Jow Forums
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Weapons #395
Was he Jow Forums?
New gun arrives tomorrow
I'll start by saying I used to live in an urban area with strict gun laws...
Squad Automatic Rifle
Bail Enforcement Agents aka Bounty Hunters
How is the feel, like open fire to a human being?
Beretta M9A1
Pawn shop shotguns
Going to pick up a AR for transfer soon, pray for me guys I don't spill spaghetti, super nervous BTW
Patch Thread
Assuming you lived in a pro-fun state, how hard is it to obtain an FFL/SOT for giggle switch guns?
Keep getting told the military is for dumb faggots
With climate change, manmade or not, coming up in the coming decades, will this mean SHTF globally...
Optics and Red dots general
Suicide at the range
Stuck behind enemy lines, want a rifle
Good Marching/wartime songs of Muslim countries
Convince me to buy an O/U shogun
Bedroom guns
/ak/ thread
RIP to surplus ammo of all calibers finally dried up now lost to time and fallen into darkness forever
Will the Bongs ever build strategic bombers again?
I think I'm finally ready, give me the CZ pill
Shit Slavboos Say
The Decline of Cabela’s
China develops QUANTUM RADAR, stealth planes BTFO
So if the US/Russia actually manage to build one of these hypersonic missiles...
Jow Forums epically btfo! double cucked by fags AND fedex!
How do i deal with anti gun parents?
Army trucks
ITT post ROUND military equipment
Hi-cap semi-autos are like blowjobs
My college doesn't like freedom apparently
Alright this might be a little different and I wouldn't be surprised if the sceptics may get upset since they're always...
Resident Evil 2
So I just got accepted to the Kings Guard
7.62x39 vs 300 blackout
I'm buying up extra 9mm ammo for when the PSA MP5 comes out
Fire engulfs main base for Russian Baltic fleet, nuclear sub alight
Loaded and left?
Alright Jow Forums, ran out of luck and will be homeless tomorrow. Keeping only my laptop, some clothes and my two funs
Did any of you basedboys carry under your costume?
/SG/ Suppressor General
Wait all year for Halloween
/csg/ Competitive Shooting General
Canadian reservists attacked as racists for selling Rhodesian brushstroke yoga shorts
The F-35 is rather controversial, being called a money pit. Despite problems...
What weapons will be used in the upcoming Skeleton War?
California gun laws
Ruger Vaquero
The eternal question
Mods are asleep, post sexy cartridges
Hi Jow Forums, what kind of books are normally stocked in US Army base libraries?
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
Saw shotgun collar
/brg/ - Battle Rifle General
USA To Invade Venezeula By End Of Year
Foreign Invaders
Edc thread, dont forget your flashlight for trick or treating edition
Are there any 'gunsmiths' in the business of fully custom firearms...
Not /arg/
Pipe Hitters Union - Tactical Operators
Can any modern service pistol compete with the 1911 in aesthetics?
Prepping general
Happy Halloween, Jow Forums
ITT post sharp looking military equipment
Washington General
World traveler Mosin
Handgun General - /hg/ - #211
Anyone been to Battlefield Vegas?
I'd like to get in to hunting but I have absolutely no interest in eating the meat, keeping the pelt/hide...
Maybe I'm confused
Confess your sins my child
Ka-52 Alligator
Reminder that if you don't clean up after yourself, when done shooting, you are literally subhuman
He doesn't have a +18 magazine tube extension on his shotgun
Went from 8 gunz to no gunz a few years ago due to some personal stuff I don't feel like sharing...
Buy CZ50
.410 Bore
Another reason to hate Dick's
Why do Americans still like lever-actions? It's such an outdated design
What's a good border defense weapon?
Let's pretend the entire US military command eats a bowl of meth and decides "let's use lethal force to stop 10...
Careful guys, this skeleton is posing as a jack-o'-lantern
Canada General
Per capita, the average german soldier was the most highly trained, highly motivated...
Meanwhile in 2218
Homemade weapons of the Syrian war
What gun would be ideal for concealing in a way where you could get to the top of mount Everest or similar without the...
