Confess your sins my child
Confess your sins my child
i eat my boogers
I shot at houses while driving by 94mph on the freeway in the middle of nowhere because I was bored out of my mind.
I'm being paid by soros to post here
Father, after bible study I sometimes look at the kiddie porn that's on your computer.
Where did you find that?
I am going to put a reproduction PEM scope on an ex sniper mosin, my PU sniper just ain't cutting it anymore
Are you sure the problem is the rifle and not the scope?
I didn't clean my flintlock well enough last time and there's some rust well into the bore. I feel terrible.
You had an email left open from [email protected]
What brand barrel?
Sometimes when my wife is away I put her panties on and clean my guns.
I meant that the PU rifle isn't satisfying my ww2 sniper vibes, as all of the big time snipers typically used non PU scoped rifles, like PEM or PE
Top kek
degeneracy is rampant amongst the youth
I spend too much money on gun and accessories. I continuously buy shit I don't need.
im a skeleton.
Instead of buying optics for my guns I always just wind up buying another gun.
I accidentally shot my dog a few days ago. I didn't have any money to take him to the vet and the bullet passed through so I treated him myself. He hasn't been moving much at all and I think he's getting worse.
I want this to be fake, but if it's real you should have just put him down like the careless bastard you are.
I shoved my AR15 barrel inside my wifes pussy...
I posted it in here and got banned.
I spent $400 on a GP100 with 75 rounds of .357 with the money I was saving for a cruise that has to be paid off by April. I can make it back I just feel guilty about not being fiscally responsible but at the same time it was a damn good deal
My doggo runs for the hills when I step near my gun safe. Probably has something to do with the time I was packing up several rifles and retartedly dry firing out my bedroom window (aiming at a random spot on my brick fence. Well long story short, it wasn't dry fire. I sent a 62 gr sp over my bed and napping doggo, through the blinds/double pane window, and into the brick wall.
>pic related mfw
Never felt more stupid. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Now the window is fixed and I put some tape over the nick in the blinds. Don't keep rounds in any chambers of the guns in the safe. Doggo steers clear when guns are near.
$400?! That’s a miracle my child!
I enjoy owning guns more than I enjoy shooting them.
I own a plethora of guns that serve no practical purpose, solely because I'm an American and I can.
Shooting near where I live is beyond being a fucking hassle and I just don't like having to dedicate an entire day to shooting. So I don't.
I've shot my guns 4 times in the last two years.
Nigga wut? Can you post an imgur link? I don't believe you.
I've ND in my house twice
I'm not even kidding. I was able to post around 10 time stamped pictures with all kinds of shit I did to her. The bad part is, the flash hider it a phantom 5c2 so you know that shit was uncomfortable. I dont have the picture anymore but I'd be more than happy to gen another 3 day ban later tonight when she gets home from work and post it again with a time stamp
At least you're not gay.
>I enjoy owning guns more than I enjoy shooting them.
There's nothing wrong with collecting for collecting's sake.
I'm Jewish and not at all sorry about it
>phantom 5c2
Ribbed for her pleasure.
I'm gonna be waiting for that thread.
Lyman as far as I know. It's just a repro I got for dirt cheap from a pawn shop.
Sure think my man. Were going to a Halloween part tonight so if not tonight it will be Thursday or Friday around 10pm est. So tune in because she let's me do anything I want to her, no shit. I posted my 12guage up her ass hole right before I was banned. I'll do all written time stamps ect... your gonna love it!
/nogunz/ but I act like I know what I'm talking about
Why no gunz? Too young?
>$400 between now and April
You just reminded me how fucked I am with my 300 word essay due next week
It's been seven years since I last purchased a gun. I still shoot what I own but nothing in half a decade has moved me enough to consider opening my wallet.
I hope he was mocking the dude for not being able to raise 400 bucks in five months. Not admitting that he can't write three paragraphs.
I bought an M1A because I love the flawed idea the US Military had when they thought it would replace 4 different weapons. Also I think it's pretty aesthetic
Just put all of the pics onto an Imgur album and just link it. That way you wont get banned and will have them around forever.
Sounds good. I'll post the link when I can all the pictures you perverted fucks wanna see lol. Post some things you might wanna see within reason but almost nothing is off limits!
Ain't we all?
Same. Maybe thats why I have a hard time getting dates.
And thats exactly why youre jewish. Embrace it
I prefer a lever action over semi automatic for home defense. I own many semiautomatics
Shot like shit today. Bout 6inchs at 15yards. Feels bad man.
Holy shit, where did you score that?
I buy firearms and will sell most of them the week after for 50-100 less than I paid because I'll immediately find something I don't like about it.
Sometimes I don't practice trigger discipline.
Yeah, I used to do that too regularly driving back from my local bar. Out the sunroof too.
That's just a waste of money, user. You should at least try to get as much as you paid.
for now
I know, I've calculated probably a loss from doing this to about 20k throughout my lifetime with various things I've bought, used a few times, and then turned around and sold. A lot of hobbies I've bought into only to get out of again. The only two hobbies I've stuck with since I was young was firearms and building computers.
I work for an alphabet agency. routinely start threads in an attempt to find violations and make potential arrests.
but, I don't shoot dogs. there's a special place in hell for people who shoot man's best friend.
cats are ok. because fuck those furry disease ridden assholes.
You live in Kentucky and my uncle knows you.
I'm an underage browser (14) who secretly creates threads
You never admit you're underage, regardless of whether it's true or false, friendo.
Threw a firecracker into a traphouse that apparently had a gas leak. The house blew up and killed 3 junkies
Meh, I don't think I'm too bad. No better or worse than anyone else it seems.
I once left my nugget in the backseat of my truck for 3 months after a range trip. Now it's rusty but I still haven't tried to clean in off or take it to a gunsmith for a cleaning
>my uncle knows you.
In the Biblical sense.
I occasionally shoot a goat out of my neighbors herd with my suppressed 300blk totally legal SBR and eat it
I'm baited incredibly easily by insults online. In real life, if someone insults me I tend to internalize the insult.
I shitpost instead of acting responsibly. I also reply to bait to increase my bantering ability.
Despite being intensely patriotic, I unironically harbor a pathological hatred of Multicam/digital camouflage and Picatinny rails so extreme that I refuse to consider enlisting in the US Military so long as they remain in use.
Just give my BDUs and M16A2 with an M203 and I would sign up to fight any war anywhere tomorrow.
I haven't put a round of any sort through any of my funz in more than 5 years. I still have many, but a variety of factors from economic hardships to local ranges being overrun by muzzlesweeping CoD dudebros and adding mountains of rules and "safety standards" to keep them in check has murdered my desire to shoot.
I need a chunk of land out in the sticks where I can shoot in my own back yard, but thats never gonna happen. Feels bad man.
daily reminder to report off-topic threads
>he doesn't know what a Jow Forumsonfessions thread is.
I shot a kid in the leg with my air gun when I was 12.
There's a High School by my house, and during their lunch break I peaked out my window with my air gun and him. Felt bad at the time.
And here we see a bestgunnit user in the wild
I broke my anti-overspending rules and bought $3600 of guns I didn't really need.
Just do what I do. Don't buy a gun unless you're reasonable certain to make a good profit if you have to sell it.