Is 10mm the superior round? Is the Glock 40 gen 4 the best 10mm handgun?
Is 10mm the superior round? Is the Glock 40 gen 4 the best 10mm handgun?
10mm is for killing shit dead. 9mm is for training and self defense. .40 is now overpriced and dead. 45 is pointless due to 10mm. All other rounds are irrelevant. /thread
great for burr cuntry, it's what i carry for grizzly when i can't carry a rifle or shotgun. you just have to make sure you get the right ammo and it doesnt hurt to practice mitigating recoil at the range with the cheaper commercial ammo.
also i prefer the g20. i dont like huge glocks like the 40 or 17.
>45 is pointless due to 10mm
unless you get a glock or an xdm and convert it to 460 rowland. thats the ultimate bear pistol.
Fuck off avatarfag.
yes and yes
and underwood / liberty bullets are the best ammo
How do Glock releases work? Is there any way to tell how long should it be before we see the G20 in gen 5? I really want to get a G20 as my first Glock but I like the gen 5 qualities more than the gen 4 qualities from what I've seen in other Glocks.
10mm is best round for insecure people who suspect that maybe they fell for a meme round and compensate for doing so by posting endless threads designed to extol the virtues of 10mm on Jow Forums
they have no plans to release gen 5 glocks in 10mm
post a better round you nog
>they have no plans to release gen 5 glocks in 10mm
Lonewolf and P80 is going to punish them pretty bad for this, you can pretty much build your own 10mm Glock with a beveled slide, forward serrations, and a pic rail for less.
truth be told 10mm is a fine round. but then so is .380, 9mm or 45acp. the difference is, 10mm partisans are like 10x more likely to shit up firearm discussion boards with moronic caliber supremacy stupidity than are fans of .380, 9mm or even - and this is a feat in and of itself - 45ACP fanboys
it's all so very tiresome
.45 Super
Hell, I like 'em all.
>Is 10mm the superior round?
If you mean in terms of a woods gun round that HAVE to be a hicap autoloader then yes. Otherwise, not really.
>woods gun but can be a revolver
.357 mag and .44 mag are both better. The former to a slight degree and the latter to a considerable one.
>i want a high energy light and fast CCW round for around the town carry and it HAS to be an autoloader
.357 sig. Hate to be that guy but frankly 10mm is kinda shit in the light and fast game due to the fact that all those super impressive(on paper...) rounds that you hear about use .40 S&W bullets. Below the 165gr range that tends to produce "interesting" results. If you're all about the .357mag stopping power memes but are revolver phobic for whatever reason then .357 sig honestly makes more sense, but i guess if you don't care about getting more than 9" of penetration then 10mm comes back into the running.
tl;dr if you want an autoloader that can pull double duty as a person/bear defensive tool in a semi-auto format then yes. Otherwise probably not.
You really think .44 is better? I carry around a .44 red hawk deer hunting because it's fun, literally no other reason since black bears are pussies. I was considering a Glock in 10mm for larping for the same reason.
i'm starting to get tired of these avatarfags using lum desu
In terms of FPE, velocity, and SD .44 magnum is a clear winner by a moderate degree. The only metric 10mm wins in is capacity.
What's wrong with her?
I think twatter or tumblr discovered urusei and every faggot is avatarfagging as lum
Cool. I still might pick one up. How's the recoil compared to .44?
>Is 10mm the superior round?
>460 rowland. thats the ultimate bear pistol.
Bigger caliber doesn't mean better performance. 460 rowland is inferior to 10mm due to higher recoil impulse leading to less accurate groups, especially under stress.
>10mm is best round for insecure people
Above is an example of NOT AN ARGUMENT. Cheap amateur psychoanalysis is literally worse than calling your opponent Hitler.
>.357 mag and .44 mag are both better.
That's retarded. 10mm is basically the modern .357 mag. Better ballistics, better capabilities all around.
>The only metric 10mm wins in is capacity.
Uh, no. Show me a .44mag load with similar armor penetration to i.e. Liberty 10mm.
>10mm is basically the modern .357 mag. Better ballistics
Do go on about how the ballistics of the round are better for woods use. Im rather curious.
>Show me a .44mag load with similar armor penetration to i.e. Liberty 10mm.
i was rather explicit in that i was speaking in terms of a woods round. AKA a caliber for anti game uses, not anti armor, so that's not really relevant. Although out of curiosity, exactly what level of antiarmor performance does that aforementioned 10mm load offer?
>Do go on about how the ballistics of the round are better for woods use. Im rather curious.
See left
>i was rather explicit in that i was speaking in terms of a woods round. AKA a caliber for anti game uses, not anti armor, so that's not really relevant.
Thick hide and thick bone is nature's armor. Liberty 10mm will defeat soft IIIA and still penetrate about 12" of gel with wicked expansion after penetration. It will fuck bears up just as well as an armored two-legged threat.
>See left
Wait, so since one bullet is marginally more bigger the 10mm btfo'd the .357 in a job where expansion is largely a secondary concern behind reliable penetration? also you literally posted a picture of 2 expanded rounds with zero provenance or explanation as to the circumstances involved in their collection.
>Thick hide and thick bone = kevlar
>liberty ammo will beat kevlar and get 12" of penetration so it's a good bear load
I think we're done here. This is just so much condensed retardation it's hard to handle
>animal hide=kevlar
Does this even really require a fucking answers? if a .22lr can penetrate bear hide and skull to drop a trophy grizzly then clearly animal hide isn't equivocal to kevlar. Hell, .22lr is a very common and effective poaching caliber for everything brown bear and smaller, clearly animal hide isn't made by dupont.
>Liberty 10mm will defeat soft IIIA and still penetrate about 12" of gel with wicked expansion
Demonstrably false. Liberty rounds are fragmenting rounds with a solid base. 4-5 chunks fall off as the round penetrates and then the base wiffle waffles around producing an at best caliber sized hole. Classic expansion in the JHP sense simply does not occur in any meaningful way.
>It will fuck bears up just as well as an armored two-legged threat.
If you think a high velocity handgun round that sheds more than half of its weight leaving a aprx 30gr base behind that can barely make jello requirements for an average man makes a good bear defense round then good for you. Anybody with even a basic understanding of terminal ballistics is gonna laugh their asses off at you all the way to the bank.
I love it
>22lr is a reliable bear poaching round
>liberty 10mm demonstrably wont penetrate IIIA
>expansion is less important than penetration
>so this round that penetrates 12" of gel after going through fucking kevlar isn't good enough
This goes well beyond butthurt fuddfag who just gotta have his rimmed cartridge wheelgat. Are you actually Yankee Marshal? I've never seen anyone else be so determinedly wrong.
10mm masterrace
Benefits of a 10mm Auto include:
-Dual purpose use
-Powerful commercial ammunition
-Relatively large mag cap
-Superior terminal performance
Some cons:
-There are better hunting rounds for pistols
The G20 is the best 10mm handgun.
G20C corrects much of the "recoil" issue, which desu isn't nearly as bad as traditional "big iron" like .45, .44, or .357
Has Glock explicitly stated they have no plans or have you interpreted their silence on the matter as a “no?”
but how much velocity does the round lose? ive heard that the 17c loses around 10% of its velocity