What would it take to bring back that ugly grease gun/sten looking style?
Pistolfag here...
Air Force
If you opened up on this with a 50 cal machine gun, would the crew survive?
Reminder the c7 is the best service rifle in the world prove me wrong
Are you born a fudd or do you be come one?
Y'all ready?
Realistically, how much will firearms change in the next 100 years?
Building a wood AR
So since its halloween and its time to get spooky, lets have an appropriate thread...
AR twist ratios
Anyone want a cad model of a A3 upper with no FA?
Thoughts? Seems like a waste of money to me
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Um... goys
Final stand music
The superiority of a bow
Wank about your favorite caliber in this thread
Recent pickup thread
Autistic jap kills a cop and shoots school security guard
To anons who never served in the military and are now too old to join: did you regret never enlisting?
Entry level AK?
K jobs and drinking
Messenger bag carry
Modern castles and defensive structures?
*ends gun violence*
What process does Jow Forums use to choose her next firearms purchase?
Wtf Gunbroker
Carry ammo
Low-capacity mags
/csg/ Competitive Shooting General
Are recoil dampeners a meme? Is there a noticeable difference?
What do you guys think of
Anti gun laws are about to end in my country
/arg/ AR thread:
Sig Sauer
Virginia General
Any good western-style gunbelts with a modern day take?
Is it finally happening?
If large caliber naval gunfire support of land forces is important...
Reid Henrichs on gear vs training
So, Jow Forums, how are ya holding up?
In UK need a gun (without licence to become an hero) any suggestions for best one?
5.7 x 28 Glock
Hypothetical Question for Jow Forumsommandos
Shotgun fun
Form 1 suggestions
Battle to the Death
What would happen if everyone started making illegal machine guns/SBR's/Suppressors...
Would you buy these ammos, Jow Forums?
Russia future weapons
California Weapon Kits
Knife for self defense?
Could you kill a bear with a mosin?
Dr. Feelgood comes up to you and whispers "hey kid, want to buy a banned gun?"
What's the best rifle for arctic conditions?
Is it clip or magazine? Clip sounds like it makes more sense. Magazines are books...
Pic related is the most underrated firearms channel on jewtube
Safety first!
It's 2018 people. Why are you not using superior .308 Winchester ammunition?
Jezail Curved Stock
Machine gun definition loophole
Y the fuck can I not leave this place?
Eurocuck inherrited an old handgun from my Grandfather, help me out Jow Forums?
The US Army Wants the F-35 for Close Air Support
Is it still not practical to make handguns shoot powerful ammo...
That'll be $99.99, bro
How effective would women's raised heel boots actually be in a combat situation?
What would K do ?
Revolvers as a way to stretch ammo
Nigga wut?
Real men use their fist
He's gonna do one on funs
"Get on the ground! Hands out!"
M1 Abrahamas knocked out by Iraq Type 59
How does Jow Forums respond to this study that finds that more firearm legislation correlates with less firearm...
Would the kid be justified in hypotheticall getting his father's gun and going out to hunt those down?
LMT New Zealand Reference Rifle
What happened here Russians?
What do you carry in your vehicle for an improvised weapon?
Massholes Jow Forumsomrades
Family photo thread
Wood ARs
Bushmaster assault rifle
What are some approved military watch?
How come a superpower like USA keeps getting btfo by an Arab nation?
Let’s play a little game shall we?
About FFLs
What is it with soldiers lying in their memoirs?
How do we kill it?
Anyone own an over/under shotgun? Sexiest guns around imo
How does Jow Forums react in this situation?
Patch Thread
Russia is superior???
Handgun General - /hg/ - #210
Full auto
I'm probably retarded
ITT: we weaponize animals
Jow Forums humor thread
Question to 2nd civil war larping autist. Have you seen what happens when police gets a free hand...
Fuck Russia
Army """accidentally""" drops a Humvee out of a C-17
.308 Winchester
Say what you like about Star Wars, the actual weapons designs are pretty tits. Look at this sexy motherfucker here
Is he Jow Forums?
I dropped my glock and the tip of the barrel broke a little bit, is it safe to shoot?
