Is it inevitable that we see a mass shooting with an FFL machine gun eventually...

Is it inevitable that we see a mass shooting with an FFL machine gun eventually? For the price of all his bump stocked rifles Paddock could have bought a belt fed 1917 that can fire indefinitely

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at least charles made it look impressive when he shot people this new generation cant even mass murder right

Unlikely. It'll probably be a garage made sten or something first, but holy shit wouldn't that be a trip?

I'm banking on it being an open bolt'd ar, that's doable

In the event that a mass shooter were to use a machine gun, would first setting a building on fire, then setting up the gun on an exit route be an effective strategy for them?

Or you could just use an explosive, with secondary explosions to get first responders giving you enough time to bask in your glory watching TV and maybe striking again.

Call me tinfoil but the rate of fire, to me anyway, indicates it was either an M240 or an RPK firing at that crowd.
Paddock was probably dead the entire time, Many people have made public statements of shooters all over the place, not just dispatch confusion either.
If i had to guess, that was an organized attack on the US from probably some legitimate force.

Spree shooters are generally stupid. Take that guy who tried to shoot up the Republican legislature's baseball team for example. Someone somewhat inventive would've put tannerite under second base or something, or you know, actually hit their targets.

>drunkenly staggering and irregular rate of fire
>"must have been a factory MG, probably a 240!"
I don't understand

fucking this
>talking to friend about it
>"it was a machine gun muh friends who served and shot machine guns said so"

Can I ask why 240 over a 249? At least the cartridge would be the same. Can I also ask why you are making shit up to sound woke?

>irregular rate of fire

No.I don't know where you heard that. It was rhythmic. Audio analysis proves this as well.

249 has a higher rate of fire.

The entire vegas thing stinks, the guns on display, the weapons shill shot in the head alone, the complete survelience set up, It looks like a bust gone bad.
I don't doubt for a second the FBI bit off more than they could chew, the experienced perps created a huge diversion while they escaped, their man got killed and they covered up their huge fuckup, wouldn't be the first time. A fudgeup that bad would be Waco tier.

Shooters are rarely "gun people"

Paddock was an exception, most just use whatever piece of shit the could get their hands on fastest.

not out of character the kike killer 9000 went tit for tat with the police and non fatally wounded four of them despite plates and such. far right wing and non false flags from unhinged individuals are usually effective. Compare the unibomber to the seminole gay stripping bodybuilder white supremacist or the congressional baseball game shooter who didn't even rank on Jow Forumss high score board to the synagog shooter. Comparatively mass shootings in concervative areas lead to things like the nra instructor and buddy who ran down and shot that church shooter; that shit don't work when the populus isn't armed.

doubt it

please do elaborate!

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As a Califag who always looks for this sort of stuff, I recently thought of an interesting mass shooting concept.

At the Huntington Beach Pier, there's a few decent vantage points that are almost in line with the 1850 foot walkway. From these vantage points, the entire length of the pier is covered from a small angle cone. This makes it perfect for a spray-and-pray mass shooting, the hit probability and ricochet/victim trajectory being in the attacker's favor. See pic related for a visualization.

If someone were to get their hands on an M-16/AR-15 full auto lower and belt-fed upper with huge m27 linked belts of 5.56, they could potentially whack hundreds of people like bowling pins, given the pier's populated enough. Of course, this is all hypothetical, Mr Alphabet Soup.

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What evidence would it take to convince you that the 'official' story is true?

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This, spree killing with a gun is done for personal gratification, those who have an actual goal tend to use bombs, like McVeigh and Kaczynski. School shooters are the best example of fucking retards who can barely use their gun carrying out their fantasies

Asking the wrong question. I've said this many times about "conspiracy theories": the event is like a balloon; if holes can be popped into it without sufficient refutation, the "official narrative" can't be trusted.

What's stopping people from jumping over?

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The sharks you've placed in the water beforehand

M249 has a higher fire rate you fucking mongoloids and 556 sounds far different from 7.62. There was proof of the m240, i dont know why you shill kikeposters even bother.

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A couple things. One being a surprisingly high number of people can't swim. Those that can often have never jumped from that high and will fear the fall.
Two, people are going to freeze when the shooting happens and then look for something to hide behind. Like in the movies.
Also, in those situations most people will be so panicked that they will be incapable of independent thought. Meaning the thought of just jumping over the far side will literally not go through their mind.

First time I got shot at it took me a solid 2-3 seconds to realize what was happening and that was in Astan when I was expecting it. Normans wouldn't have a clue.

You better not be planning a mass shooting though. Thats a bitch move. But if you do include me in the cap CNN

I had this exact same idea, hotel rooms have basically infinite water and nobody is going to think to shut it off. The amount of ammo you could have brought would be insane considering all the shit he had, and 8mm mauser is better than .556 (08/15 is best Maxim)