What do you carry in your vehicle for an improvised weapon?
Pic related.
What do you carry in your vehicle for an improvised weapon?
Pic related.
my vehicle.
I carry an improvised club that doubles as a bullet shooting AR15
As-salāmu ʿalaykum
Same pipe I use as a lever for the tire iron. Has ended a bunch of deer.
A market gardener
Bet you feel hard
A shotgun.
Not really, but I prefer to kill a wounded animal to letting it lie kicking and bleedig in a ditch.
And since the faggot nation I live in makes private gun ownership a chore, I don't bring one around, forcing me to beat the animal to death rather than the preferable alternarive of shooting it.
Only while he's fucking it
>not eggvibeing it
This is Jow Forums after all.
My primary vehicle is a bicycle, so improvised weapons would be my steel toe shoes, the bike lock, or literally throwing the whole bike at them so I can draw a real weapon.
I also have pepper spray for untrained and wild dogs.
i have heard a bat is good for this, but to avoid certain liabilities such as
>he was carrying that to attack someone with!
you need to also keep a glove and ball with it.
A shield in 45
The Original Niggerbeater™
t. boomer
Pic related between seat and console.
Used to have a giant crowbar, which was also handy in general, but it was my bro's and I gave it back and haven't replaced it yet
A glock 20 and an AR15. I'm sure if someone came after me I could beat them with that stuff.
No one said Muh Dick yet ?
Muh Dick'
Not if I do first.
One of those polypropylene shorty baseball bats. And pepper spray. And a gun.
Same, my boomer dad got it for me for Christmas.
>Be me, college fag who just had lost his Glock 19 for bullshit legal reasons
>Just moved to go to grad school in Saint Louis
>Home for Christmas, open present
>Hope you enjoy it user, I know it looks like overkill, but it's bright and nice and heavy, perfect to have in the car console
>Preceded to give me a look
>I give him a look of understanding and grin awkwardly
>tth-anks Dad!
>Hey, dad, why do you keep this giant Maglight in the car? You can get way better, smaller flashlights nowadays.
>It's a club.
>Oh, I see.
You wouldn't be able to do shit if you had to get out and go to your trunk and pray that you could grab something in time.
I guess I could shoot them in the face until I get my trunk opened.
why wouldn't you just carry the 20?
That is the 20
>tire thumper
i thought that was a fishbat, you know for whackin fish
Son I live in a free state. I don't have to improvise weapons, I can carry actual weapons.
18" breaker bar, for getting lugnuts off real quick and blunt force trauma
>not 20+1
Never going to make it.
>not 31+1
what should we tell your children about their late father?