I'm awed by the power of the Russian navy
"So how'd we do?"
Did Jow Forums ever attend selection for any even remotely cool guy units?
Buying Used Guns?
Would you ever sell guns to a Muslim?
What's the longest shot you've taken Jow Forums? Where are good spots to shoot like that...
What is the quintessential sniper rifle?
How can I get a real push button switch blade in commiefornia?
At the 82nd shipyard in Roslyakov, the floating dock PD-50 sank, users of social networks report citing factory workers...
Can Jow Forums help me make a pipe bomb...
Most Jow Forums pre-gunpowder weapon
2 month old Boeing 737 crashes into the sea
Post the weapon system that legitimately gave you a hard-on while firing
Old story of how I nearly shot myself
The fucking AUG has a quickchange barrel
What in the god damn
I've been assigned to Douglas, AZ. Any advice?
This is the greatest handgun currently on the market right now. Prove me wrong
First time gun buyer
ITT: Favorite Variable Geometry Aircraft
For me, it's Julius Caesar. The GOAT commander, also quite possibly the bravest and most daring
I unironically enjoy nutnfancy
Is there any reason not to use mineral oil on guns?
AKfags and ARfags utterly btfo
Jow Forums bar
A 3 inch .357 magnum is all you need
What is the 1911's final form?
I think I made a dumbass move
Does Jow Forums have a brass catcher?
Why is bluing so common? It rusts!
The Forward Assist
/arg/ AR thread
When are we going to have another president test a rifle on the White House lawn?
/gq/ - gear queer
Gunbroker/gunstore/guy buying horror stories
Learn about G11
So has anyone here or someone you might know been dumb enough to buy one of those "Airsoft" glock giggle switches on...
What type of plane is this?
Jow Forumsommando looking to move
So tl;dr of this article is that this guy
ITT: guns whose action was rare, forgotten, and you would pay good money for a reproduction of
We've all heard time and time again that firearms are phallic and conpensatory from those who would have them taken...
How do you guys organize all your gear?
Tommy gun thread
Whatever happened to the vp9, everyone was talking about it 3-4 years ago
It's over, bros
Does anybody here have any engraving on their guns? Do you get a lot of comments?
Calibre debate thread
Just bought my first AR - Need a scope
New to Jow Forums pls help
I just had a bit of a surreal experience today. I was sitting on a bench waiting for a bus and two blacks come up to me...
Redpill me on the .30-30, is it a viable round for hunting north american game?
How can America sustain it's gigantic military the coming generations? In terms of manpower the populace is aging...
Literally the only thing he did wrong was record himself killing the two pieces of shits
ATF prosecuting Pistol Braces
Halloween Mystery Boxes
Rifle slings and rucksacks
A war
Game: You have a weapon for each woman you have been with
Canada General
Is a monkey's fist considered a blackjack? The state of Virginia prohibits the concealed carry of blackjacks...
Why does Jow Forums look forward to a postapocalyptic world? Most here wouldn't last a week in that scenario...
Other than the obvious of it not having a serial number, are there any other benefits of the 80% Glocks...
EDC Sp00py edition
ITT typical Jow Forums opinions that are wrong (and why)
Reloading general
Need Advice on choosing a revolver
What's your excuse for not owning a Glock 40?
Why is Browning's logo a man on fire having a heart attack???
Prepping general
Taurus pt709 slim. Never misfired before this one...
OP wants to be a marine
Guns for poorfag
Meanwhile on Jow Forums Little birds
Post pics of spooks or secretive units like DELTA of any nation
Cursed/abomination/unconventional weapons thread
What’s the worst job in the military?
Which one is better?
LOL China's PLA AD
Civil war 2.0
*adjusts hearing aid*
FlightLite SCR Appreciation
Brazil has gone far right
Are they badass or do they just have the advantage of having fought shitty armies?
Brainlet here, what made it harder for assault rifles to be developed over SMGs...
"the SKS is too heavy for serious use in 2018!"
Alternative Home defence
If blacks commit most of the crime in the US why cant we just make it illegal for them to own firearms?
