This thread is to discuss all issues regarding the Great State of Florida, topics include:
-Scott for Senate over Nelson?
-DeSantis over Gillum
-How to fix Red Tide?
-Pub Subs
-Gun Rights
-Bonus points for Thicc Latina pics
Florida Thread
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Also what’s the best conceal carry for the eternal summer that is Florida?
Shameless self bump.
I CC a makarov in an urban carry holster. It's pretty fucking comfy, and you never really have to worry about sweat accumulating on your gat. It's a very quick draw, just unsightly when it hangs from your belt.
I voted red all the way down the ballot except for a particular district judge who I voted for independently because I felt they were more qualified than the Rep candidate.
If you voted against dog racing you're a fucking cuck and didn't read the actual law. Also always vote in favor of homestead tax exemptions. Always.
This is now a California thread
Pacific coast is superior to the Atlantic coast in every possible way.
Friendly reminder that Rick Scott is a traitor to the people of Florida and the constitution
I don't want to vote for either senator I hate both of them so fucking much. Why is everyone against us?
Havana Bold with 2x meat is my jam and I'm really going to miss it when climate change blows Florida the fuck out.
I kinda want Scott to win and Republicans to keep the House so they can finally go about gutting SSI, Medicare, and Medicaid. Fuck Boomers, they're parasites.
neither party has ever had a history of defunding boomer welfare checks.
Until now, when both Ryan and McConnell have made it clear that's their goal to pay for the TCJA. Trump offers them unique air cover. He tells his supporters what to believe, and they believe it--no questions asked.
Bush couldn't do this. Reagan couldn't do this. He's quite adept as creating reality as he sees fit.
Good post, Amendment 9 pissed me off, I mean I don’t want offshore drilling but what the fuck does that have anything to do with Vaping in restaurants?
Rick Scott isn’t the best at all, the gun law he passed was bullshit, even DeSantis said it wouldn’t get passed the courts which is why I’m hopeful, we cannot have Gillum as governor. Nelson is also a cuck.
From your lips to God’s ears user
How do you keep your shit from rusting.
They are trying to get it passed any way possible. I voted no out of principle.
>be le me
>want a gun since I'm 3
>boomer parents so don't get one
>2 months until I turn 18
>some autist shoots up a high school so they raise the age to 21
I want off the ride
La goblina a says to gibs guns
Is there any public land in Florida to fuck around on? I dont want to be that one nigger who goes to Everglades and breaks the law but also there is no public land to do anything on.
Not really. Rules for shooting on state land is vague as fuck.
Ocala national Forest
Make friends with a rancher
Nice try rancheranon nobody wants to be your friend or have sweaty cowboy buttsex with your fatass.
I just want frens
I'd take nelson over Rick. At least we know where he stands. It's a serious shame desantis beat out putnam.
Seriously the only way to not get fucked by a shady amendment is to vote no unless it explicitly says what it’s about. No means Yes and Yes means No
Putnam sucked and was in bed with big sugar, Nelson is a fudd cuck who’d happily sign an assault weapons ban
Rick is already on his way to signing shit like that anyways.
I'll take big sugar over a trump puppet
You must not like going to the beach and must love the algae
How cool is that place, going there soon what’s the rules?
>support rick scott
>mention the algae
they dont call him red tide rick for nothing.
Ive hunted in the Osceola National Forrest. Its seems to be a cult of old fud hunters that dont like new people coming in to hunt on "their land". But Im sure you can find an area with no one.
Also, WMAs typically are pretty legit to shoot on
>Scott for Senate over Nelson?
Will a democrat stop cucking us so hard out of our gun laws?
I'm convinced republicans are incapable of having a spine
Apparently all amendments past the first 3 or 5 or something were bundled together by a committee (the Constitutional Revision Commission specifically). Mixing restricting offshore drilling and vaping was done intentionally as they didn't want the offshore drilling part going through so they hacked in the vaping part to obfuscate the issue and make people like (and me as well) vote no out of principle.
I wanted the ban too but that's politics. I don't care about other people vaping in restaurants as I am not a faggot so No it was.
Scott has always been a sketchy guy but he showed his trues colors. He would almost certainly be better than Nelson on the 2a but when push comes to shove if he's going to just back down fuck him.
Floridians are up there as the worst fuck heads in the nation, borderline retarded. How somewhere so warm can harbor so many snowflakes is beyond me!
who are you, are you me?
what the hell does this even do? refer people to personal injury lawyers?
You've obviously never been to Florida. Even our Libtards can send you to hell in a hand basket.
I hope all you faggots fucking voted and did your part to convince others to vote for the right guy. Gillum wants to make Florida gun laws like Cali
Gillum wants to make Florida California in general.
