Could the US ever be invaded? I want Red Dawn to be real so I can wage guerilla warfare on the communist occupiers

Could the US ever be invaded? I want Red Dawn to be real so I can wage guerilla warfare on the communist occupiers.

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No, and no you don't.

Pretty much /thread

Mexico has been successfully invading the US for decades now.

You'd be the guy that doesn't even get a full mag off before being gunned down in the street.

I want eugenics to be real so autists like you are killed at birth.

The communists aren't outside of the country anymore


Yes but you'd have to Balkanise first. Ten years give or take.

>Could the US ever be invaded?
Yes. It's happening daily. And the US has been conquered.
>wage guerilla warfare on the communist occupiers
You mean Democrats and their supporters?

Anyway, US is a completely conquered country at this point.

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The real question is, how to we red pill the migrants?

you don't, they bluepill you.

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Mexican Americans that have adjusted to US culture are cool. The ones that don't adjust or ever plan to are mostly in southern california, and big cities in Arizona and southern Texas.

You're fucking retarded.

The US would never be invaded simply because there would be no reason to do so. America is protected by geography - the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans keep all potential enemies at bay. The only countries that border America (Canada and Mexico) have neutral to positive relations with the US, and would not help anybody who wanted to use them to stage a US land invasion.

Besides, if Russia or China wanted to fuck up America that badly then they'd just nuke us.

>The US would never be invaded simply because there would be no reason to do so.
you're fucking retarded.

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>loss of jobs

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they toke our jerbs!


>muh civnat
Fuck off cunt, the overwhelming vast majority will vote your rights away and turn this country into mexico 2.0

Reality check: we get invaded every fucking day. The invaders in their so-far invulnerable sanctuary city-states now have more clout in the electoral college than any three low-pop red states.

A normal country would have had a civil war over this by now.

>Could the US ever be invaded?
Yes, but I highly doubt it would be successful. Would probably just be LA or NY being occupied for a few weeks/months before the invader got btfo.

You wouldnt even make it in this pic desu

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