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Handgun General - /hg/ - #209
Just moved in. Found this in a closet
You don't hear much about the Soviet Air Force during WW2
Russian space capability near collaspe
When the left says they want "Canada style gun control" what are they talking about exactly?
Why do neverserveds have such a boner for the marines
Could the US ever be invaded? I want Red Dawn to be real so I can wage guerilla warfare on the communist occupiers
.40 S&W
Miami vice aesthetics bread
Keep buying guns
You've got to be Jow Forums to be a real Jow Forumsommando. fatties have to get the fuck outta here
What guns did the the synogog shooter use?
Oh shit...
Why do they always wear camo in the city ?
The mascot of /akg/ edition
Is a Jow Forums private military corporation viable...
German U-Boats
Hey Jow Forums I need your best anti gun screenshots. Anti second amendment or just idiots that don’t know how guns work
Bro you don'y have money for a bong and you don't have money for a new truck
What's next???
Women and Gun Terminology
Which Taurus handgun is the best?
So I've been paying attention to this 75mm Howitzer for 2 weeks now going back and forth to work...
Hear noise in the middle of the night
Bolsonaro WON
Why did we switch to magazines which cannot be topped off without removing them from the rifle?
I changed up my edc and now I've got an empty back pocket. Any ideas on what to do with it? Throw a backup gun in there...
Webm thread please. Any self defense shootings, combat footage, or even just anything interesting, post em
The M9A1 with night sights and g10 grips is the perfect 9mm pistol
AR thread /arg/
The Vietnam war should have been dragged out into the 80's. Just imagine:
Stal/k/er Thread
/WRK/ Geberal
Chinese military capabilities:
Grey Areas of Self-Defense
Welp I got in a shitton of trouble with my friends and family and plan on going innawoods very soon...
10mm Auto is unironically the best carry option
What's the best state if you're into guns, legal cannabis, and noice outdoors?
Sexy ifv and apc
Best 9mm Subgun
This i what your average glock hater looks like
/SG/ Suppressor General
ITT: Old school tacticool
"We fought the wrong enemy"
PX4 Storm
Hiding guns around the house
Why do you buy used guns? That’s like marrying a prostitute
Advice ASAP
10mm Help?
I'm freaking out over these Jow Forums Legos
/nvg/ Night Vision General
How are there literally zero MKE magazines for the G3 in the US?
Have an unloaded gun pointed at you by a non gunfag
I dropped my AR Aimpoint first
Bow huntin
Are Oakley boots Jow Forums approved...
Innawoods movies
First gun
Post swords you'd carry
French-German fighter project, as predicted, is failing to get of the ground, with both parties in disagreement already...
Artillery general
Why are Russian tanks so fucking small?
Post the gun you're going to buy after based Bolsonaro wins today
So it turns out they found another dud bomb dropped by you assholes' grandfathers 70 years ago in my town...
Shitty retarded weapon that affected history
/BST/ - buy sell trade general
What kind of weapons do you carry with you Jow Forums?
New NATO members equipment
Punisher Time: FrankenFronk Part Three: Re-Fronkening
Jow Forums beats off to the 10mm all day
Why the hate?
I’m 18 living in Eugene Oregon (which is filled with mentally ill people)
Anyone know if the magazines for the Colt Vest Pocket and the Astra 200 / Firecat are interchangeable?
Why didn't the enola gay drop both bombs on japan? google doesn't turn up anything...
Becoming an military drone pilot?
Opinions on the cz po1?
Do any of you know what type of damage a .454 casull round will do against something...
If someone broke into your house and shot your battle buddy how many people would you have to kill in retaliation?
Have you ever killed someone, Jow Forums?
Germans supposedly had the best tanks of the war
Why dosent Jow Forums want to operate with women
Jow Forumsaturday
Is 380acp officially kill?
Jow Forums fantasy thread
Post these memes, whoever is making them is ace
Poorfag but
AR15 budget optics
Someone talk me into or out of this, I'm almost willing to pull the trigger
Punisher Time: FrankenFronk Part Two: More Fronken Than Fronken
Any other guns that shoot 7.62 ×52r?
