Ground Force War

800 defending soldiers Vs 7000 invaders

Will it be enough?

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why not use air force to shoot them down

nah too expensive of a waste

air farce cannot hold ground

>shoot them down

Are you retarded

Semi-related, but to address the pic in the OP, walls work, but are only cost effective on urbanized portions of the border. The farther the wall goes out into rural areas, the more cost goes up and the more effectivness falls. Double layer electrified fencing and layers of surveillance would be sufficient for the majority of the border.

Youre fucking retarded. Apparently its fine to build some billion dollar project fighter jet, then too expensive to move them when a hurricane comes

Stupid fuck

Ive been voting for this since the day I heard about the caravan

let's test another MOAB

Yea man, I dont know what idiot said walls dont work. Ass on chest retarded

Redpill me on caravan. They plan to zerg-rush or something?

Werent those supposed to expire a few months ago? We should be cleaning the shelves

Who the fuck knows.

Its basically just a fuckall group of sad guatemalans and south americans that have their minds made up that theyre just going to march into the united states without contest.

Who knows what they ACTUALLY plan to do. Im imagining its gonna be like that scene from maze runner III where all the slum hobo raiders have the protest outside the wall and end up getting fired upon.

They probably will scatter at the last second and try to make a run/swim for it

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They'll attempt to cross the border and be detained.
They will apply for asylum once in detention and be released to family pending their applications.
They will remain long after their applications are denied.
A certain political party will grant them a path to citizenship and voting rights.
America is over.

Lets hope not

>these expired. The only way to know if they work is if we use them... all of them

I was watching a series on China, specifically one in which they visited some of border areas with Russia. Simple barbed wire fence seemed like it worked well enough.

If you actually beleive that retarded shit, i dont know what to tell you.

>russians arent running into china like mexicans are the US

>the wall pictured is mexico and USA wall, and theyre still getting in by either swimming around, or digging under

Barb wire wont keep 7000 people out numbnuts

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In the Southern part of Texas, near the town of San Antone
Lies a fortress, now in ruins
that the weeds have overgrown

>Apparently its fine to build some billion dollar project fighter jet, then too expensive to move them when a hurricane comes

Or you know physically impossible but whatever I'm sure you know best

So why is the military of a sovereign nation not actually allowed to defend the borders of said nation? Can Americans explain this to me?



Send an entire armored division down there.

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They will arrive on the US Jow Forums liking it or not. This is the sad state of affairs we live in.


This. Unless something drastically different happens. Legal immigrants vs illegal immigrants culturally you have two different mind sets

As with all else, we'll see.

A pinch of leftists
A sprinkle of feminists
A handful of weaklings and idiots
And a heaping fuckton of jews

Is all it takes to bring ridiculously powerful and prosperous countries to their knees

>So why is the military of a sovereign nation not actually allowed to defend the borders of said nation? Can Americans explain this to me?
Because of a law called Posse Comitatus that's intended to prevent the military from being used as a police force within the borders of the US. The rub for the NPCs is that Posse Comitatus does not apply to this kind of situation.

Dont forget a treasonous media

That too.

This, sadly is the unfortunate truth. Nothing can be done and even if they were stopped they would split and sneak in separately. This has been happening for decades.

America will continue to decline and no one will lift a finger to stop it because the left will continue to keep a muzzle on patriots.

>2100 National Guard

You mean the one defended by mostly non-Texans? And of the actual Texans there, most of them spics? lel

Lots of Jew gnomes.


You may look in vain for Crosses and you'll never see a one,
But sometimes between the setting and the rising of the sun,

Probably some law that doesnt allow the military to enforce police shit

>NPCs that blame all their problems on muh joos because they are too lazy to leave their mother's basement to fix them
Jow Forums niggers are pathetic

If we had the law i can imagine them pileing over the wall like the Israel scene in World War Z

whats the other option fag, go attack the government? Were just trying to lighten up the situation.

