Most Jow Forums pre-gunpowder weapon

You are transported to a fantasy world with no gunpowder weapons. Gunpowder does not, can not, and will never exist in this world, and there are no substitutes. Basically what I'm saying is no guns. What's your next go-to weapon? A crossbow perhaps?

Also, ignore magic and other fanciful fantasy stuff. You are a completely mundane human incapable of any of that.

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Invent railguns

>a fantasy world

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Airguns can presumably still work, unless there's no air in your fantasy setting, and thus everyone's dead anyway and none of this matters.

I was going to have the scenario be you getting transported back in time to the pre-gunpowder European medieval ages, but the chances of you having the freedom and resources to purchase and use your own equipment in such a scenario would be remote.

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Yes, an air gun would be an option, but could it pierce armor? Especially plate armor?

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pasta la vista

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Like you know how to teach a medieval fantasy people how to build railguns when they don't even have industrialization or gunpowder understood.

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>what's your next go-to weapon?
My wallet.

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>"I'm sorry user, but I don't know of any realm that recognizes your 'dollars' as a valid currency."

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>two shitty iron rails in a wood frame courtesy of the local blacksmith
>a chunk of iron wrapped in beaten copper to jam down in there
>an assload of potato batteries and capacitors made from bottles of piss

desu only hard part would be the potatoes b/c starving peasants and all that

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A spear

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This, fuck you and your bitch ass rules.

>an assload of potato batteries and capacitors made from bottles of piss
It's not exactly a personal weapon if the amount of potato batteries require to fire the damn thing is the size of a castle.

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I wasn't going for my dollars.

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>fantasy world
>Also, ignore magic and other fanciful fantasy stuff. You are a completely mundane human incapable of any of that.
Fuck that. In a scenario like that I would literally work towards the goal of understanding and using magic up until the day I die if that were the case. No excuses. If I physically cannot manipulate magic I will study it until I can build machines that do it for me.

As for a weapon, I've always wondered about the idea of a telekinetic projectile launcher. Imagine dozens or hundreds of weak telekinetic enchantments triggered in sequence to propel a slug in a way not dissimilar to a railgun. Couple that with mild levitation magic to float the projectile and you'd get a near friction-less launch. Some creative use of use of transformative magic at the end of the firing sequence could apply a temporary enlargement spell on the projectile, significantly increasing it's mass for a few seconds with no change to velocity. Load an 80 grain slug, fire a 400 grain one.

Magic is the ability to break and reforge reality, if it exists I'm going to find a way to abuse it.

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Just have a bunch of peasants hand a rock to each other in a straight line.

what are you gonna do, tickle him?

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A fantastic worlds with no magic and no gunpowder.

How about a bolt gun that runs on compressed air, or pipe bombs made of other explosive compounds?
Or even a semi-auto high powered PCP air guns that throw .50 slugs 200 meters?

If all that is out then I am sure their is some sort of combustible liquid from which I can make pressurized fuel air bombs from. It is just figuring out how to make a mechanical trigger to time things right rather then a electronic one.

A modern PCP air rifle can deliver a slug with the same force as a .45 ACP.

Fuck bows, fuck crossbows, get air rifle and then fuck some civilization into elves.

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No gunpowder ? Ok chemist/lawyer time.... nitrocellulose/nitroglycerin mixed, granulated and coated... chemistry between gunpowder and modern smokeless powders man are plenty different enough I can still run around with my ak 47 and mate with all the QT fantasy wiafus killing goblins and the such.
If you wanna move the goal post I’d accept a compressed air gun or a gauss rifle. Steam auto cannon would be a neat idea for an implacemnt type weapon.

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Medieval was never specified, just no gunpowder.

>Gunpowder does not, can not, and will never exist in this world, AND THERE ARE NO SUBSTITUTES
Although the compressed air guns and shit is fine. Not sure how the hell you plan on pulling off a gauss rifle, if it were so fucking easy I'm pretty sure I'd have seen one of you guys build one in your garage by now.

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she wouldn't be able to draw that crossbow

Does electricity exist? If so we're doing railguns.
>barrel quick change mechanism from machine guns is now a rail quick change mechanism for when they wear down

These threads are always the worst. We have a clearly autistic OP, and every response will be met with some counter. OP, you on't own the fucking thread. You can't control the fucking narrative. All you want is to post anime girls and have someone answer with a compound bow or pocket trebuchet or whatever wank you have in mind. The only good answer to your question is anything with the same properties as a gun but lacking gunpowder. Air rifles, rail guns, and other explosively propelled weapons are the key. Gunpowder is not the only deflagrant propellent.

This thread is on the same level as googling your favourite anime character Vs anyone else then getting mad at the autists arguing about it online, and likely done by the same person.

this is not pre-gunpowder. It just didn't use gunpowder. Not to say it didn't kick ass though

That's what the windlass is for.

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