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So, is it true?
Connor Wood
Joshua Peterson
So, are you retarded?
Julian Flores
dont put shit in your ears, your ears are an asshole leaking all the time and putting crap in there better be for removing infections or stopping blood loss
Brayden King
If that’s amoeba cultures, then sure.
Luke Collins
yes, i go to college
Liam Williams
>your ears are an asshole leaking all the time
Ryan Rodriguez
Just use an electric drill
Hudson Bailey
Nothing cures tinnitus. The only solution is to avoid getting it.
Angel Lopez
Another way is just to become deaf
Xavier Morales
No, you still "hear" the ringing (because you don't actually hear tinnitus.)
Jaxon Cook
Luke Morris
Jordan Green
Nicholas Roberts
I hate the fucking clickbait ads
Isaac White
Earpro companies HATE him!
Jackson Howard
>Place the palms of your hands over your ears so your fingers wrap around the back of your head.
>Set your middle fingers on the top of your neck right at the base of your skull.
>Put your index fingers on top of your middle fingers and apply pressure.
>Now snap them on the back of your head over and over like you’re drumming.
>Repeat it about 50 times.
this is the only "cure" i've ever seen for tinnitus, but it seriously fucking works. It's only temporary, mind you, but it offers a brief respite from the ringing.
Jose Clark
>tfw get occasional ringing
>terrified of getting it full blown
I'm so careful with my hearing now. I don't want this shit getting worse.
Owen Cruz
Well, the ringing is caused by damaged hair follicles constantly sending a signal. It's high pitched because the most delicate hairs are for high frequencies, so they get damaged first. If there were a way to fix those little hairs, then it should be possible to stop the tinnitus. Some people will always swear they can hear it, though.
Lincoln Edwards
Amren borther. Especially the close-up anatomical pictures that look like pr0n at first glance.
John Ward
The new line of research says that tinitis is more like a concussion that never heals. Nerve endings in your brain that are supposed to be aligned with others now arent. Synopses i think they are called.
Isaiah Bailey
That's bullshit when it comes to tinnitus caused by long term exposure to sound that's marginally above safe levels. Stuff like listening to music or machines.
Samuel Morris
I can attest, for sleeping I use ASMR and rain videos and shit. but for during the day when the ringing gets too much, even just a few (like 10) snaps can be a life saver. Learn this technique and master it
Ayden Jackson
>(because you don't actually hear tinnitus.)
sure kid
Liam Ramirez
this is true. I always used ear protection for loud noises not knowing the constant background noise was the real issue.
Blake Wright
just tried it. it works.
Dominic Edwards
Holy shit, can confirm. It's brief but I'll take what I can get