>1000 miles until caravan reaches US border
>sickness, hunger and exhaustion grips at leaft 75%
>some too exhausted to continue

Top lel when mexico ends up with more than three quarters of these invaders because they couldnt continue to the border and gave up, and were too exhausted to even attempt a run across the barbed wire.

Eat shit mexico, Hope you like illegal immigrants

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What the fuck else are we supposed to do you stupid faggot?

>voting doesnt work
>money does
>jews happen to control 80% of that

Go kill yourself faggot

Importing labor over the course of 200 years really backfired, huh

Why the fuck are they coming to the US? Why not ANY of the 10 other countries in south america?

death by a thousand cuts. but hey user you get to have a big house, multiple vehicles and cheap food.

No kidding dipshit

Because those countries dont give handounts to illegals as readily as the us does

I sure half of the countries illegals wouldn't be a problem if we just got rid of welfare.

To mostly all third world steaming piles, the US is still seen as THE free nation: Hollywood, Vegas, the Big Apple, etc. They probably figure go big or die

r8 my border defenses

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Well no fuckin shit you god damn moron
>lets just hire every smelly immigrant we possibly can and pay them as little as possible!
Worked fine in the 1800s-early 1900s, then that gave way into the depression.

>oh boy 200 year old methodology sure works!

Yep, now two hundred years later, we are dealing with thousands of niggers, mexicans, and other illegals stealing the jobs americans could be making a living off of, just because you want to advocate slave labor

>dont forget the overpopulation and destruction of racial purity



The ground hogs will zerg rush into the lava, exploding, to create a liquid fire tsunami

>death lgsers
>hate grown people

BecAuse all the mud niggers there are big on cocaine, gang violence, and above all else, overcrowded with brown people

>lava lit
>daeth lagers
>ground hegs with kynqmite that hate grown people

Any attempt for right-wingers to organize is either a honey pot or is squandered by the left. Unless you want to lead the charge user learn to accept the fact that you live in a dying empire.

Dangling participle or cognitive dissonance?

>stealing the jobs
I like how you shifted the blame away from people who hire illegals in the first place

>destruction of racial purity
Let's see you score over 75% Dutch-Irish on your DNA test

were not going to you fucking moronic faggot, its over the end is here, I just want to laugh at stupid people on the internet and make racist jokes, but all of them loose their value when plebbit fags like you came here and constantly same the same damn shit over and over again. Go back to Jow Forums, you must be an incel, you probably live in parent basement.

>cognative dissonance
See attached diagram

>shifting blame
If we would pass a law allowing the feds to imprison anyone who knowingly, or UNknowingly hired illegals for cheap work, we would be rid of this fuckin problem tomorrow.

German/russian/english, get rekt faggot

But anyways, im more pissed about the mexicans than the irish ir the dutch

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>are you really this retarded?

Not unless a war is declared.

>racial purity
You rekt yourself, kiddo

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Faggot trying to slide. Reddit is that way.

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Perfect practice for the chairforce. Let all the CAS pilots do 1 run and see who can get the most kills.

Uppity Southerners during the Reconstruction.

We'll be fine

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Offer intruders a bus ride . Drive them to cargo ship . Herd them in under armed force . Ship them to far South America .

I’ll tell you what will happen, these illegals will get in (because that’s what always fucking happens) they’ll shit out a fuckload of anchor babies, over half will become gangbangers and tweakers while the rest will become radicalized La Raza/BAMN types and they will continue to shit on the country. Anglos will go in full white flight mode, they will never go full 1488, and eventually then Southwest states will be 80% plus Latino and under complete control of the Democrats.

And that’s when things will get extremely ugly for legal, 1st and 2nd+ gen beans, I know for a fact that I don’t want to give up my 1A or 2A rights and things will get spicy with the Anglos gone and their system most likely collapsed and not available to be used against us. I’ll bet money that none of you whites will actually ever have to fire a shot in anger due to white flight but us non white citizens are going to have a shooting war very soon in this Brazil-tier hell that awaits us. I didn’t ask for any of this shit Anons, I just wanted to work, live and not have my rights infringed upon

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>tfw 30

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The point is you retarded fuck, legal immigration IS A O K.

