Whats your next project Jow Forums?

>Whats your next project Jow Forums?

I am wanting to build a M40A1 clone in 6.5CM, although I may just stick with .308.

Attached: usmc-m40a1-right_v2.png (1920x669, 542K)

Brainlet here, may I ask what do you mean with "building"?

He mean buy a cheap r700 and slapping an overpriced stock on it.

Exchanging money for goods. Probably will even do so for scope mounting.

>poorfag brainlet spotted

Negative, starting with a mated action, the buying the individual parts. Although I will be buying the overpriced McMillan Stock .

Here is my "M40A1" "build. 1-12” McLennan barrel, Mcmillan HTG Stock, Williams one piece M70 steel floor plate, PTG fitted bolt, Unitized repro Unertl/USMC one piece lugged scope mount with MEU repro Simrad mount, and a MST-100 USMC to top it all off.

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If you're going through all the effort to piece together and build a M40a1, I'd stick with 7.62.

Rebuilding and re-barreling a 96 krag. I'm currently in the process of rust-blueing all the parts

Attached: IMG_5272.jpg (1257x1201, 194K)

Fucking beautiful. Seriously. My dream raifu.
I'd stick with .308 honestly. Who knows if 6.5 will still be popular in 5, 10, or 20 years?

Total cost?

I’ve thought about sticking with 308 just because it’s original. I originally wanted to build it in 6.5x55 but it’s long action and there’s no way to reliably get it into a short action. I feel like the 6.5CR is a new caliber and possibly just a fad, whereas the 6.5 Swede has proven itself for years.

I'm going to my dealer this weekend to pick up a left handed Gibbz Arms side charging receiver set for a 300 blackout build. Only other piece I've bought for it so far is a Maxim CQB stock (not the brace, it will be a 9" SBR)

Since I am in Canada, you don't want to know. To put it into perspective, the MST-100 scope alone here in Canada will run a person about $3000-$4000

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In Canadian Rupees.

>Validate my purchase plans Jow Forums
Fuck off.

That's a big rifle user.

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>not having purchase plans

Fuck off poorfag

Not even joking, call texas brigade armory,and tell them you want an m40a1, but 6.5cm, and they will make you a masterpiece. Price isnt even too bad since it wont be fucking GAP prices.

If you didnt know TBA and GAP used to be the only ones who did legit m40s when people wanted clones.

Piecing together a contender pistol in 223 for 500+ yard handgun shots. I have the frame, now its time for the mgm barrel and scope.

I had a McMillan once. Found it on eBay listed as 'camo stock'.

Was for a Ruger 77. Bought and relisted it and made a few bucks. Kinda wish I kept it, but when you're making $8/hr, rent money is rent money.

Yup, up here we pay stupid prices for Firearms related stuff.

>all that work and money for what amounts to a basic bitch fudd deer rifle you can snag for $300

The same can be said for any Gucci tier AR.

Which are also retarded, yes.

>currently going for close to $6k usd
Sounds like you got a steal man

Are you serious? There is another one of these scopes sitting at a store for about $2800 USD. The only one I can find for sale in the country.

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I'd like to build a vz61, then get some 32acp dies

You just sound poor.

You sound like you think money is a substitute for proficiency.

>you can't have both money and proficiency
This is what poorfags actually tell themselves

Sure you can. But you don't.

Answer for OP: next project is a 7mm-08 with a lower-powered optic (2-7x probably).

Concept is to sort of cross doing a modern take on the 1903A4 with a rifle that would be well-suited to Randy Cain's Practical Rifle course (which I intend to take).

I don't love .308 and don't trust 6.5 CM's longevity yet, so 7mm-08 seems like a reasonable compromise as it's easier to get than .260 Rem.

Not sure if I want to stay with a floorplate or do AICS bottom metal. I won't be building anything per se, just starting with a barreled action and assembling it.

Ok little buddy.

I'm not your buddy, guy.

Building a SAM-R, Model 727, or MK18 Mod0 clone next. Depends on how money shakes out, and what sales happen for the holidays. Right now focused on buying mags incase the grabber running for governor wins.

A nicely built one will be consistently more accurate than lesser rifles. A cheaper rifle like an RPR might be able to compete because the aluminum chassis but it still wouldn't be made of the same grade of parts.

>muh special components! It can totally shoot .005MOA!
It will perform identically to most respectable cheaper rifles (read: not a savage) and that's okay. Specialties demand a premium.

Just got a Browning Auto 5 at a pawn shop pretty cheap. It's in good mechanical shape, but the wood furniture has it's varnish all scratched and worn. I plan on stripping and refinishing the wood. After that I'm considering making it a "vintage tactical" shotgun. Making it a SBS is a possibility.

Do it

Attached: 20180901_230731b.jpg (1920x1080, 1022K)

I've derived a lot of inspiration from pictures like this.

Def one of my favorite shotguns

Attached: 20180901_230731.jpg (4032x2268, 2.52M)

Wait and see what the military switches to. They're looking at 6.8, but they'll hopefully test out 6.5 grendel since its superior in every way to 6.8.
Whichever happens will grant you cheap ammo.

Reminds me of Bonnie & Clyde!

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Ooo nice I've wanted a krag for a while now

As long as you keep it in wood you can do whatever the fuck you want to it and it'll remain sexy.