Jow Forums
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Weapons #396
Worth buying or not?
Poverty thread
Why does Jow Forums praise german weapons again?
Compact longarm options
Bolt-action rifle
So Jow Forums why didn’t you join the military?
Chris Kyle: Medal of Honor?
You might not like it. But this is what the future looks like
Digital Aquaflage Navy Working Uniform Applications
Glock 20
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Best weapon to use for taking on creatures that can heal from damage insanely quickly? You know, trolls, exalted...
Gun grabbers are shit posters
Why are foreigners buying iconic american brands and not offering appealing products?
Precision Rifle General /prg/
You were drafted, and you're being shipped out tomorrow to die in the jungles of Vietnam...
>”What if a successful African nation wasn’t just a myth?”
Why the fuck is this shit 3 times as long as it actually needs to be?
Who else realizes that bolting this down only makes it easier to pry open?
The Autonomous Warrior experiment will last four weeks and test a range of prototype unmanned aerial and autonomous...
Is a snubby revolver good enough for college ccw? I'm wanting to prepare for a school shooter
/KMG/ Jow Forums media general
On the night of 11th-12th November 1940 the Royal Navy attacked the Italian fleet at anchor in Taranto and crippled or...
Rhodesian Thread 2: Selous Boogaloo
God Lord
Glock fags
Tfw a degenerate furry owns more firepower than you
What is the ultimate 30 year old boomer gun?
5.56 AP, and other bullet ideas
Hi capacity mags
Under current federal law...
Bugging out
Is $12,000 worth it?
What will EMPs actually disable?
Realistically speaking, if the allies didn't stab the Norwegians in the back...
What ever happened to this thing?
Was the RPK a successful concept? The idea of beefing up a rifle, extending the barrel and mags...
/ktg/ Knife Thread General /ktg/
You ain't a real one till you've been to the USAF museum in Dayton. How many of you have gone...
Swiss Link destroyed in wildfire
Most practical arsenals
Giving California what it deserves
How the hell did the AK manage to fail even with the safety in the safe position...
Eotech vs aimpoint
Handgun General - /hg/ - #217
Are we going to get another war soon? Afghanistan is still going on since before I was even born
What's wrong with this picture?
Wow....this is powerful
WW1 story time
Shotgun general
I want to get a .22 rifle, but am undecided between semi, bolt or lever
How do you prevent your children, or family from destroying/handing in your guns when you die?
How do you arm yourself against these?
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
Heritage .22 revolvers
Veterans Day Benefits
Family photo/arsenal thread
Jewish gf got her tires slashed and is afraid this Muslim guy is going to attack her family...
Why do retards keep pushing the longbow meme?
Collection Thread
Pink & Greens
Jow Forums Aesth thread
The M10 and its Variants, Achilles and Slugger. How good were they...
This is the perfect rifle. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
The reason no one invades us is because they know people living in trailers own handguns
How effectiv would a mortar be if fired and used in an urban enviorment?
Directed Energy Weapons
Says he never cleans the barrel of his AK and that it only shoots tigher and better groups
Why don't you use the best mm for CC, HD or range activities?
Today marks Poland's 100th anniversary of gaining independence
Four (4) Missiles
Does Olympic fencing translate into real knife fighting and sword fighting...
Be me
Living Innawoods
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. challenge
Suppressor general?
Non roastie gun babes
Aftermarket Glock Barrels
How effective was the panzerfaust...
Favorite Movie Gun?
What Machine Kills Commies?
Just got a Kimber .357 for CC
So I was looking at pictures of the RS-27 Sarmat (Satan 2) with a lot of details/ close- ups of it on the ground...
I want this thing
Retarded armed forces around the world
Rhodesians Never Die
Will a gun explode if I am waving it around as I shoot it...
What the fuck is wrong with society?
Has another company ever made something as useless as the Zip 22?
Are modern ships made out of plastic and glass fiber?
I want guns but Australia is fucking cucked. how do i go about getting one, or atleast a substitute
Help me find 5 positive aspects of GUNS LEGALIZATION
Is there a good reason for the Muhreen Core to exist at the size it is...
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
So Zvezda just released their new 38 minute video for the T-50 (Su-57 prototypes) with a lot of details/ close- ups of...