But these 8 thousand shitskins expecting to just walk into the country and live here is not ok.

Theyre gonna suck uncle sams dick just like the rest of us. If I dont get a free ride, neither do they.

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>reddit: the post

>Wasn't on Jow Forums before Zimmerman's trial: the post

>Who knows what they ACTUALLY plan to do.
Sounds like an anti-Trump provocation. Typical model.
They want dead bodies on the news to label Trump a war criminal to impeach him.
This is what they have been trying in Poland for the past 3 years to make Kaczynski look like a nazi, to show 'evidence' of tyrany, because just liks in USA, in EU Poland has been labeled nazi for standing up to leftists & liberals. Same took place in Hungary.
We had a lot of laughter when members of opposition parties pretended to be beat up or run over by cops. (pic related)

Anyway, sorry for Jow Forumsing. Good luck ameribros.
>t.polish member of PiS

defeatist faggots this is the true form of the white "man"
stop impersonating me
NPCs spotted

>not realizing Crockett Bowie and Travis held the line by themselves like Noble Team while the beaners cried in the bunker

States the military can not act as law enforcement without permission of Congress. If Congress signs off we could deploy the entire US Army to machine gun these spics.

you cant just unbolt a few parts and stuff it into a truck. if it doesnt fly, then it doesnt go.

>lets just load these multi-million dollar top secret jets onto truckbeds and drive them across the united states

this is why you aren't in charge of anything at all except your own wreck of a life

>stop impersonating me
>replies to the person who replied to the post he says was impersonating him
Are you even trying anymore slide fag?

>lets do nothing while our billion dollar project gets scrapped by a hurricane

>lets build our billion dollar project in a location that humanity has known is a hurricane zone once a year, for hundreds of years

Keep telling yourself that as you live in your moms basement watching redtube all day faggot

[citation needed]

he was there, cowering.

Love that I’m a irelandfag means i don’t have to put up with illegals ruining the country

Totally unrelated but what are your thoughts on Sinead O'Connor turning Muslim, Micky?

*be glad that youre an irelander who isnt having his country ruined by illegals who were let in by treasonous faggots

Commies subverting America prior to a yuge loss for the Democrats in midterms.

That caravan is being funded and directed by political elites, not le freedom

I thought she had a mental disorder so in two minutes she probably convert again

>If we would pass a law allowing the feds to imprison anyone who knowingly, or UNknowingly hired illegals for cheap work, we would be rid of this fuckin problem tomorrow.
>legal immigrants are A OK
Legal Hispanic citizens are still a net negativo group and will sink the country in time, illegals not even needed.

It's a false flag, a nuke will be smuggled in at a different point;

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Texanon here. Are they arriving on the Texas border? I’ll go down and lend support if they are.

>If we would pass a law allowing the feds to imprison anyone who knowingly, or UNknowingly hired illegals for cheap work, we would be rid of this fuckin problem tomorrow.

Nope the don't need jobs, they go straight onto welfare, just like the mooslimes do

I doubt the people you are referring to are Iberian, user

Interesting, if this vermintide push is even mildly successful, they'll just keep getting larger.

Let's think critically for a second

Is there nothing there average citizen can do?

What if we go to the border ourselves? What are the legal implications if we try to enforce it on our own accord?

I say we put in place that one guys nuke plan from the korean war and make a radioactive deadzone on the border

It will be a while. The mass bulk of the group is still 1000 miles away.

Fuck it took me a couple days to hike twelve miles, even then my body/feet were beaten to shit by the mountians. Cant imagine that shit by foot

>What are the legal implications if we try to enforce it on our own accord?
Unless by enforce you mean try to grab as many hondurans you can and yell 'citizens arrest', bad. also antifa riots.