What kind of Jow Forums activities did you guys do today? Shooting. Stalking. Camping.
I went stalking near the U.S. border to see how militarized it was and I was surprisingly disappointed.
What kind of Jow Forums activities did you guys do today? Shooting. Stalking. Camping
May or may not have had to shoot.
SocalSteve, did you get any of them or not?
>implying im going to say anything like that online
You're obviously too smart for a place like this then.
Damn no one went shooting today? Whats wrong with Jow Forums? Y'all broke or something?
Tin cans and some bricks died today. It was a good day.
Nothing today. Coyotes will die tomorrow though.
I've wanted to get into coyote hunting ever since the bastards ate my gfs goat.
How do I go about it? What's the min. Caliber?
I've never been hunting before
Depends on your state. Here, its basically "go to public land, have fun" no night hunting though, which sucks. Generally, coyotes are unregulated and all you need is a call and a gun.
Went shooting for the first time in over a year, goddamn I missed it
Shot some handguns and then argued with people about guns on the internet.
Why did it take you a year to shoot?
Bought two dangerous game rifles and sold a $200 blender in the parking lot of the gun store while I was waiting. Cleaning up guns now.
Not really sure, I think I was depressed but im not sure. I just spent a year getting fat and sitting on my ass playing videogames. then a few months ago I got a dog and I think she pulled me out of the rut. Suddenly without even really thinking about it I started losing weight and getting out more often. I fucking love this girl.
>How do I go about it?
.223 is well-suited, but frankly you can get them with a .22 if you're a good shot. I still don't like to do this because it seems cruel, but they are just vermin at the end of the day. They don't like to get much closer to humans than 50 yards or so, so a scope may help you. Find a nice hilltop, blow your call, and get to work.
That is a great looking dog. what breed?
Didn't get to do anything today but I might hit up the range tomorrow and keep practicing my atrocious rifle skills.
Should I bring my AR or my SKS or both?
Or just stick with my crappy little .22?
No one was at the office today so I took my bow and archery target and set up in the hallway at about 15 yards. Shot maybe 60 times.
I missed the target with one shot by about half an inch and punched a clean hole right through the exterior wall. It fucked the fletching sup pretty bad, but it’s no big deal, I have fletching and a gluing jig.
100% mutt. Shelter said lab mix but we got a DNA test and it basically said results inconclusive.
Not OP but that’s a Shepherd my dude
>Lab mix
Shelters always say that because labs are know as good family dogs that are good with kids.
Definitely has some German Shepherd in her.
Beautiful pup
See thats what we though at first, she totally looks like a Shepard. But we got a DNA test and it says otherwise. I'm not sure how accurate these things are but I dont really care, love the shit out of her either way.
>What kind of Jow Forums activities did you guys do today?
Argued strong opinions on the internet regarding gun models I don't even own
I worked a 13 hour shift at my shitty job and wanted to burn down the entire town and piss on the ashes, which is pretty Jow Forums. I get to go deep and hog hunting Monday though so it's not too blackpilled
Today was polymer80 glock day.
I walked my mum through building a robin-egg blue and stainless PF940C in .22TCM-9R, while I did a PF940CL frame as an example. (It'll probably go into my coat-pocket gun, replacing the full-size frame that's currently been riding there.)
Finished up late enough that it would've been unneighborly to shoot without a good reason, so we'll be test-firing them out back tomorrow.
Nani is such a cute name for a dog. She looks just like my sister's dog, Goose.