Say something nice about her kit
Reloading General
Post terrible pieces of shit
/rimfire/ general
Things your first gun would say to you today
GRG: Gun Recomendation General
ATF thread
You have twenty seconds to tell me the name of your revolutionary/freedom fighting/rebel group and what you're fighting...
This is just as bad as open carry. I see your stupid $100+ tacticool knife a mile away...
Suicide rates influence on gun statistics
What are some random conflicts I can go die in? is Ukraine over with?
Punisher Time: FrankenFronk
Why do so many people virtue signal against hunting...
Jow Forums comic thread?
/ubg/ - Unbubba general
What are you doing tonight Jow Forums
Jow Forums approved transportation
Dumb things you see that involve guns
Morale bread
Guns are for pussies who can't do it with their fists
Scope General
What's the most aesthetic ww2 fighter and why is it the he112 prototype?
Patch Thread
*wastes your money*
ITT Jow Forums directs Halloween
9mm 1911s
Still #1
Gun rights are kill
What gun did he use, Jow Forums?
What will the US military replace the m4 with?
Primary and Secondary thread
Is a rifle that closes on a no go gauge, but not on a field, safe to shoot?
Canada General
M27 IAR in the AR role
Uh Oh
Does the US have any hunting culture?
Can we all just agree that this is the best handgun ever made or that ever will be made?
What are the essential guns that a new owner must have?
Where can I get a gun?
What's the best way to bury weapons for when they come and take them?
I have a online female friend from Canada, early 30s with a husband and two kids...
Shotgun thread, tactically fucking my finish edition
Should i get a screamsaex or a regular knife for innawoods camping?
Some new-something from China
/wfg/ Writefag General- wanna build a snowtank edition
ITT: post dinosaurs that you'd buy a reproduction of if it were ever made
Forged parts are stronger because hammering aligns the crystals
You lost your guns but won $10K how do you spend it
So in theory if someone wanted to get into pic related...
Post yfw antifa comes to bash you but you have your AR fully disassembled
Approved horror films
Why America would lose in an actual large scale conflict
Why is pankration not used in MMA?
What is a "milsurp zoomer"?
I’m at the Morphy Auction House, AMA
When the fuck is someone going to release a decent 10mm carbine
Ya'll are missing out on the SWAT response on police radio to an active shooter at a synagogue in Pittsburgh...
How to successfully remove screame?
Unhealthy gun obsessions
Just became /hasgunz/ less than a week ago
What’s for breakfast Jow Forumsomrades? Also range day shit
Tell me, Jow Forums. How much would you ask for if you were a mercenary?
Why didn't you protect his smile Jow Forums?
Whats your favourite WW2 weapon and why? Mine is the Neger human torpedo...
F-16 Block 70/72 vs Su-35. Which is the better fighter and why?
Screens of Kamov's high speed helicopter design
Hey Jow Forums I'm pretty sure were about to see a huge financial collapse...
Caveman General
Handgun General - /hg/ - #208
CC revolver hunt
/akg/ AK General
British section level weapons
You are granted an endless amount of ammo for one gun, what would it be? One choice for me is the M60
Is it okay for military dudes to make fun of the locals for epic win on reddit?
Thinking of getting a button camera for CC
Morale Check
Are they the most influential gun rights activists in existence...
B1-R when?
Why do Russian missiles launch like this?
Poorfag here. Why do people talk so much shit about Kel-Tec? What's wrong with their guns?
He needs a gun to forget about his small pee pee
What's preventing Trump from declaring another Machinegun Amnesty as outlined in the 1968 GCA?
Nuclear war is close!
So what the fuck are these things made of?
Best 45 coming through
Lee a good General?
PSA: Kids, Steal Your Parents' Guns
Japanese police guns attached to car with phone cord?
Lever-Action rifles
10 yard AR zero
What the ugliest gun?
Is 10mm the superior round? Is the Glock 40 gen 4 the best 10mm handgun?
/ak/ thread
There’s an auction near me tomorrow ful of world war era stuff and in the catalogue they have pic related
Innawoods Spoopy Greetext: Halloween Edition
Helmet graffitti
What are some good with realistic tactics and gun handling? I am looking for something to watch
German cold war tech
Self defence .22 Ammo
Sig sauer
Why doesn't anyone talk about .44 Mag anymore?