>gillum brags about being mayor of tallahassee
>when he's the typical florida black democrat mayor: corrupt as fuck and made things worse under his rule
Why would anyone trust that fuckhead?
when is voting? tuesday?
south florida is fucking up the voter roles so goddamn much. The county by country breakdown of early voting shows that without the overpopulated southern cities we would be solidly republican. Still, it's basically a tossup. The "12 point" democratic lead has no appeared.
early voting has been underway since October 22. Voting ENDS on the 6th.
As big as you can.
so should I go now? polling place is around the corner.
Buy quality. Keep is oiled.
Florida Bros:
Vote Desantis and Scott. Gillum will not support your right to bear arms. Scott will certainly fall in line with the Rs if it comes to voting down a gun grabbing bill. You know Nelson will side with the Dems on this one.
You gotta get out and vote even if you don't "like" them. Because you definitely won't be happy with Gillum. Vote.
Honestly, I'd rather it come down to the wire than the leads Gillum had in polls. It shows that DeSantis at least has a big change.
early voting is not at your polling place, there are special early voting locations, and yes, vote early.
772 full republican ticket inbound
but I could go to the polling place on nov 6 though right?
My 2 florida carries
alright just making sure, thanks
The best-case for Gillum if he gets elected would be that Congress doesn't vote for the shit he wants, making him a 4 year lame duck. I know congress will tell him to fuck off if he makes any tax increases (which he will, since he's a progressive Dem). I hope they don't cuck out when he starts throwing a temper tantrum about wanting an AWB.
This. Good finishes go a long way. I do fuck all to prevent rust other than halfassedly cleaning them after shooting yet have had good luck.
I also fling in any spare descant packets I have sitting around from computer parts into gun drawers/ammo cans and the like.
dont buy rustington, keep it away from moisture
South Florida is a shithole full of haitians, jamaicans, and entitled shitheel spics. Literally the worst humanity has to offer crowded together in two counties.
Central Florida boys need to get in here for fun woodland operating times. Had a newfag come out for our little meetup this weekend and he had fun
P938 on person. 2 years no complains. Usually a full size in a backpack close by.
Man, op inviting randos. This is how we got Alejandro
I have two patches left and then they're gone, if anyone wants one.
Private sales, I've got a Mosin for sale if you're in Central FL
Hi there Shareblue, mind posting your guns?
>tfw i voted for amendment 9 because i dont want oil rigs fucking up florida's coast and i'm petty enough that i like the idea of smokers suffering more
We have the discord for vetting for a reason, can't bring in everyone via word of mouth. Guy who came out for this weekend was fine
the guy with the """"V8""""" Challenger? lmao
Hey he was decent even if there were some subtle fed vibes
You can't post 411-pain without posting John Morgan of Morgan and Morgan: For the People
Morgan and Morgan is a chump compared to the king of 904, Farah and Farah.
Don’t reward Rick Scott, he’s another Flake/McCain. Nelson has a good chance of dying soon from being an old faggot.
Red seat is a red seat. Primary him if he acts up
Even if Scott is a turncoat, he's still better than AWB-loving Nelson.
Yeah him and Nelson and Putnam and any politician with their hands open
850 here
561 where y'all at
8 1 3
321 reporting
239 reporting
Is that still legal?
Yeah, private sales under 21 are perfectly fine, I've gone through the law, it only applies to FFLs. I've bought like 3 handguns since it passed and I'm 20
I'm 561, haven't met anyone here yet. You wanna meet up?
We can’t let that happen, if we lose Florida we lose the funnest craziest state in the nation.
Good stuff looks comfy
You’re right thank God for the supermajority, hopefully they keep their stand
He legally is barred from driving and is a terrible alcoholic
Tbh I think gun laws, at least in a near 50-50 state like FL, are more at risk with republicans in charge than democrats. When dems are in office the right is reliably united against them and turns out strong to check any efforts from the left.
But when republicans are in office the "moderates" like Scott will split the party when they get handed a hot potato like parkland and you end up with far fewer people turning out against the legislation.
Somewhat new to the 850, any good places to shoot around here?
I think Scott's folding and the bill going through Florida's congress were political decisions designed to boost the politician's image and make them look like compassionate angels that are doing something to stop the evil shooters to bolster their re-election (or a Senate run, in Scott's case) chances. If Parkland had happened at an off-year I don't think the bill would've made it through Congress, much less have Scott sign it.
SO, would you say that Gillum becoming governor would make the Republicans unify against him, which includes protecting gun rights, or collude with him and pass things like an AWB?
No, this is retarded subversive bullshit. Get fucked.
Any 305 fags here? I fucking it here in westchester and want to leave.
There's a nugget of truth in them. In states where there's a pretty even split, there's incentive for the majority party to collaborate with the minority party, if only to stop potential unrest. The moment they lose power or lose a major seat of power, like the governorship, they have more incentive to be obstructionist until they get their power back.
That place is bad. Some guy pointed a loaded gun at my head on that range. "Don't worry bro my finger is off the trigger"