Reid Henrichs on gear vs training

Is he right, Jow Forums?

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Isnt Garand thumb actually a pretty skilled dude?

Of you do not stand firmly with Israel. You need to unsubscribe from Reid's. Channel right NOW

GT, that tranny-fucking faggot, got BTFO. All he does are fucking infomercials.

He is mostly correct. Spend enough to have reliable gear that will work. Then spend the rest on practice/training. He is a big proponent of dry fire which is free and actually very beneficial

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>Isnt Garand thumb actually a pretty skilled dude?
Not really. He never actually deployed anywhere. He never saw any combat. All he does is LARP... and fuck dudes.

I unsubbed from Reid after his, "You can only bring an unmodified factory rifle to my class" rant. But there's been a void in my life ever since. And yeah he's probably right.

>I don't agree with something he said even though 99% of what he says is good info
it's hard to find a better channel than his even though he says a lot of controversial shit.

Isnt that the same with Reid though?

>the only reason the protag lived is because the second guy couldnt get a draw

The eternal P*ccone strikes again. How can Garand thumb EVER recover?

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>People should stop focusing on buying gear
>People should focus on buying my training courses instead

I don't know a lot about this guy but he's pretty much spot on in what he's saying. However, GT is a guy who at the end of each of his videos literally says that buying the gear he reviews is useless without training. Also, I think that the gun community is going towards a phase right now where KISS rifles with iron sights and no rails and gen 3 Glocks are "in". I've been noticing this on Instagram where whether you like it or not, is where a lot of the gun community congregate and share ideas.

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at least he saw combat and isn't a faggot and also isn't an infomerical guru.

I dont get it, gun community has gone full circle? Why call for regress in tech added onto guns if theyre almost always a net positive? Seems like boomer logic to go "yeup, das all ya need right there pardner i tell ya huwat"

Pretty much, people are flexing their barebones rifles as a way to tell others how much they'd rather invest in training than gear. Expect this to change again in a few years when Gucci gear becomes more acceptable to these guys again

Fuck this kike faggot didn't even watch


>doesn't have an acog

Enjoy being blind behind your rifle contrarian spastic

whoever posted that image is living the NPC life

Garland thumb literally shills that people get training from qualified sources every video you fucking spergs

>In real life knocking Homie's gun hand aside would have resulted in an ND into buddy's abdomen.

There is literally nothing wrong with making your weapons preform tasks better so long as you still train with your gucci shit.
You can shoot fine with irons, you can shoot amazing with irons, but you will never ever shoot BETTER with irons than you will with an optic no matter how good you are.

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After seeing this video, I unsubscribed from Garand Thumb and subscribed to Piccone. I assumed that's what he wanted, right? Why make this video otherwise.

Guys, we have to stop eating our own. If the youtube business model is so shitty that it makes X billion viewers a zero sum game, find a new fucking job. Do something you can smile at when you look back at yourself 10, 20 years from now.

>Garland thumb literally shills
should have stopped there.

>you can't spend money on nicer gear it means you can't even shoot so donate your shek-money to israel instead

Why does this faggot always sound so mad without addressing a specific facet of the broad issue he's complaining about? Are you mad about optics reid or flashlights or chest rigs what the fuck are you talking about or do you just have to be the guy finding any reason to talk down on people?

Anyone got the og post were he said he committed such a completely straight and not at all gay act? I want to be able to post it every time he tries and spouts some retarded shit.

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didn't he get fucked by a tranny at a meet? and his wife divorced him so now he can only see his kid once a month or something like that.

I can't stand this Confederate faggot. Most of his videos are just him spouting general, well-known knowledge and advertising his training classes at the end of each video.

Someone HAS to have the desuarchive or a screencap or something...

>isn't a faggot

pic very fucking related

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huge if true

he also has an IMDB page.

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Are any of you fags going to post any actual proof or just share retarded screencaps?

You can learn fundamentals without good gear, but having a rifle that doesn't fall apart is not a bad thing.

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Hey, if that means ACOG's and Aimpoints drop in price then so be it. One can dream.

>having nice stuff is tryhard

being a poorfag boomer must feel terrible

sounds like Jow Forums
why are all you faggots under 30 always trying to tear people down?
how the fuck does it bother you about rival youtubers. why do you even care? people getting upset he doesnt stream fortnite on twitch?

Ive never seen a garand thumb video.
but all this shitting on a gear reviewer for reviewing gear is crazy.

People who give half a fuck about e-celebs are ungodly petty faggots with nothing better to do.

But then how will you learn to put a rifle together?

>t. Garand Thumb

once niggers started throwing money at thots for playing video games I knew I was old

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yeah but that cro-magnon doesn't base his business on implying that he did

GT please go.

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>Jon "Rape-face" P*ccone posting about his eternal GT obsession
never stop you weirdo faggot

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>placing the use of shot timers with the rest of those things
retard alert

Just retarded boomers and jealous poorfags think anyone who wears multicam and slaps an acog on their rifle is literally trying to use gear as a crutch and untrained.