.43 Egyptian
There's a Yugo M57 for sale at my local shop. Unissued, couldn't be more than 100rds through it, and he only wants $250...
Jow Forums, you own firearms for protection purposes, amongst many other things, yes...
Self Defense in Texas: 22LR Single Shot Beats AR15 & .40 Cal
This is CLASS
Drawfag General /dfg/
/arg/ AR thread
Air Force exploring space-based cargo operations
Hi Jow Forums
Chinese have produced a rapid firing radar guided 76mm naval gun on a wheeled IFV platform
Post wristbreakers
Jow Forums books and shit
Talk me out of buying another gun I don't need
Sends 14 letter bombs to prominent leftists
Fighter jets that will not bankrupt you
Why do people say its a shit rifle? How did the M1A civilian make it better?
Confess my son
So, Katana vs. Longsword?
What do you think the next big firearms trend will be
Who was in the wrong
How fucked am I?
Native Americans in Special Operations Forces
Why does it get so much shit here? It fulfills its niche perfectly...
It's time to genocide some birds Jow Forums. Post your gets and what kind of population you've seen this year
You wake up in Black Mesa as a HECU soldier at the height of combat between your forces, aliens...
What's the best weapon to use on pedophiles
7N6 ban relaxed
The US ditched this beauty for the M16A1
California Meetup Thread
I'm thinking about moving to Maine. What are the guns laws like?
What kind of bumper stickers do Kommandos put on their cars?
I'm getting bored of semi auto ARs and AKs. When are we going to get the NFA and Hughes repealed...
If your aim is shit, fuck you
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Just out of curiosity, what would it take to bend a mauser action rifle...
How do I get money for guns and prepping shit, Jow Forums...
Protecting loved ones
SEAL charged with murder for stabbing ISIS member
What is the most fuck off gun I can own in Australia?
Well /k I need your help, this has turned up in an antiques shop near where I live and it looks legit...
Parochialism towards Female Soldiers
What would you prefer? A Tommy gun with double barrels or Gatling gun Tommy gun?
Best Rainbow Six game?
Are you playing the Jow Forumsest game of this year?
Why is this allowed to happen?
Any AESA guys around?
USAF should replace all ANG F-16s with Rafale
So.... turns out my lousy neighbour has a permit to grow certain amount of weed...
Why haven't we made highly-portable MG and rocket sentries yet?
Say i have some extra cash, How can i make a tank street legal?
Who is your favorite fictional operator?
Innawoods Thread: Episode 3
Pacific Forces General /PFG/ X: Eagle vs. Dragon
If you could only use one pistol cartridge for the reat of your life, what would it be and why?
Firearms For the Blind
Which handgun cartridge would you rely on to absolutely obliterate a human target...
Please forgive any gunfire in the background
Lookin for a. 22 bolt action
Anything that 10mm cant do?
Defending against a grizzly charge
Whats your next project Jow Forums?
Does your range have a Jow Forumsat?
20 round magazines are top aesthetics. Prove me wrong
Post any and ALL Jow Forums music in this thread, dont be shy
What's the best way to fuck with junior NCOs and enlisted as a newly minted officer?
I have a chance to get 1 out of 200 limited edition scar 20s's. should i do it? do i resell it...
Is the pony tax a complete meme for 1911s? Besides cool factor...
Belgium to purchase F35-As
.45 or bust
Preap Thread
Gun gore
So how do I reply Jow Forums?
/v/ is shit so Im gonna ask you guys
Boomer's meme gun
Patch Thread
Canada General
Is this worth getting? Anyone else have any good survival kits for when shtf?
Why is he waiting so long to release his g11 video?
Post a more Jow Forums food
Cops that post here, whats you ideal duty gun? even if your department wont let you have it
Vaquero taco bell?
Q&A ask me anything i love gas masks
Women now allowed to shit up the British army
What best rock for cave defense
Honestly, who would win, if they'd ever clash?
How old were you when you realized the AR-18 was an improvement on the 15?
