There’s an auction near me tomorrow ful of world war era stuff and in the catalogue they have pic related.
Is this real or is it a ploy by the atf?
There’s an auction near me tomorrow ful of world war era stuff and in the catalogue they have pic related
And this
Here’s the 40’s receiver
>closed bolts on each
Must be old reproductions, don't bother. Those rugs, however, look very promising
How much are they worth?
The guns i mean
they may be dewats but are probably replicas
Original forum mag?
>what are they worth
whatever someone is willing to pay for them
What should I be willing to pay for them?
About tree-fiddy
I was going to bid off site and try and call about papers but did some reading and found this in the auction pdf... bummer
You could always get the daggers and destroy them.
Thank you so much for showing me this, I would have drove two hours each way for a wall hanger.
I know a guy that has a non firing sten gun. They just welded the chamber shut.
it's a 130 dollar part.
That's a felony if he's in the US.
Unless it's registered the receiver must be destroyed to legally be deactivated.
No problem user if I was closer I’d probably go but I’m in Indiana.... I’d love to have them but can you imagine showing up to an auction and scoring a transferable with papers that wasn’t properly adviertised do to lack of knowledge. That’s the only way I’d be able to afford one
Nope. That's a change that's fairly recent.
Dewats prior to 1968 were fine with intact receivers and were grandfathered when the laws changed. If they were registered at the time they can even be reactivated on a Form 1.
I thought that dewats had to be registered to be legal regardless. No?
Unregistered dewats are a grey area. Technically legal but no way of proving it.
If these firearms are in fact dewats and if there remained existing paperwork on their proof of being registered they would be very valuable....
A smart op would be digging into this, but OP is a mega fag
looks to be a dewat
I have a deactivated Sten. (Not in the US). Between the bits they have blowtorched and the bits they have welded shut, it's about as good for repairing as a boat anchor. A kit set I bought once had more working parts.
Many US machine guns are deactivated by a welded barrel and a damaged bolt; of course repairability varies heavily so you have to look at the individual gun
Fellow Iowafag here, what's good friend?
If you’re not buying them to resell then pay whatever you’d be fine with paying for semi auto reproductions.