>not wearing rubber boots
1918 - 2018
11:11 11/11/18
Germanfaggots help me out
You ever worry bout offing yourself
Post based weapons
Well Jow Forums? Would you?
Fuck wikipedia and some other stuff
*blocks your path*
Most female friendly setups?
Need some advice, Jow Forums
I'm going featureless
Jow Forumsnife thread
UMP or MP5
How do we remove the american autism and actually make the firearm culture work?
Hunting Thread
In WW1 submachine guns were considered inhumane, how effective were they by WW2?
Is this normal?
What does Jow Forums think of my musso bowie project?
Where does Jow Forums buy clothes? Go shopping? Whether it be tactical, hunting, or everyday stuff...
Gimme your biggest, strongest, cheapest gun
Is it bad to wear cheap earplugs 24/7?
I'll just leave this here
Jow Forums I need some help in killing a fox den near my parents home. Too close to schools for guns, any ideas...
/ak/ Thread. MON Edition
Why does he have so many 88s in his name?
Is there any way to get a SKS to accept AK/VZ mags
/akg/ AK General
SHTF guns
How long can you watch this before getting too angry and turning it off?
Sick of this blocky unergonomic slop triggered shitbox, why hasn’t someone come up with a Glock killer yet?
WASR general
Gun laws in Maine
Want to shoot animals and harvest their delicious meats
Jow Forumsaturday
Revolver General
WWI weapons
Today is the birthday of Rhodesia's declaration of independance
*kills your carrier*
Infographics thread
Who guards area 51?
Would the .280 British be a viable service cartridge?
Given that CNN is touting .45 ACP as an “unconventional” pistol round, don’t we...
What guns do you want but you can't seem to find?
Redpill me on Hamas
1 what weapon would you use to protect a white woman
Leftist militias
I have a pump action shotgun that jams if I pump it too fast. Is this normal?
Why are Western militaries impotent against Middle Eastern insurgents?
Been finger fucking her ever since I brought her home yesterday. She feels so nice in the hands...
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
Why is it that this is always the absolute first thing these fuckin faggots do when they get in...
Cuomo promises stricter gun control in NY
What would make a better weapon?
Mini-14 > AR-15
9mm ar15?
It's almost impossible to find a mosin for less than $300 now
*blocks your path*
What is the all around best Helicopter ever made
Hav but pare they, you know...
Gamers Shoot Up (Your Own House)
When will this madness end?
Show me your nicest looking AR’s. They can totally be hit or miss in the looks dept
Good soldiers who didn't follow orders
How the fuck do you concealed carry if you live in Arizona...
Recent acquisitions thread
Does the US army and US marine corps hate eachother? why?
Canada General
Ywn break through the border into East Germany in your Abrams as mushroom clouds appear on the horizon
How would ww2 have played out if all sides were limited to using 22LR?
I am curious, Jow Forums
Next Generation PLA light machine gun unveiled
Skinwalkers n shit
All the SHTF/militia guys always talk about fighting government forces but literally every military dude on this board...
/gmg/ Grey Man General
Should NATO be abolished, and if so what should the new alliance be and what should be the stipulations for members?
What pants does Jow Forums wear every day?
Happy Birthday Devildicks
Sup Jow Forums, Jow Forums here. With the impending civil war on the horizon...
Forgotten Weapons: Mini-14
Post scriptum and Squad are free this weekend
The glock 26 Is by far the most unergonomic garbage I've ever shot...
As a civilian, what are things you can do to be combat ready? Since joining a militia is now social suicide...
Why people do this?
Admit it, 1911’s are the nicest looking handguns
T-14 is dead
Secret plot neo-nazis ITS HAPPENING
When should you introduce guns in a relationship with a female?
Karl and Ian, along with Paul harrell have anti police/ leftist tendencies...
Anyone shoot trap?
CA Minimeet Madness Thread #2
Jow Forums am I gay
How common is (hidden or not openly stated)neo-nazism/far right/political radicalism in militaries?
Gentlemen, the navies of the world are facing their greatest threat since the German U-boat
Bear defense gun
Daily reminder that pic related is the best glass cleaner ever. It dries without residue...
Tell me about the next gun or three you want to buy Jow Forums. I want a double barrel shotgun and a bolt action .308...
What did they mean by this?
Tank Thread
Just when you thought it couldnt get worse
Was listening to the news this morning driving my 11 yo daughter to school and Newsom came on spewing his GUN R BAD...
Bathroom gats
"user, why do you keep a gun in your freezer?"
Veterans Day is coming
Im college educated, hate my career and want to join the military. What do I do?
So id like to buy an FAL for Rhodesian larping at the range...
Range etiquette?
Brave US Army soldier takes the fight to the furry community
Quick! Some dirty claimjumpers are trying to take your asteroid!
This mad beast is charging towards you user, how do you stop it Jow Forums?
Best ear protection?
You have three seconds to explain why you're not a member of the only no-compromise gun group in washington
Pic related is your budget to build a personal firearms inventory FROM SCRATCH
What does shtf actually look like?
Women's tactical pants?
Guns being used in conflicts they don’t belong
My boy willis
Washingtonfag, here. State just passed a law restricting semi auto rifles. Got a couple months before it's in effect
Comfy Friday night ATF thread
So who wants to call the ATF first?
New 7.5FK BRNO Field Pistol
Man attempts to shoot up his former workplace, but the AR-15 jams, preventing a murder
I-1639 passed, need AR recommendations
Why are rifles without vertical grips allowed in the US?
Is there a maximum legal length for a gun barrel?
Why aren't there more terrorist attacks with drones?
I'm putting together a go bag. What are the 3 most important things I should make sure to have in a SHTF scenario?
Why aren't illegal firearms more often found shipped through the mail?
Can gun stores deny you a sale if you look "weird" and "creepy" even if you pass the background check?
Does Jow Forums sleep with a weapon under their pillow?
A malicious terrorist entity succeeded on launching an atomic bomb on Silicon Valley...
Handgun General - /hg/ - #216
Polish Tantal. Is It Worth?
/msg/ - Milsurp General - Pic Unrelated Edition
Bullet hose
Why is there no sticky on this board? Where should a beginner go? What books should it read?
Was he Jow Forums?
Wanenmacher Gun Show - World's Largest Gun Show
Need some help bros
Any good AR optic recommendations?
Why aren't double barrel versions of the Shockwave/Tac-14 a thing...
Why don't they make swords out of titanium or whatever the strongest metal today is?
What does Jow Forums think of Smith and Wesson's M&P Shield?
How does 9mm 157gr HST stand in comparison to .45 230gr HST?
Hypothetical Civil War
Why does every country have the same uniform? What happened to real uniforms?
ITT we post calibers with the best names
Weird Jow Forums stuff
Like it or not, .300BLK is here to stay
Brownells to start selling HK416 parts kits! Get in here!
AKs are garbidge
Who's the retard who thought that it'd be a good idea to have so little metal there?
Russia Admits That It Can’t Retrofit Aircraft Carrier After Accident
RIP Admiral Kuznetsov
Why does the army have fitness requirements? Are fat people less effective at shooting guns than skinny people?
American engineering
ITT the weakpoint of various weapons
How effective is this Chinese sword? Honestly it looks like it would break in half with one good hit
Longest barrel is best barrel
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Did you guys know that The Navy force in Argentina is actually stronger than the Navy Force of the USA? It's crazy...
What would you carry if you were homeless?
Why do so many people here collect a bunch of shit guns instead of building a couple of decked out good guns with nice...
Post yfw
I don't care how many guns you own, nor will I tell you how many you "need"
Try to post a better knife
Liberator pistol in BFV
Obliterates your $10m MBT while putting no personnel and a minimal amount of equipment in danger
What’s the point of conceal carry if you can’t carry anywhere?
You don't need Guns you need Gunmen
Thoughts on remembrance?
When is milsurp ever not autistic to wear in real life? Like a military field jacket or military jackboots?
Recent Acquisitions
Deer Season General
Anyone know anything about these? I've been considering getting one considering it's basically a cheap cnc machine...
Why do Russian icebreakers look like bears? How do you weaponize it?
Would the US be better with conscription...
Reasonable prepping thread
How fast/slow tracer bullet is compared to regular one?
When, not if the Republicans "compromise" by giving Democrats far more away than they will get us in return...
Hiding guns throughout the house
Do seals or any other special forces use these?
How retarded am I if I actually like how this looks
Just imagine how this thing will turn marine corps into marine corpse in the upcoming war
Could modern militaries sustain total war? What would happen when all of the super high tech...
Is that a FAMAS
G36 and it's variants
What do you do? How safe are you?
Beretta thread
People used to carry shit like .32 rimfire blackpowder and it was fine
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Unfucking cz scorpion evo 3 s1 carbine buttstock
Round 2 baby
Breaking in barrels
Patch Thread
Everything I hear about Kimber is either extreme vitriol or someone sucking their dick. Which is it?
Jow Forums here
Military worship in the US is cancer
Tried a Glock 19 gen 5 at the gun shop
Drink and be merry
The Anne Arundel County police chief defended Maryland’s new “red flag” protective law Monday...
What if Jow Forums Became a federal agency?
Hi Jow Forums
Hey guys
First Gun Purchase
Looking for input
SHTF Supplies
Classic Firearms
How would you kill Godzilla?
Its like Tim Hortons, or anything else uniquely "Canadian". Not really that great...
ITT realities of SHTF: little things edition
Failed entrance exam for the army 3 times now
ITT: Post your favorite weapon that you own and have others judge your weapon
Will China pick up any sort of gun culture now that they're accelerating their military-industrial complex?
Embarrassing Secrets Thread
Glock Perfection
This weapon kills americans
Knock knock may we come inside ?
I have a Ruger vaquero. Anyone know any good concealed carry holsters that would be good for it? Pic related
What do you think about Sig Sauer?
I know 3d printed lower receivers exist but do 3d printed upper receivers exist? I can't seam to find any
What went wrong in Rhodesia?Before Mugabe, of course
What went right?
Only 27% of gunshot wounds are fatal. What can be done about this?
Black Friday Deals
Why did you enroll in the military?
Let’s get a Texas thread going
Entered gun raffle to piss off girlfriend
China: Paving the way for future air forces!
Bugout bag tips
CZ 61 Skorpion
I need alpenflage
How do American filmmakers acquire new guns like this? I thought machine guns made after 1986 weren't legal in USA...
What is this?
Who the fuck would pay $2999.99 for a PSL? Sure they were a good deal back when they were $500 but that is just unreal
Looking at buying a Russian Mosin. Might be able to pick it up for sub 250. Tell me. Would I be better off buying a...
What's the plan, Minnesota anons?
Dealing with antigunners - a new approach
Give me one reason why you should own an AR-15 style weapon
In your opinion, what is the best shotgun to shorten?
Best caliber for gators?
Just sent this guy a trade request on armslist. This is his email and signature
User Visits a Museum
How fucked are you guys now?
9mm is the best handgun round ever devised. .45 ACP is certified trash. .357 Sig is dead. .40 S&W is dying
That’s it, ban 1911’s
Help to know which is the best rifle of the Second World War
Ctrl+f = no gas mask thread
Family photo
So China is basically the only superpower left now, what does that mean for the world and weapons sales?
F-35 vs s-300/400
/gq/ - gear queer
Hard Truth
How important are kneepads?
Confirmed: nothing more dangerous than a marine armed with a Glock 45
Not Coward County
Will revolvers ever be used by the military again?
Rafale Out of the Running for Canadian Fighter
So what is even allowed on this board anymore?
Pour one out for the brothers lost
Canada General
California bar shooting
What's a gun you find mechanically fascinating?
What singular piece of equipment, from your country, are you most proud of?
/akg/ AK General
Marine kills militant at 127 yards with an M1911
Norweigan frigate KNM Helge Ingstad has collided with an oil tanker. The ship is currently taking in water and listing...
Wishlist Hate Thread
Italian made spring assisted stilettos
What was the first deployment like?
Newfag alert
You know what time it is
Midlength ARs with A1 carry handles are the best anachronism
Glock hate thread
My first gun. M1911?
Jow Forums TV shows
Oil tanker, frigate in accident off Norway, seven injured - police
ITT: It's 1885
Fall for glock meme
Why did the UK not use nuclear weapons against Ireland during the Troubles...
Best jihadist shooter
Air gun general?
If a machine was built that allowed you to go back in time and live through the eyes of any soldier in any battle at...
And this is our sons room
Mateba import update
Ignoring Springfield's political activities, would you be better off buying a Springfield Loaded or a Colt Competition?
Rate my rifle
What does Jow Forums think of the sks?
What do we have here
Chinese Century
Hey guys, new to Jow Forums...
Looking at getting my Glock 19 slide cut for an rmr and I keep seeing all these slide port cut outs...
Guns for a 90s G-Man / criminal
Marines of Jow Forums, I'd like to apologize for being a Jody
User! Open up!
Is it easier to throw a round grenade or a stick grenade? I know the stick goes farther...
What oil do you guys use on your bullets for maximum velocity and penetration?
What funs should I get for the race war?
Should duels make a comeback?
Franklin Armory AR-15 Pistol Now Legal in CA
Washington State General
Who should play John Clark?
New gun
"outta the car, cunt!"
I want to buy a revolver
Rods from God, How do They work? Kinetic Bombardment General
How is everyone holding up? NH bro here and not doing so well. I'm about to lose my job with a major tech company...
/rlg/ Reloading general
We Done Found it, Jow Forums
Living History
How did your state do at the midterms? Are your funs safe?
Eminem M10X
Talk me out of buying a Carcano. They’re cheap (espicially sporterized), have little to no collectors value...
Equipping every single regular infantry man with a cheap and easy to produce SMG was proven to be a very effective...
Just became a citizen citizen of the EU. Looking for some help from euro/k/...
Handgun General - /hg/ - #215
So I just finished my first parts kit Jow Forums
Trump reveals submarines operating in "Crimea" discussion
You get one handgun to carry for the rest of your life but it cannot be in a common cartridge. What is your choice?
Social Media “Hate Speech” Check Before Gun Purchase
/ILG/ Illinois General: JB the Hutt Edition
A life without Armor is no life at all
Jow Forums wallpapers bread
Help us identifying these weapons Jow Forums
California General - Newsom Boogaloo
Are rawket lawnchairs, ATGMs, MANPADs, etc considered small arms or artillery?
How useful would a crossbow be in the coming civil world war (modern or traditional, irrelevant)...
/ak/ thread
Hey k v here i am playing red dead 2 and the most amount part of the game is that you have to press the trigger again...
Looking at getting a pair of these for hunting, I like that there's no batteries and no ear sweat associated...
Rate my suppressor set up. I’m still waiting for the can to get out of NFA jail
Culture Shift
Most Jow Forums state
Election concern containment
WA Thread
Minuteman Project
How likely it is for ISIS to target China
This is me
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
For those of us in ban states, would a m1 carbine be a good hd/plink/whatever rifle?
Neck it down to 7mm and i'll consider it
In a few days, World War I will forever be more than a century in the past
Scale it up to 5.56, make it take stanags...
OK, so for all the CA Jow Forumsommandos I'm organizing two upcoming meets. One this Saturday and one the next
Stop watching forgotten weapons and inrangetv because of Jow Forums memes
Are Mosins Actually Worth Buying?
Precision Rifle General /prg/
Medieval Warfare was pure kino
Best cleaner, lube, and protectant
What is the cause of your overall discontent Jow Forums?
Lol how were you even meant to carry this thing around? there are huge protrusions on every single side...
How about it Jow Forums, a forced air cooling system in the style of CPU cooling
A 3 inch .357 magnum revolver is all you need
This is the Bob Semple, the greatest tank ever made. The tank that kept New Zealand safe during the war...
Counter-strike patch
Comms thread
It's january 1939!
Out of these three, what is the superior battle rifle?
Grandpa War Stories
50k lumen flashlight
What's a good AR in the 600-800 range
Pick my Stal/k/er Faction
Its over WA fags, turn em in
Post your guns and rate other's taste
1996 aus gun buyback
Hello, Viet here
>falling for the muh based pro-gun spics and niggers meme
/WA/ the apocalypse starts now edition. What are you planning on stocking up on Jow Forumsomrades
I'm sorry WA bros...
Washington State Assault Rifle General
Who here >>>/fucked/ MN here time to panic buy
Should I get a SIG or a CZ as my first 9mm?
/wfg/ Writefag General- cartel land edition
1911 thread
Data collection thread
WMD Thread
War stories
Been working a lot lately, mandatory overtime so I have some cash to spend on a gun
Oy vey
Whats the best >$50 surplus gas mask that wont give me lung cancer?
Futuristic Guns Thread
World Militaries
My veteran friend has a medical problem that could potentially get worse if not treated (thing for a couple years)...
Can you get a perscription for DUDE WEED and still possess guns in America?
Would something like this work in real life ?
Masterpiece Arms MAC-10
Hey, question. Why do you people hate Arma? Not defending, just asking
Texas is gone. Im not giving up my AR15s
Meanwhile at PTR
Is the "cold dead hands" mentality present in non-American gun owners?
Sear "holes" and ATF
I finally got through my first can of Remoil that I purchased shortly after purchasing my first gun about 10 years ago...
Firearm Licences in Australia
Best every day, and everywhere, carry?
Post your deer rifle
Be Sig Sauer
Rusty barrel
Willis Mc/k/illis Jow Forumsomic thread
Tfw overpaid for a used Remington 1911
You have to survive a post-apocalyptic scenario with the last weapon you used and what you wore while using it
Hi Friends!
Baseball Bat vs Knife
You can only post in this thread if you did your part and voted
SA80s with all the bells and whistles
Target Sports Jewish Tricks
Is this the best?
Would a gas operated autoloading gun work in a vacuum? What kind of firearms would you see in a war on the moon or Mars?
First long rifle
What are some affordable level 4 plates under $200 a plate? And what retailers?
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
Vatniks on suicide watch
Could the Germans have stopped Soviet expansion if they had focused on building their empire in Scandinavia?
Explain to me how a speedboat navy poses a threat to a bluewater navy
Best of .40
ITT: Equipment that turns your cock into titanium
Can we get a 10mm thread? Post 10mm funs, discuss experiences with 10mm, tell us what 10mm is on your wishlist...
Macron pushes for 'true European army'
/kbg/ - Knife / Blade General
Gun Grabbing in Maryland
TC Compass
/k I need your help
What’s the best shotgun for general purpose ( home defence/ camping/ fun shooting)? Money is no object
Everyday Fit
Jow Forums votes/Gat Elections/SHALL NOT general
Battle Rifle General /brg/
Are russian weapons still considared more rugged and relable nowdays...
I'm looking for a new carry gun and for the size the M&P 2.0 w/ 3.6in barrel seems to be a solid choice...
I'm a young 18 year old lad from California. Where's the best place to start for a gun licence?
EU soldiers are ready to give their left nut in exchange for combat deployements abroad
This is your country in 2018, this race is actually concered "tight" in Georgia... I said Georgia
Who else is thinking we’ve been bamboozled with the whole “Kavanaugh will totally BTFO all blatantly...
Would this be viable for home defense?
What gun to equip odsts?
My dream gun
Should I get an SBR/Suppressor if this guy wins? Can't state governments outlaw this shit...
Weirdest cast of Foreign volunteers/conscripts in armies(No WW2)
Puma/lynx comparison
When was the last time you talked to your sister Jow Forums? Is she worried about you?
Can a mech be more effective in combat than a tank?
Did he do good, Jow Forums?
Help me pop my cherry, Jow Forums
Justifying having guns
/akg/ AK General
Hello Jow Forums, I've decided to go mad max and get saw off a shotgun (legally). However...
Top fucking kek who posted this. also Armslist thread
Guys, I got a new Aero stripped upper and rested it down on a surface plate and could see light everywhere...
I traded in my God for this one
Is milsurp in public autism signaling
Our Polish Fathers in Arms
I made brownies Jow Forums. Want some? Also general Jow Forumsommando Jow Forumsuisine thread
Kommando store
About to turn 21 in NY, putting guns on my birthday/Christmas list. What do you guys recommend for my first shotgun...
Chinese J-10B with TVC performing Cobras and shit
Shotgun General
Why aren't you using the most popular rifle for mass shooters Jow Forums?
If you could get any old gun in a modern chambering what would it be?
Is there anything in special I need to know if I want to make my DIY gun? I already know smithy and boilermaking
Patch Thread - Trauma Team
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Your favorite Jow Forums related experience or memory
I fucking hate these two, but because of the things they post to social media...
Monitor vs M14
Holosun Holo sight
How do you carry when you go to the gym to work out?
Why do westerners handle Kalashnikovs so weird?
The ak12 looks awesome. It's great to see the russians are finally entering the 21st century
Sexi bote
Is this book worth the read? Seen it alot in a second hand store here
State police, open up! We have information that you are a danger to yourself and the community...
Just ordered pic related from buds cant wait till it ships what have you guys recently purchased?
380 is meme round
Seriously who is going to buy this shit after some nasty ass mexican latina flosses her abnormally large and sweaty...
First Gun for Apartment Defense
Shit calibers that wont survive
Larpers call themselves sheepdogs
Could you blow up dynamite by shooting it with a .357 round?
How my my fellow nosafes store their guns? This is how i keep my Enfield at the top of my closet...
Toxic materials and conditions
Post explosions and pyrotechnics
Musi/k/ Thread: Vinyl Edition
Anyone watch the SEAL Team show?
Buy steel mags
Bought my gun from a range/shop that's 1+ hour drive away from me
What would some of the more warlike historical cultures such as the Vikings and Huns think of modern warfare?
Who is the best Girls Frontline character and why is it UMP45?
Worth it? Think it works ?
What cartridge killed all the buffalo?
Post Jow Forums approved vidya games
Any hypothetical firearms you would like to see made?
Jesus fucking christ I just want the american civil war part two already
.357 SIG is endgame for handgun cartridges
Handgun General - /hg/ - #214
Proposal Would Allow Social Media Checks For Hate Speech, Threats Before Gun Purchase
SIG P365
I need some gun knowledge in case I'm ever in a debate with one of these "Repeal the 2nd" people...
Canada General
Be a law abiding gun owner
MD police kill man resisting gun confiscation under "Red Flag" laws
Why are the Marine Corps and Navy separate? Couldn't they operate more efficiently if they were combined?
Why is the Poop 47 such an awful fucking gun?
Post a pic of the weapon you want to have the most
/pbg/ - panic buying general
Obliterates your sheepdog faggotry
Proposal Would Allow Social Media Checks For Hate Speech, Threats Before Gun Purchase
/k I need your help
/msg/ - Milsurp General - Show Me The Stamps!
Is the sig m17 a good pistol?
Field jackets
Can we have a black powder guns thread? What revolver is the best kind to get...
Favorite cold weather gear?
G26 Gen 3: Safe barrel mod?
Man shoot dead for his own safety
556x45 is the shittiest, weakest, and most ineffective intermediate rifle caliber on the market, abd you know it
So what exactly is the current state of revolver brands today? Of the american companies...
Admit it Jow Forums, now you're going to be constantly on the look out for blank fire converted guns in movies
What's the deal with china and being unoriginal thieves?
French Foreign Legion opinons?
You ever get that feeling to just say "Fuck it," and drop everything to go live the Mercenary life?
So SoD Mattis has said multiple time that the break up of the Russian Federation would be bad for NATO and the world...
Why doesn't the army equip every soldier with silencers?
Let's settle this once and for all
So the British military is now the commonwealth military? Is this a good idea?
Hi Jow Forums, I'm not much of a weapons enthusiast...
Are these fun to shoot?
Are semi auto shotguns really worth the increased rate of fire for x5 the price of a pump action shotgun?
Why isnt Jow Forums watching the komfiest show on tv?
Get into hunting if you haven't already Jow Forums
I need help finding new surplus sites to browse other than Kommando, and Swisslink
Would you kill an enemy soldier trying to surrender? Or an unarmed POW?
Thoughts Jow Forums?
Hey Jow Forums what is the best type of 45-70 lever action rifle?
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
If you can't
Let's talk BM-21 Grad. How accurate is it?
Help me out
We all have one. That cartridge that, for whatever reason, deserved far better than what they got. What's its name...
What is Jow Forums's opinion on shoulder holsters?
Im thinking about moving to Montana
I can't legally own a gun because I slapped my gf when I was 20 years old (yes I slapped the shit out of her for making...
Why is .38 special the most cucked round ever?
What makes sas and other special forces special?
Brazilian elected President
Ian Thread
You can see Ian thinking "you fucking idiot" whenever Larry Vickers speaks
Safe Thread
AR Pistol
Your 16 year old perfect aryan daughter walks in
What gun is this?
The eternal debate
Se/k/ret Santa General - Batch 2 Edition
Can we have a thread about weapons of the old west
So this cucked program just had a big segment on how the AR-15 and it's "high-velocity bullets" is the literal...
Shotgun/scattergat thread: fireball edition
The 1911 is literally the most perfect pistol. As to why Polymercucks can not accept this simple truth is beyond me
How are you holding up, Jow Forums?
Did I get a good deal?
Why no white phosphorus bullets for militaries?
My grandfather is about to pass away and I stand to inherit his hunting rifle...
Tfw closest range is 30 min away
9mm vs .45
What is the Jow Forumsest game and why is it far cry 5?
I wonder what the bill was
Effectiveness of 30 carbine?
Professional knives for self defense? Assist me please. It's for my girlfriend who has middle strong, small hands...
What’s the most rust resistant .22 pistol you know of?
Why are nonwhites allowed to be in this country let alone own guns?
Name a more autistic gun
Jow Forums Games
Why did Jow Forums enroll in the military?
/akg/ AK General
Canada General
Why Does Iran bother to have an Air force?
Bolt Action General/Precision
If a military exists to defend a nation's borders from threats and such...
Lever Guns
Is this a bag that a LARPer would use for EDC/biking into work...
What does Jow Forums take to the bathroom?
ITT: Jow Forums animes
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Does anyone own a Skorpion Evo?
Why is army so mean to birds?
Old double barrel
Post your targets Jow Forums
So I'm dating a full blooded German girl that is anti-gun and she doesn't know about my guns or gun hobbies since I...
Measuring 50 meters
Hunting Newbie/Hunting General
Thoughts Jow Forums?
Is AR500 armor the best armor on the market?
How Jow Forums is my coffee?
Would you?
What is this
Good dump
Which guns do you use for hunting?
Gone are the days on $200 russian imports
Me and guy I know buy 22 revolvers
Why should a civilized society allow its citizens to own phasers? Why do you NEED a phaser?
Italo-japanese war
/EGG/ Euro Gun General
US offers to transfer frigates Oliver Hazard Perry to Ukraine
What is German Army like?
I'm planning to buy my first firearm ever today, gonna go with a Remington 870 12 gauge...
What does Jow Forums think about the 223 wylde chambering?
Daily Reminder that studies show guns don't even affect bears and that according to I fucking love science you dicklet...
India refused to buy Russian fighter jets
You know he's right Jow Forums
InRangeTV's WWSD is the best guide to building the best ar-15
Patch Thread
Just watched Sicario, is the sequel any good?
Lesbian here
Favorite gun & favorite sip
"so how can I help you today sir'
Germans weapons are overdesign-
Love weapons and animals
Make me a grip design, and ill print it out and put it on my 1911
This ugly son of a bitch is moving a ton of cargo 500 miles on a gallon of fuel and pulling millions of pounds per...
Human - Machine war
Is it inevitable that we see a mass shooting with an FFL machine gun eventually...
Was going to get food when I saw this gunless tank being transported in South Carolina
Lmao this dude... lost his eye in the war or whatever
US firearms design after the Second World War
So, is it true?
/gq/ - gear queer
Nonwhites should not be allowed to own guns
Ok, hear me out
AR Thread / AR General /arg/
Florida Thread
When's the last time you shot a gun without ear protection?
SKS thread
Why did cowboys leave an open chamber in their revolvers? I get lack of hammer safety...
Ok fellas, my girlfriend just said that H&K being german basically makes them british. what do i do
There are people on Jow Forums RIGHT NOW who don't even own machine guns
What kind of Jow Forums activities did you guys do today? Shooting. Stalking. Camping
Badass Death Scenarios
Quick men! Secure the portal before more tan soldiers arrive!
Navy SEALs or Army Rangers?
Ohio Ordnance Works H.C.A.R
Why didn't they just buy Japanese?
Virginia Thread: Big Guys Edition
Why do russian special forces copy American gear?
Shooting and arm strength
Is it true that Japanese tanks possess both great speed and strength?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship