Jow Forums, you own firearms for protection purposes, amongst many other things, yes...

Jow Forums, you own firearms for protection purposes, amongst many other things, yes? When taking the protection aspect into consideration, which of these applies to you the most?
>i own firearms because i don't want to die, and if i needed one, and didn't have it, id end up dead, and im not ready for that any time soon
>i own firearms because if i was killed or the victim of violence, my assailant would go on to harm others, maybe even family or friends

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I guess the first one moreso than the second?

One applies somewhat more if I was at home during an event than out and about obv

The second one

While i may not care too much about my own life i value those of my friends and family

Both and because I can, also if I needed to fight the government.

I want to kill

>that image

...That makes no sense

Is the anime slut trying to lure in the enemy with bob? I don't understand.

>i own firearms because I hate the government

Come on OP, it's like you didn't even lurk

The second but add eugenics to the mix. Aggressive criminals are genetic defects who inherited a propensity for poor impulse control and dysfunctional executive planning skills. If someone is going to kill me and they didn't have to drug me and tie me up in the middle of nowhere to do it they need to be removed from the gene pool ASAP.

At least the smarter psychos can be good lawyers and politicians

Dunno, it just is a silly Jow Forums-picrelated. It's doubtful the artist even took it seriously.

Well, that's why the second amendment is even there!

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Have a trophy, no child left behind.

Both. When you live in a run-down area that's in the process of being gentrified the trash tends to get aggressive and fight back, like parasites.

The second. It used to be the first, but since losing my own family/friends I don't really care much about dying myself.

The first one.

The second one is brainlet bait. First, if you are dead nothing matters--this isn't a hugely difficult concept to accept, but I'd ration that 90% of human beings are essentially children without the ability to think critically. Second, if your reason for owning a firearm is to 'save' other people, you obviously have a problem with your own self worth and are likely a self-hating degenerate whose entire life will be painful and should have killed yourself years ago.

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Same reason I got first aid certification, both. I don't want to die, and I don't want anyone else to die because of my inaction.

>and should have killed yourself years ago
Couldn't then, couldn't now, there's a thing called responsibilities and commitments. Harm of suicide/death > Benefits. Hard to fulfill obligations and do one's best to help and benefit family and friends, other people, if you're dead.

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>Hard to fulfill obligations and do one's best to help and benefit family and friends, other people, if you're dead.

See the first point about brainlets lacking the ability to think critically. Why do you place any value in your usefulness to other people if you are personally miserable? You are going to die never having been happy, and once you are dead none of it will have mattered. "Duty" is imaginary, you have been oversocialized and feel guilt over concepts that someone else invented and which are opposed to your personal happiness.

I'm not telling you to change your mind, of course. The story goes with you oversocialized types that no matter how inconvenient or stupid your beliefs you can't stop feeling guilty or sad about the things you know don't matter.

>why do you place value
I care about my family and friends, and there's not a huge amount of either of those I'm extremely close to, and selflessness > selfishness. Suicide would cause more harm than good.
>duty is imaginary
It's as real as you're willing to put value on it. Do you have siblings? Lifelong friends? Close family? You don't care about them? You don't value them above yourself? There's a difference between trying to be a good person and a people pleaser, which seems to be what you mean by "oversocialized", which is quite the opposite, really. I fight with people all the time because I choose to be honest and upfront instead of lying and manipulating for my own benefit, like actual "oversocialized" people do, and because they do, have things easier than if they went as far as they could towards the other extreme.

I love the Gab panties. Nice touch.

>i own firearms because if i was killed or the victim of violence, my assailant would go on to harm others, maybe even family or friends
Mostly this. Im an old fucker (30yo) and I've been stupid enough to come close to death a few times (living by the narrowest of margins) and even been shot before. I've made peace with dying.
So i mostly own the guns i do for sport and to protect my loved ones.

>You are going to die never having been happy, and once you are dead none of it will have mattered. "Duty" is imaginary, you have been oversocialized and feel guilt over concepts that someone else invented and which are opposed to your personal happiness.
You dont know whats going to make you happy. You assume you know until you get that thing and find out. However, yoy do have a pretty good idea of what's going to make you miserable and is going to be hard to live with. And that's what duty is about.
maybe you can control your mind and forgive yourself for your past mistakes. But most of us can't.

The manner of death matters. I'd be perfectly happy to die of a massive heart attack or stroke right now, but I'm not willing to be killed by some subhuman piece of shit who wants my stuff.

>I own firearms because I can, they're incredibly enjoyable to shoot/build, and fuck niggers the most



I own guns so I can kill anyone who hurts my dog or younger siblings.

You have to 18 to post here.

She's about to commit a war crime on her naive, shota prisoner.

Is this a metalgearsolid parody? Is that supposed to be snake?

Because I can.

My personal take:
>I own firearms because it keeps me close to My American roots and my great ancestors who fought hard to secure the land in this country. Without firearms this country would be nothing but a shell and furthermore, without firearms my ancestors could’ve never fulfilled Manifest Destiny, claimed what’s ours, and transformed everything east of the Blueridge and Appalachia into a sprawling haven for mankind.

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I own firearms because I'm ultimately responsible for my own safety and they're the best tools available to stop another human from making me a victim

>finger on the trigger


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Aren't you Jow Forumsommandos worried about the legal battles after an incident? Especially if it happened in a public area?

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Unironically yes. Even if it's a 100% open and shut case it's still a tremendous hassle of paperwork and inquiry that I would rather avoid unless absolutely necessary. No one ever really seems to consider this, for some reason.

>needed to fight the government
>Hughes amendment
>Patriot Act
>Age restrictions to transfer
>require to transfer in the first place

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>It's impossible to break those laws

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It keeps me up at night, if I shot someone to protect my home I truly wonder if there is some way for the people who handle this to just handle it and leave me alone but I know it's never that simple.

See that bogey down the hall? She does.


The first one, I'm a supporter of the second amendment, and own weaponry due to not being able to feel safe in my own neighborhood. Africans and Hispanics have poured in over the last decade, things have changed, there's constant murder or robberies.
I pray none of you have to experience this feel. We used to be able to leave our front doors unlocked, take a stroll down the block, or even walk the dog without eyeing everyone in a five mile radius up and down in hopes they don't fucking blast you to smithereens.

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>"Duty" is imaginary
Begone, you disgusting pleb.

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More like
>I own guns because right now, I live in relatively “good” times. But I know that it won’t always be like that, and some day I am going to have to wake up and face the violence. But I also have a pistol because around blacks never relax

>Fighting = hiding natural acts from big daddy

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I like the bang sound, If given the choice I rather beat an intruder into hamburger meat with a club cause I want to feel every second of it.

Not so much anymore. I've had a few close calls that I won't detail here cuz I'm lazy. But I now know what elements need to be present for a clean shoot that complies with the law. And I also know how to cover my ass or, more importantly, avoid a situation where I can't cover my ass or reasonably defend my decision.

Little column A, little column B.
1. As far as I'm aware, I only get one ride on the merry go round, and fuck anyone that wants to end that prematurely.
2. I'm important to my mom, wife, nieces, nephew, friends, cats, and co-workers. I have a responsibility to preserve my life so they can have me in it.
3. These people/pets are mine, and they also only get 1 ride so again fuck anyone who wants to make that not happen.

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