Lookin for a. 22 bolt action

You guys got any recommendations?
Wanna be able to legally shoot in any state on any range for cheap as I may be traveling in the near future and if may include a bad state or two

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Marlin rimfire

cz 452


Paying that much? Nty. 200ish max is where I draw the line. Unless there is an exceptional reason to go beyond which I don't see for this case

455 standard should be in the high 200's

I've had my eye on a Savage B22 FV-SR for a while. Fairly cheap for a suppressor ready .22 with an accutrigger.

Attached: b22fv-sr.jpg (1500x350, 56K)

You need state-specific licenses to shoot in a lot of liberal states, currently there is no way for civillians to legally carry in all states, and FOPA only covers having it in your car, not taking it to ranges.

Remington 511

I'd be living there if I shoot there. Don't worry about the legalities so much, I'll do that when i know my situation better.

I see it as low 300s and lgs around here don't have it from what I've seen to compare. Usually it's not cheaper.

Thanks will check it out

CZ, Savage Mark II

Marlin XTs aren't bad either and can be had with tube mags.

Do you want to improve Marksmanship or just plink?

You will be limited by equipment and ammunition.
Good 22LR ammo starts around $7 per 50 round box and it probably is imported, Eley, Lapua, SK, RWS, or lower repackaged RWS like Geco, Norma, Federal Ultra Match, or Wolf which is actually SK.

Savage, CZ, Sako, Anschutz 64, Remington 40X, Lithgow, Anschutz 54, Walther, G&E, Bleiker are the brands to consider in order of ascending price and expectations of accuracy.

Used CZ 452 over a new 455.

RWS R50 at 50 yards off of a bag with a CZ 452 Varmint In A McMillan stock with a 20X Leupold.
Top sighter bull is actually 4 groups of 5 shots with some elevation change between each group. Last Bull #4 I broke position to wipe sweat from my brow and couldn't get back into the groove. Bull #1 the flyer to the right is a trigger finger push. Didn't pull straight back. Right hand shooter.

Attached: IMG_20160424_183404_edit.jpg (768x1164, 195K)

>You need state-specific licenses to shoot in a lot of liberal states
>currently there is no way for civillians to legally carry in all states
To carry what? I don't think OP is talking about concealed-carrying a handgun. He's talking about taking a long gun to a local range. There's no law against that in any state.
>and FOPA only covers having it in your car, not taking it to ranges.
That's why he wants a 50 state legal gun.

Good old Savage Mk 2 FV
Best bang for your $200 imo

scotty kilmer's ghost

Savage mark 2. Accutrigger is amazing. Affordable and acurate af.

+1 for Accutrigger.
Shot a Savage in 6.5CM over the weekend.
Hell of a lot better than the R700 POS his buddy had.
They came over to sight in.

I really want a bolt .22 to shoot shorts out of. Auto .22s are fun, but having a rifle that's reliable with nearly any .22 ammunition is appealing.

I was looking into Ruger's American series. Unfortunately they don't seem to make many stainless rifles with iron sights. I live near the water, so corrosion resistance is really important. They're also a tad bit heavier, than I'd prefer (I really want a bolt .22 that weighs under 4lbs).

Attached: ruger-american-rimfire.jpg (640x480, 38K)

RPR in .22

I've had both the MKII FV and a regular MKII and the RPR is not only way cooler, it's a better platform for marksmanship. Cheap af too sub $500.

Is the quality control shit on new Marlin .22s? I know Remington destroyed Marlin's lever actions.

ruger American rimfire since its well made, fairly modular, affordable and uses good magazines

Can the barrels be switched out on these without a gunsmith?

Can ready, too.

Was considering actually thanks

Also checking this. I'd like to hold one of each but atm it looks like I gotta check online measurements. Not that it matters much for this case.

I know who Scotty is but wat

Appreciate you doing that.didnt feel like typing how off the mark the dude was on phone.

Attached: 9a6.jpg (398x500, 22K)

I'd say improve marksmanship. It's there for reliable maintenance of skills and range time but also to help me improve on the cheap no matter where I am.
Thanks for the list I'll check into them this weekend. I didn't even know some of those were a thing

This is probably what you are looking for.
Awesome fun too.
I have a CZ 452 Ultra Lux for open sight class and a 452 American for scope class.
Also check out an Appleseed shooting clinic.


Champchoice.com is a great source for 22LR.

Everything past a CZ is out of your price range, for now.

I can only dream about a Bleiker or G&E myself.

Tell me what I'd really gain by going beyond that?
Normally I shoot 5.56 and 308 but almost every gun I have is illegal on the antigun states so I figured the best benign and cheap rifle to universally continue to maintain and be able to improve my shooting is ideal.
I have money I just don't see why I'd pay more in this case

You will not regret paying 300 ish for a CZ 455. I get not wanting to drop the cash for a really nice one. That CZ is a hell of a lot of gun for the price though. You'll probably never outgrow it. Slick action. Nicely accurate.

interesting opinion about the 452 vs 455. Care to elaborate?

OK just got home and can use a real computer in stead of my phone.
452 VS 455.
CZ 452 goes all the way back to the early 50's as the BRNO Model 2. If you can find a BRNO Model 2 for less than $500 that is in good shape, buy it. CZ eventually bought BRNO and moved the factory to where it is today. It became the CZ 452 in the 90's and had some small details changed to reduce costs and labor. It still had the good Hammer forged barrel, double lug bolt, barrel was threaded into the receiver and different receiver machining for the 22Lr and 22 Magnum models. 455 simplified it even further in the mid 2000's. Single lug bolt, one receiver for either 22LR or 22 Magnum and just a different mag well bolted on and base plate around trigger. Big change was the barrel attachment method. Gone was the threaded in barrel and it was replaced with a press or sometimes slip in tenon fit that was held in place by two angled grub screws similar to a Ruger 10/22. This is where the variables of mass production start to creep in. Not all barrels fit the same. It took a couple of years for the 455 to catch up to where the 452 had been for decades. Some guys were immediately replacing the factory barrels with $400 Lilja barrels and still not equaling the older 452. Now the guys that got a Lilja, and trued up the factory receiver and properly set the headspace and had a good fitting tenon had excellent results. Merely truing the receiver face and setting the headspace and using Loctite 601 bearing retaining compound had good results with the factory barrels too. The 455 is sorted out for the most part now. All the tricks to get maximum accuracy are known. It is still luck of the draw but to a much lesser extent than the first two years of the 455. I bought all 4 of my CZ 22LR rifles before the 455 even came out. Picture is of my 452 American Tribal Stock and 452 Ultra Lux with the 28" barrel. This is what I shoot in CMP Rimfire Sporter but with a fixed 6X scope.

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Now why the extra $ for a more expensive 22LR rifle, scope and ammo...
How do you know if an errant shot was you ?
Your skill will rise to the level of your equipment and then plateau.
At some point your groups will not get any smaller.
You may be happy as a 4 MOA shooter, which is about a 2 inch group at 50 yards.
CZ has a 1 inch group standard at 50 yards which is 2 MOA with quality ammo.
I have seen test targets that come with an Anschutz that are below .3 inch at 50 yards.
It is all about reducing variables in order to make only your skill the variable.
As the quality goes up , precision in manufacturing increases and variability goes down.
I know based on previous results, not just a one time group, that my gun is a half MOA rifle at a minimum.
Picture is a Cz 452 Varmint heavy barrel in a McMillan BR50 stock with a Leupold scope.
I moved it over from the Tribal.
It is a rare CZ that will do that consistently and is on par with nearly any Anschutz model 64 and Sako's. I got lucky. I have turned down cash offers of over $1k for it. It is a tough BR gun in stock class when I put the wooden stock on it.
A classic Remington 40X or Anschutz 54 will beat it with a good shooter behind the trigger.
G&E and Bleiker are Swiss Olympic style rifles.
I will own an Anshutz 1700 series before I die.
I could sell all of my CZ's and get one now.
Still buying things for the grandbabies.
They will inherit the CZ's.
Best rimfire forum on the web
forums.gunhive.com/ Probably the most OCD LR centerfire and rimfire guys I know.
I am talking cases of 22LR each year as practice for custom PRS rifles.
Custom built 40X 22Lr in McMillan or Manners stocks.

Attached: 452 McVarmint.jpg (1024x311, 225K)

Either CZ or Savage. Best accuracy for the bucks.

I really like the savage mkII. it's a really sweet little shooter.

Consider a Winchester Wildcat. Comes with 5 round mags that fit flush, or 10 round mags that stick out. Stainless steel bolt, walnut stock. 4.5 lbs unscoped, 38", 21" barrel.

Attached: WINCHESTER.jpg (640x480, 19K)

Yep, it is an exponential curve in expense.

Gee thanks. Cz seems like a solid choice. Gonna really weigh the 455.i like things I can reasonably keep forever.
Right now I'll be using Iron sights and that's the intent for the foreseeable future but I'm not against future proofing one bit.
You seem to really like 22s I appreciate it.

Savage and cz are recurring, helps narrow it down a good deal.

Strong testimony