Holy fuck, this dude made his entite channel around starting drama with other youtubers. How sad.

KISS has been "en vogue" for years but that doesn't mean nothing on a rifle. An optic or pistol light is still KISS.

The sentiment is to not build a 15pound rifle with shit hung off a quad rail in every direction. An optic, especially a magnified optic, is too much of a force multiplier to ignore. The content of your pic is obtuse to the point of negligence and is an odd act of gatekeeping.

Is this the asshole who fails the handgun drill at like 5 feet and LOVES old Rugers?

Garand thumb seems perfectly transparent about who provides stuff to him for free. Just because he promotes products doesn't make him a shill.

>needing a instructor to learn fundamentals

Not really.

Getting good at the fundamentals is good. But once you're good there's no reason not to take equipment much closer to your specific tastes.

Why else would Opr8rs get opr8r glocks? They definitely aren't trying to coast buy on cool shit with no skills. They are choosing gear that accentuates their already high level of skill.

Even newbs can benefit from just choosing the *right* gear and gun for a task. All this ragging on people getting the right tool for the job makes no sense to me. That doesn't mean you shouldn't practice (fucking duh) but reaming people for having and using quality kit is retarded.

But anyone who spends more than $300 om a rifle and $30 on equipment is a shit shooter with a crutch user, dont you know? My sks and loose rounds in my pocket performs just as well.

No, hes a conspiracy theorist who did two tours as infantry and has a hate boner for any youtube with more success than him.

I'm curious and want proof of garand thumb being a faggot, bump

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>stop buying nice things and spend hundreds of dollars at my McDojo so I can yell at you while you shoot steel in my backyard for a whole weekend

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GT gets his gear for free, though.

He's right you know.
Nobody is stopping you from buying that aimpoint or gucci trigger, but unless your fundamentals are on you'd see more of an improvement from putting that money into ammo, range time and a trainer if you need one.

>people are taking this post as truth without any shadow of doubt

Not all of it, and he is perfectly clear in his videos about what was given by sponsors and what he paid for.

It is often nice to learn things correctly the first time. When you learn something wrong you learn bad habits. It then is hard to uncondition yourself of the bad habit and learn the correct way instead. If you learn the right way from the start all you know is the right way and there is no bad habit that occasionally you revert to on accident because it is muscle memory. This is true for lots of things, not just guns. Typing on a keyboard or riding a motorcycle for example.

I don't know much about this guy but I do enjoy that many of his videos seem to be designed to infuriate obnoxious gearfags.

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For the average joe paying for training is just going to LARP camp for the weekend. That's fine if you have the cheddar to blow. But I am sick to death of all these "celebrity" trainers shilling their entertainment classes as OMG UR GONNA DIE UNLESS YOU GIB SHECKLES. If SHTF and I run up on some spec-ops dudes who are 20yrs younger than me, have years of training and are determined to kill me I'm gonna get my shit pushed in no doubt. No weekend at any of these fucking "schools" is gonna change that.

If your budget is limited buy ammo not training. Plenty of free tips/tricks out there for you to learn. Dedicated routine practice will put you light years ahead of most gun owners because most people shop more than shoot.

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Yeager 2.0 can fuck right off.

Dedicated routine practice will put you light years ahead of most gun owners because most people shop more than shoot.

Probelm is most peoples "practice" is slow fire at TVs from 20 yards away, sitting at benches, or shooting random bits of trash with birdshot from 7 yards on a square range.

You can't fix stupid. There is so much free info out there that anyone with the interest and will can get quite proficient without paying some faggot to tell them jokes about killing gooks in 'nam.

Dear lord

Yes he is correct. Even in more important than being able to shoot is being able to walk around the woods with gear. So get a pack, put some shit in it, go backpacking for a weekend and hike at least 20 miles with weight. Toughen up those feet and legs.

>Not doing sprints in a gas mask and doing ready ups & mag change drills until you vomit
>Not shooting cases of blanks practicing react to contact
>Not putting your foot through your sling while you sleep with your rifle so enemies can't steal it in the night
>Not using the cold steel of your spare barrel to cool down your toasty ballsack
>Not nursing a half chub between the hours of 3-6 a.m. so you don't fall asleep
>Not finishing into the dirty sock you keep in your cargo pocket once your shift ends

Never going to make it in the real shit.

Imagine paying $500 to do ready up drills for an entire day.

>go backpacking for a weekend and hike at least 20 miles with weight. Toughen up those feet and legs.

You mean get fucking injured because you're not up to it. Goddamn Jow Forums when did you become so shit?

I do 6+miles innawoods with a 40lb pack 2-4 times a week. Been doing it for 3 years now. I can tell you that if I had gone from zero to 20miles over a weekend I would have been fucked up. Last fall I did a 4 day innawoods trip with my bro in law and nephew(grown). They had done Philmont when kid was coming up in the boyscouts so I thought they knew what was what but goddamn they hadn't been back in the woods since and it was a clusterfuck or fuckups and injuries.

