Women and Gun Terminology

>be me browsing tinder
>match with a solid 8/10 cutie.
>look through profile and see she has a pic of her shooting an Uzi with a wood-stock.
>message her and were talking, she’s telling me how she’s super into going shooting and wants to start collecting historical firearms.
>ask her about the Uzi pic..she didn’t know what she was shooting.
>ask if she owns any guns...she tells me words for word “I own a 9 mill and a Calliber 22 Ruger”...
>I unmatch immediately
Does this happen to anyone else? I’ve had several supposed pro-gun girls who know like literally nothing about them.

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And this is why Jow Forums never gets any pussy.

It's possible to be enthusiastic about something and not know much about it, and everyone starts somewhere. But it is entirely possible that she just picked guns up to seem more attractive to guys.

you virgin autist

Many women (some men as well) don't have hobbies, but they pretend to do.

>But it is entirely possible that she just picked guns up to seem more attractive to guys.
This is 95% of a woman's actions.

That low?

>Things that never happened

Why do Virgins feel the need to act like they brush over fine chicks because of one tiny flaw?

But like it was a matter of her saying that she wants to collect to OP that probably made him think she had some prior knowledge.

>Doesnt teach person who is clearly into shooting the proper terminology

You are both the worse for it

it doesn't mater if she is informed or not, if she is legitimately interested in the topic INFORM HER.

In my experience I wouldn't say they pretend to, but many women don't process hobbies the same way guys do. When guys get into hobbies they usually really immerse themselves in the background. A lot of women don't look for a deeper understanding of what they're doing to enjoy it. Even smart women who actually like a particular activity often won't dig too deep.

>why do jealous incel-cucks think that just because they’re desperate and would take any pussy thrown to them the rest of Jow Forums is like that to?

>wah wah OP is faggot because he won’t fuck girl that could’ve fucked me ):
>He’s dumb I would treat *insert random tinder girl* like a princess ):

This often doesn't work unless she's getting into something and really wants the help. If a chick is happy doing something she doesn't really understand, she's not going to care and you're going to look like a dork popping up going "WELL ACKSHUALLY."

Just date an autistic girl or a girl (male)

>I've had this question for a real long time

Imagine being this autistic.

>being 100% autistic

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>Just date an autistic girl

I did. Jow Forums's self-diagnosed-reverse-snowflake "autists" who want a waifu JUST LIKE THEM don't realize what it's actually like. Everyone wants to be a gangster until it's time to do gangster shit.

It is cute.
>Fedora guy: sees girl hot for bad guy
>Girl: doesn't know or care if guy is bad, as long as he is tall and muscled and assertive and the other things that fedora guy aren't
>Fedora guy, meanwhile, notices ugly girl giving him the eyes because she'll never be good enough for bad guy, but brushes her aside because she isn't up to his standards
>Fedora guy: forever alone, but proud that he can still hurt someone.

At least shes pro-gun you autistic fuck, that's like finding a unicorn

Date Filipinos if you like gun girls. Even the American-born ones I've met liked shooting. Of course they were also fucking insane so maybe that's not a great combination.

>>ask if she owns any guns...she tells me words for word “I own a 9 mill and a Calliber 22 Ruger”...
>>I unmatch immediately
>Does this happen to anyone else?

Virginity, I choose you!

no wanting to show her your big(smol) iron, nigga you gay.

Idk I matched with a cutie with a fat ass that was able to name the exact model of handgun she was looking at buying for concealed carry. Nothing in her profile indicated she was into guns though so you just gotta fuck around with conversation for a few days to get an honest answer about what they think of guns

>likes guns
>wants to get into guns more
>you know guns
>fucking dropped
I'd suggest buying a lot of your favorite lube and having one of your guns rechambered in .45 OP's cock.

You fucking turbo autist it should've gone like this:
>Show her a few things
>"Oh user, you know so much about what I'm interested in!"
>"Can I suck your cock user?"
This is why Jow Forums is virgin but this story is fake anyway, everyone knows no one on this board actually owns guns

Speak for yourself noguns

>Be you
>match with proguns girl
>she gives you a chance to teach her things and a date idea that she would be cool with
>unmatch because she doesn't know everything
If this is real you are too stupid to procreate.

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One of three things is happening
>OP lied or ommited key details here
>OP is genuinely autistic and thinks that anyone interested in a hobby has to be a human wiki on it, and is now upset people are giving him shit
>OP is larping for bait

>Met a tryhard buzzed haired army girl while we were both volunteering at a haunted house
>not attractive, but not a fatty--probably dyke
>We were both working a zombie scene with airshit weapons
>she keeps commenting on how these weapons aren't like real guns
>says she's really in to "real" guns and "real" shooting
>I ask what she owns
>a glock 9/11

I just said "oh," and walked away. She was active duty, as far as I know. Left halfway though the event because she couldn't handle the smoke machines. After the zombie actors saw her storm out, most of them silently bounced out. Me and some 12 year old kid had to improvise the scene and finish out the night.
Fuck quitters.


Why would you expect a woman to know shit about guns lol. Dumb autistic faggot

Why not all 3?

Women never know the right words for their own hobbies unless that hobby is horses or figure skating. You suck at women user.