Lmao this dude... lost his eye in the war or whatever

Lmao this dude... lost his eye in the war or whatever


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Other urls found in this thread:


eyepatches are cool

>snl hasnt been funny in decades
what else is new?

This has nothing to do with weapons dickhead.

>navy seal for a decade
>lost his eye to an IED

holy shit I wanna vote for this man

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who is that rat faced fuck and why should i care?

who would find this funny

Disregarding the fact he was a fucking navy seal who lost his eye in combat

Why would you make fun of somebody who lost an eye in general

fuck off back to Jow Forums

>Why would you make fun of somebody who lost an eye in general
Dehumanizing your opponent is perfectly acceptable as long as they're on the other side of politics, for some parties

Snl was pretty bad tonight.

hello plebbitor
being a fag like usual?

Want a real hardy NYC laugh?
Get to the part where they talk about Jewish American deaths in Vietnam...

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Kill yourself for such a stupid comment


Who is the faggot in the prison jumper?

Why would jews die for Israel when stupid goyim faggots like you could do it?

Texas confirmed for outer haven?

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>They used da mean words about muh holy servissss
Sack up, snowflake.

Attached: 2zOBq.jpg (553x700, 89K)

In Germany of World War I Jews numbered about 600,000 and had 12,000
deaths. The 57 million Germans had over 1,800,000 deaths. Jews died for the
Kaiser at the rate of 20 per 1000 while other Germans died at a rate more than
50% higher, more than 31 per 1000.
To point out the obvious, the Jews of Germany died for the Kaiser at almost
10 times the rate their American kin would do fighting the Germany of Adolf
Hitler, by reputation the most evil country ever to exist. If Jews of America
would not fight in World War II, the question must be asked: When would they
fight? The answer must be never. So much for the claptrap that men will
dutifully fight and die if the cause is sufficiently noble.
For the Vietnam War the estimated population of the United States in 1967
was slightly over 200 million with Jews being 5.87 million of that total, or almost
3% of the general population. Given the total of American dead for the war was
slightly above 58,000, the “fair” share contribution would be about 1700 of
those dead coming from Jews. One privately published analysis of Vietnam
War dead used data in the Southeast Asia Combat Area Casualties File in the
National Archives and concluded after a computer count that 269 Jews died in
Earley 59
Vol. 2, No. 2 The Occidental Quarterly
that conflict.69 Later this information was discreetly published on the internet
and not publicized.70 Other Americans died at a rate more than six times as
much as Jews.

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Do you incels want affirmative action so you can compete?

>this autism

They really do live rent free in that little double digit IQ brain of yours eh

Of course, jews love free shit. That’s why so many jewish kids die in car accidents where they run into incoming traffic in an attempt to grab an errant coin rolling away from them.

This rent free shit is probably the weakest attempt at trying to appear smarter by covering up ignorance and stupidity
>Hey you know so much about this topic
>That means that said topic controls how you think

Look at the guy making fun of him. You don't think these people are literally scum?

>t. Newfag

Who's this mumbling inbred? Is he a youtuber or something?

The Jews did fight in WW2 though. They were conducting a terrorist bombing campaign against the Brits in Palestine.

typical jew. sends goyim off to fight wars for israel then laughs at stupid goyim's disability.

Saturday night live.

Hes also the guy who unironically got a tattoo of Hillary Clinton last year

Attached: hillarytattoo.jpg (800x420, 130K)

Explain? I don't do twatter

It's literally just this living 56% meme going "hurr he has eyepatch".

How did i get banned from Jow Forums for 24h for posting Ty Ziegel in a "Veteran stories" thread, but this shit is still on

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Glad I didn't waste my time, thanks.

texkeks cant tell the difference

Jow Forums mods are blatant leftist plebbitor nigger loving kikes that only actually take down right wing and anti-jew threads. The cucks dont even try to hide it anymore.

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We lost madtv but got to keep SNL.

how is a ty ziegel post something "right wing" and "anti-jew" u fucking weirdo antisemite

>his iq is so low that he isnt an anti-semite
Lmaoing at ur life sheenie lover. Next you're gonna tell me you're a nigger lover too.

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>the kid with the flat cap playing it cool
>trenchcoat crossing in the hat

you didn't answer my question weirdo, stop deflecting u fucking imbecile

but let me guess, you have no fucking idea who ty ziegel was and just assumed it was something about le zog because his last name is german

what the fuck man i am not pissed cos he's makin fun of a war vet but am pissed he's making fun of the guys diability

not condoning vilolence some one should beat that fag up he should lose his job

He needs to keep his job or how would he show off his new orbital fracture?

wanna know how i know your a jew ?

That guy is so fucking creepy looking, like nothing about him even registers as human.

fucking 2017 fags

This queer is about to lose his job. You don't make fun of veterans in the post-9/11 world and stay socially acceptable.

Reminder that his dad was a firefighter who died on 9/11. At least his dad didn’t have to see the liberal faggot he’s become

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You must be from another dimension or something.

No one in the media cares about vets anymore. Now it's all about the genderqueer otherkin roody-poos.

he looks like the host from the hunger games.
leftists are disgusting and morally bankrupt.

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That guy was actually kinda fun to watch though

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The guy has a hillary clinton tattoo. He is the joke

I don't know either of these people, or their politics. I do know that calling someone a "hitman from a porno" while dressing like an alternate costume of the Aurora shooter is probably the pot calling the kettle black.

Sorry I couldn't hear you over this delicious chow hall food

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That's not how Jewish writing teams work, user.