If there is one thing I will recommend training classes it's medical shit. You really can pick stuff up in a weekend that will just live in your brain until you need it.

Those same people who didn't practice before the class will not practice after the class but just have a false sense of competence.

Beyond the very basics of shooting there is fuck all to be gained by instruction without the interest and will to practice on your own. And if you have that interest and will, and you don't carry a gun for a living, you don't need that training to be better than 90% of most gun owners.

chris pontius

Your right. many are too weak to even do that.

CORRECTION for post Just get off your fat ass and do something outside. Being physically capable and not having diabetes will be much more useful than 1million rounds of ammo.

But really 20 miles isn't that crazy. I suppose if all 20 miles are in the woods off-trail then yes. But on a trail with mild terrain, 20 miles from Friday evening to Sunday evening is not that crazy. Seriously. Its not that much. thats 6.66 miles each day.

If you don't have your stabilization muscles built up from use while under load and if you haven't figured out your boots/pack setup through trial and error during use 20miles can fuck you up big time. And guaranteed if you haven't done it before you're gonna be carrying WAY too much weight because you are gonna bring so much shit you just don't need.

This is the same guy that had to quit working for James fucking Yeager because he wanted to fuck patriot nurse and James wouldn't give him permission.

He actually hoes into political rants about Israel and tells people he'll fight them over the Jewish holy land.
Assume everything he says is bullshit.

Your are right. Seriously. Not sarcastic. But in my mind people should be able to do this. I dont do this regularly but am confident that i can. the biggest problem for me would be my feet. I have walked around with weight before. Totally know what I'm saying. You just make me angry when you explain how many would get fucked up by doing this. It angers me because its true.

>you're gonna be carrying WAY too much weight because you are gonna bring so much shit you just don't need.
Also true. Also what I'm getting at. American materialism has been entrenched in the gun community for a long time now. Now people don't even know what it is to be in the woods for a few days walking around. Their bodies can't handle it. They don't even know what they need as they have never done it. Its just so stupid.

As a nation we are fucking pathetic.

>someone who differs with me on an issue needs to be completely ignored because i don't like it when they tell me I'm fat and lazy with too much credit card debt.

>I dont do this regularly

You could and it feels so good bro. Days I can't go for my 2hrs innawoods I really miss it. I see all kinds of animals and almost zero people. If I see anyone it's on the one stretch of trail right by the trailhead as I'm on my way out. In the 3 years I've been going I've never seen a single person on any of the upper trails(up maybe 900feet in elevation from the parking lot). I joke to myself that I could build a fort up there and no one would ever know about it.

>Guy mentored by James Yeager that feels unhinged political rants and threatening paying customers is acceptable behavior for a business
>That claims a gunsmith installed AR trigger, or RMR on a Glock is grounds to be removed from his class
>And is now following in his mentors footsteps by being a dude bro douche in public while representing his employees

He shouldn't just be ignored, but actively avoided

He could also be a flat earther and think Obama was the greatest president ever... but he would still be correct in his statement that OP posted. He is still right. Make a super long list about everything he is still wrong about, but on this topic he is right.

>Threatening paying customers
>Not allowing mods on weapons

Please sauce. I want to laugh this morning.

I do and i have intentions on doing such a thing. Recently moved to a perfect place for it. Just need to get off my ass. There is a national forest here that is not maintained and it appears no one goes to it. Everyone is watching TV i guess.

So my Krebs custom AK isn't welcome in their class...but they collaborate with Rifle Dynamics in Las Vegas for an AK armorer's shooting course.

Seems legit...what a kike.

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He put out a video saying you'd be sent home without a refund if they found any modifications to your gun. He expressly stated in video and on his terms of use (both of which are still up) that even a certified gunsmith's work was not allowed.
Reviews from industry ""Journalists"" that took his class stated he went into totally unprompted rants on Israel and said he'd fight anyone there that disagreed (His wife, another former employee of James Yeager, is jewish)

Optics on rifles are important. Weapon lights on pistols and long arms are important. This shit is not up for fucking debate.

Found the page and some extra keks

What a bunch of losers.

>That subtle jew photo
Tasteful shitpost, I like that guys style

Not saying it is. But having a capable body and being able to walk around in the woods and actually being familiar with shooting your weapon is also important. This is also not up for debate

What an insufferable bint.

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Patriotnurse was never actually a nurse BTW...

This also gets me every time, the guy is fumbling. It was a great performance on TC's part, but wish the scene had addressed this.

>hrrrr if people put useful things on their guns, they're phonies!!


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It says in the pic that krebs custom is allowed.

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Apparently Reid is so afraid of being seen as a gear queer he made a ballistic out of tampons or someshit

This thread just reminded me that GT put up a new video. Who's the ted nugent wannabe in the OP anyway?

>This thread just reminded me that GT put up a new video.
What's he trying to sell you now? Another case of shitty ammo? Another shitty gun?
GT's the Billy Mays of gun world.