Do you even meme?
What's Jow Forums veredict? real? false?
Do you feel that noose tightening around your neck, glock fanbois?
What should I be aware of
Civilians can't fight a civil wa-
If person's are within 21 ft of a straight shot behind a active gunman and individuals have a sharp pair of scissors is...
Whats a good age to start my daughter shooting a 22 at? shes 2 and a half... i was thinking, 3, like a late 3. or 4
Old people guns
Ground Force War
Are there any practical uses for 6.5 grendel...
Do you pronounce "carbine" as car-bean or car-byne?
Oh no!
Should I do it /b/?
Can we get a war heroes thread going?
Realistically, will the LGBT/furfags/animecucks get kicked out by the new jannies...
Which one of you fags did this?
Family Photo bread, Rate em and Hate em
Is it a dead cartridge?
So I'm doing some thinking
What's the strangest/rarest/coolest chambering you actually own a gun in...
Who would you say is the patron saint of Jow Forumsommandoes
Bubba gun general
I'm getting a Finnish Mosin much like this one in hopes it killed some flithy communists :)
Is it worth paying to have a gunsmith pin the front sight or are dimples, set screws, and red loctite good enough?
/msg/ - Milsurp General - FIX BAYONETS Edititon
Is the Zastava M70 NPAP any good?
Does anyone else have this booklet? its the funniest shit. they gave it to soldiers as a how to for m16 use
Live in Georgia
/PMC/ general
Did you ever go out huntin' because you wanted revenge for one of your pets being killed by wild animals?
Welcome to the first ever /JK/ this is the jewish gun owner Jow Forumsoncentration thread! Talk about all your Jewish...
Durr the sherman was a superior AFV to the tiger/panther because we made lots of them!!
How was german CAS and air to ground capabilities in general in WW2...
Dog keeps mauling the neighbourhood children
Handgun General - /hg/ - #207
Farm Attack Boogaloo
How would warfare change if there were new kinds of armor that were to guns as knights armor was to bows
Land of the free
Ywn be in the norwegian army
I have made irl enemies
I.S.I.S - Syrian Civil War
MBTs, are we on the verge of updating our current armor? What modern tank has preformed the best in combat so far?
Find a flaw
Homebrew gigglies
/ak/ general
The Man in the High Castle TV
Kurdistan thread?
How do I start a left wing socialist militia?
Hey Jow Forums I am getting bored of the current firearms I have, I was looking to pick up something
Soooo sexy and fast
Small numbers massacring huge numbers
If you had to give the US occupation of Iraq/Afghanistan a theme song, what would it be?
Guys how do I send my plan to the military?
PSA AR-15 A2 knockoff
Is there any form of cuckoldry bigger than joining he American army?
Morale thread
Why did the standard Japanese rifle have these?
Gun builds
Best caliber, to stop Niggs?
Which guns can I legally get right now that is similar to doom and also what exercise routine and diet can I be on that...
45 Long Colt
Saw a really qt girl in one of my lectures browsing Jow Forums
Whats the best cudgel for home defense?
Hope none of you are using your Mark IV pistols
Post a pic of your favorite tank
What is your favorite ship of all time?
Training Costs
Stop bully tiger pls
I feel like there's a way to modernize this, but we haven't figure it out yet
Anyone here have the S&W Governor? I'm interested in buying one for a...
What are the Zoomest weapons ever?
What is your favorite battlemech, Jow Forums?
Mile 22
Hey Jow Forums...
Has K ever been mugged?
Could Halo Guns work in real life?
Hey Jow Forums, how do I win a streetfight?
I promise this isn't a trolling Miniposting thread. Now that that's out of the way...
The Eceleb curse
How was the zone, S.T.A.L.K.E.R?
What's your loadout for Martial Law?
5.56 Replaced?
Stalker thread
Does anyone else get weird looks/treated differently when wearing milsurp?
Combat Vehicles
New AK47 from Century International Arms
What are your guys opinions on the C93 rifle?
Is he Jow Forums?
What does Jow Forums recommend for taking down a homicidal android?
UK Civil War 2 (Electric Boogaloo)
What plane should you buy to replace all those ageing f-16s?
Canada General - Boycott Al Flaherty's Edition
Tube Magazines
9mm vs .40 S/W
Anybody remember when Brad Pitt may or may not have came on Jow Forums about a month back? Probably bullshit...
What kind of bomb is this? How do you think it was intended to "work?"
AR Thread / AR General /arg/
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
What is the best jet to replace SU-27/MIG-29 for east european country?
High end custom knife, worth?
With the platoon commander wounded and sergeant killed, Cpl McLaughlin took charge of the platting himself
Which is better Jow Forums war thunder or world of tanks
Identify this shell
Freedom Arms Model 97 in .22lr
Planning on doing a stalker challenge, the only problem is finding a good place to go in South Florida...
Dont forget to put ur ears on Jow Forums!
Why don't we see more terrorist groups training suicide dogs to run up to the enemy and explode?
What is wrong/right with the Stryker...
CC related autism
Is buying guns with broken stocks form pawn shops/armslist for cheap then repairing them to sell for a profit a viable...
If the F35 costs $100 million per plane, why does the JF-17 cost $60 million per plane? Is it underrated?
What are the best crops to grow for when SHTF?
Dassault has unveiled a new next-generation fighter jet
Sa/k/red Deer
Taran Tactical
Glock hate
How relevant are mortars today?
What would it take for you to consider collaborating with an occupying force?
ITT: insta-boners only
Any of you niggas get in on the Ohio National Guard shotguns?
How many foot pounds is this?
Jow Forums Humor
I'm drunk and want an ATF meme thread. Give me the memes boyos. Also what are you kommandos drinking tonight...
Meanwhile, in the not so distant future of 2068 Jow Forums
What got you into firearms?
P320c vs. P99 AS
How black projects are funded
ITT: Post pics of old gun ads
Favorite camouflage
Front range fags report in
EDC thread themed edition
Is there any reason to polish a knife blade to a mirror finish other than aesthetics?
Innawoods Civil War 2 Loadout
What was the silliest meme product from the GWOT era?
John Hickok
Recent Acquisitions thread
What does Jow Forums think about Nodak's new M4 survival rifle stock?
Please vote no on I-1639
Is there any advantage to hunting with a lever action as opposed to a bolt action?
/akg/ AK General
Bull pup kits
What is your dream firearm that does not exist?
In this world, who are the /goodguys/?
Leopard 1 VS AMX-30
WGWS loves reddit edition
Civil War 2 Electic Bogaloo
Are daniel defense ars worth the money?
Handgun General - /hg/ #206
Mi-28 Docco
CAR-15 issued to "elite" troops in the late 60's due to the firepower and compact size
DSA 58
First time AR buyer who just bought a PSA AR. Out of box noticed gouges near stock...
.357 magnum smg
What is the application process like to be in the FBI...
Revolutionary feeding system
OK so a real no bs legit zombie apocalypse happens. They aren't your run of the mill dumb zombies...
German engineering
KommandoStore Halloween Mystery Box
*sip* that was a country!
Explain to me again exactly why we allowed the last jap carrier in ww2 return to japan instead of just finishing it off?
Am i a fudd for wanting a levre action? i think they're pretty lit
30-30 Appreciation
1991 Gulf War Thread
Draw your favorite gun
Help finding guns thread
Building a 9mm AR
/gq/ - gear queer
Abrahams 2 : The Shartening
Whats your go to Jow Forums day dream when youre bored and wish the happening would happen
What is the best ar optic for shtf?
Are custom glocks worth getting into?
Your thoughts?
France's new carrier
Bubba thread
Choose your forever gun
Buy, Sell, Trade
Anybody else boil their guns to clean them?
If you could have any gun?
So I take it that most Jow Forums love the Sherman
Operators oper8ing operationally
Perfection doesn't exi
What gun do you think he used?
Practically free
Handguns successfully killed or deterred bears 97% of the time in 37 analyzed cases
Why was India disappointed by it...
I’m a poor blue collar type who’s going to be receiving $200,000-$500...
REEEEEE thread
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship