Ok fellas, my girlfriend just said that H&K being german basically makes them british. what do i do
Ok fellas, my girlfriend just said that H&K being german basically makes them british. what do i do
Agree with her and beg her to lube up the strap on.
Well they were owned by a British company for a few years so shes not wrong.
She's right. HK is owned by the Brits.
That's why they did the upgrades on the L85. You should marry her she'll keep your dumbass alive.
she is right. anglo saxons came from germany and denmark and conquered the native britons in like ~500-700 a.d. The original groups that came together to comprise anglo saxons were the angles, jutes, and saxons. "England" was named so because it was a shortened version of "anglo saxon"
My advice? Kill yourself. Immediately.
Tell her she has it backwards and inform her the British Monarchy is actually German.
You pull out a Webley and an Enfield, and reflect that British weapons are better than those made by Germans, and then your abigail brings in tea and sausage.
God save the Queen.
BAE hasn't owned H&K for years. Their parent company is German now.
Post her feet
She was watching a Cokeman video and linked the british accent he was using to the USP he was shooting. She isn't that smart.
she's a keeper, knows what them eurofags is all about.
Time to put her in the hole you pre dug in case this day came. You did dig the hole right?
The British monarchy is actually itallian...
Tell me more about how the house of Saxe Coburg and Gotha is Italian. You fucking retard. Italians can't even rule their own country, let alone another.
Weren't they actually owned by the brits? At least for a while
Do it op
There's so much special in your comment.
>wat do
Colonize your gf
Based huhposter
Tell her that Germany isn't even a real country and it shouldn't exist.
actually they;re ashkenazi jewish
You are a special kind of stupid.
I thought they were lizard people.
Tits or it never happened