mm into the rear bustle from another Abrams
Later it got hit with 2 AGM-114's, one "hitting the right side of the turret"
And 1 AGM-65 to the front
And one JDAM of unknown size just to top it of.
But then again, OP is using a pic from a Mike Sparks video
The one op posted was crewed by Iraqis dipshit
Your thinking of this one sys.Jow
You should get a different hobby.
You're not very good at this one.
Oh look! a Nigger calling whiteys niggers, how can i ever recover from this
anyway nice try, nigger
Yeah, same one. You can compare the impact points on the side of the turret, among other things. OP's pic is taken on april 10th, after US forces recovered the hull. The pic in is from when Bagdad Bob used it to show that "the infidels were dying by the thousands at the gates of Bagdad", trying to hook it up to an Iraqi recovery vehicle and so on
this. Why are mutts so incompetent?
what country are you from?
are you an Anglo?
>Believe the westshit propaganda
I bet you vote democrat also as well as.
>But our tanks so special and good we have to destroy them ourselves just give iraqis a chance
Literal glow in the dark
>best defensed (sic)
>Challenger 2
Kek. The Fatviet Union is so bad at making tanks that the subhuman shithole of Russia BTFO's them using tanks built out of recycled aluminium and held together by shirt buttons.
OP is a Canadian vatnik and thinks referring to Abrams as Abrahams will bait Americans.
Daily reminder that the only ones who call it "Abrahams" are russian shills who can't into english.
How many times do we need to have this thread?
Can't we just rangeban those "people"? Isn't like they have guns or a military to discus
Have you ever considered the possibility that Russia isn't a shithole?
Muttsharts so serene about post they have to post 50 times telling us how serene they are
>tanks built out of recycled aluminium and held together by shirt buttons
still better (and cheaper) than Abrams though
The tank was knock out by Iraqi monkey crew in monkey model tank. THAT IS HOW SHIT ABRAHAMS IS!
you want to rangeban everyone that talks shit about merrymuts?
Americans are so angry in here that they are now trying to pretend that Russians aren't 3rd world shitskins in order to explain away the inferiority of ameritanks to Russian tanks.
Russians are impoverished shitskins who build better tanks than you. You will never recover from this!
>The Abrams has had the best performance of all western MBTs.
That was true 20 years ago but as it stands it's about even with the Leopard 2
I was referring to combat performance. The Leopard 2A7 may have better specs but it hasn't seen any action.
No. Even the Arab built piece of shite that is Leopard 2 still outperforms amerishit.
why are you ignoring it literally addresses all of the shitty vatnik 五毛 cancer
>Russians are 3rd world
2nd world.
I think most Western MBTs are about on par with each other now. Pretty much the same guns, aside from the Challenger 2 being rifled. Armor or add-ons that give about the same effectiveness.
It really does just come down to small things like which vehicle has a better layout for the crew, is easier to maintain, and what ammunition is preferred.
Because you are the nigger muttshart.
See Responded. Defeated. Rekt.
amerifat pls. Russia is a 3rd world shithole, stop trying to ameliorate the matter by implying that Russia is in a better state.
No, the Soviet Union was 2nd world
The Soviet Union is fucking dead
Nobody is denying that Iraqi forces took out the Abrams. Not even the crew who drove that particular tank.
It was a complete loss, with no way of recovering it at the time, due to the intensity of the fire coming from said Iraqi forces.
Now, if you cant comprehend that what followed next was in line with standard western training regarding leaving behind equipment, i.e "leave as little to the enemy as possible", then sure. Westshit democrat propaganda it is.
For some reason i doubt your reply to this post will be one with any value, but i'm an eternal optimist so who knows
Reminder that T-80s and possibly T-90s we're destroyed in mass numbers by Chechen Insurgents.
>Lose your tank to illiterate goat herders
>Claim you destroy it for reasons
Ok muttshart.
>that picture
all of my lels
It’s almost like there is no such thing as an impervious vehicle or something.
The Soviet Union was second world, and the Soviet Union is no more.
>arguing with vatniks
why do you wast your time?
Ill bite, fuck it.
A Maverick would destroy any tank, or any other ground vehicle for that matter simply because of it having a fuckhuge HEAT-warhead. That motherfucker has an explosive filler of nearly 60 kg, literally one hundred times as much as a RPG-7 warhead.
What would it take to get some halfway decent moderation around here? This incessant polshit has driven off all good discussion and informed posters.
They would destroy any tank of that time just as easily given the same situation (urban combat winhout infantry support)
A halfway decent mod team to begin with, so something that doesn’t exist on Jow Forums.
the libcucks that complain about pol should be kicked first
Rangeban Russians. Many problems solved.
Literally this. Where are the MODS when you need them. There’s not even anything constructive it’s literally just some kid trying to bait people into fighting. Nothing constructive is being said. Every other comment is “Ameri-mutts” or “Shartnik”. This is a weapons board you neets. If you wanna talk about it then discussing it using facts.
Its not russians, its Jow Forums
All of the "AMERICA BTFO, RUSSIA STONK, CHINA STONK" post come from Jow Forums, they know that Jow Forums is full of americans and they will get easy (you's) from making low quaility bait threads like this one. just sage and ignore
I’m not saying I did or didn’t, but just a friendly reminder that you can report this thread for being low quality (which it is).
This one is famous "Cojone Eh", it was disabld by SPG-9 hit in the engine, there was fuel leak that started small fire and soldiers were unable to extuinguish it, with fire in engine area it was dangerous to tow vehicle, so it was stripped from all valuable equipment, then crew opened ammunition storage blast doors, thrown inside MG ammo and white phosphorus to prevent capture of still intact vehicle. Also one M1 tank from column fired APFSDS in to turret bustle rear bulkhead.
Later tank was towed by Iraqis from place to place for propaganda purposed (they claimed to destroy numerous american tanks, actually most pictures of "destroyed" M1 tanks in Baghdad were different photos of "Cojone Eh"), civilians completely vandalized it. In the end US command ordered air assets to destroy vehicle even more, AH-64's fired at least two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, one definetly hit turret side armor (right side of turret), it was also hit by AGM-56 Maverick missile (~50 kg HEAT warhead is big... very big) at turret front, but it appears that armor was not perforated but penetration was at high angle and shaped charge jet got through front turret armor cavity bottom plate and in to hull top plate and probably also turret race ring area, at least well informed people says so and it looks that way on photos. In the end tanks was also hit by at least one JDAM bomb.
Give a kid a gun, they shoot themself. Give a cockroach or dunecoon a tank, and they get it destroyed. Moral of the story? Don't give shit to people who don't know how to fucking use it.
It’s actually twatwaffles from Jow Forums trying to get (yous).
t. I browse both regularly, but Jow Forums more
Why is Jow Forums so full of faggots?
you do realize that a large number of the vatniks and chinks are Americans larping, right?
Even they have admitted as much in previous Jow Forums threads.
I always wonder: who are the retards that use the term "amerimutt"? I always imagine some skinny hipster wannabe skinhead.
We still have the world's largest economy. If you're gonna troll, at least get your fucking facts straight.
It was crewed by Arabs.
Just remember they larp as Turkish black people. Don’t expect anything serious, Jow Forums is pretty much Jow Forumslite.
Memesters. The Amerimutt meme was made for the sole purpose of getting (yous) and making easy targets butthurt.
lol that BMP-2 turret at the end
moderation on Jow Forums went out the window the minute all the 2A shit in the US started. As soon as people started calling it into question, the nature of this board became a political matter, which just opened up the fucking flood gates.
That being said, I can't figure out why it's the tank threads that all these chauvinistic cocksucers show up in.
well given the fact that shavshit tanks are the only tanks that have been getting consistently btfo for the past ~80 years, it's hard to come up with a better measurement of performance. I mean, measuring how many puppies you can kick isn't a great way to see how strong your legs are, but if you've gotta know and all you have is puppies to kick, well...
>>best defended
This thread has nothing even vaguely to do with 2A. Yet here we are.
This isn't even polshit. This thread is actually quite a bit worse than the average Jow Forums thread.
Merkava armor is a joke.
It is a wellknow fact that chobham armor on Abrams is not as effective at stopping thing like APCR as stopping HEAT and APFSDS.
And a hole doesn't mean it was penetrated. It mean the crew was so incompetent they let enemy flank them, or the enemy crew was so incompetent they shot a dead tank.