make me a grip design, and ill print it out and put it on my 1911
trips and ill leave the design on permanently
make me a grip design, and ill print it out and put it on my 1911
trips and ill leave the design on permanently
Other urls found in this thread:
finally, the second coming of christ. i knew you were him as soon as i saw the image
Here you go.
one more reroll
OP could be confirmed a faggot
roll for
OP is always a faggot. never forget that, lest we be lost forever.
The "typo" is to protect your doggo, btw.
that's actually pretty good user
and it only has one dick on it
well, i liked my double nigger one, but i guess this is good too. get to work OP.
Thats Actually kinda cool
i dont get it
Shit, Voyager was 50 years ago, you're supposed to modernize the image.
Nothing to get mate? A picture of the plate on voyager.
I knew there had been a capsule sent to space, never knew that image was sent with it, I've never seen that image before. That music selection was pure trash.
Do it.
for once a good winrar
When will se see the results OP
Actually pretty cool, please post results op
>And it only has one dick on it.
Tasteful Jow Forums
Carl Sagan would be proud
That’s actually really neat. I’d do it and wouldn’t be mad
Show us when it’s done.
Please mo
I would totally get a set of gold anodized grips with this engraved in it.
This is way more clever
OP here, it shall be done
>mfw I remember someone saying the 1911 would be in use for so long that it would probably be used to shoot an alien in the face one day
I can't help but feel like this is a prophecy now.
nice. took me a whole 7 minutes to make
I'll get home in around 4 hours and print out the good designs
>ywn remove space niggers with great grandpas .45
also get the hoodie and the hat
I am fine with this.
Also, I hope the first alien that is killed is killed with a 1911 with this grip on it.
Alright OP you better deliver.
At a friends house
Before the night is done the meme shall be made, get some schleep and check the thread in the morning
Somebody make sip grips for maximum boomer
Would be aesthetic if it was in brass relief.
get 'em made of copper and gold plate them
Now this is peak boomer.
Thank you brother, I am in your debt
How do I make the grips come out small
resize image?
>guys I've never used a computer before
edit>resize canvas>set print size to the measurements of a4
view>actual size
shows you the size of things at the bottom of the window
Checked, thanks, I figured it out with ms paint but I couldn't find a ruler so I was just trying to wing it
>being surprised that a boomer who is trying to put white sip grips on his custom walnut grip Remington 1911 cant use a pc
>Benis and vagana
Neat get
>Remshit 1911
>Can't into basic computer shit
Yup checks out.
Imagine having to walk to the printer to pick this up while someone else is waiting for something on the same printer.
>user, what kind of jeans were you trying to print?
This is what the Space Force will be using.
Holy fuck, that would actually be pretty based on a 1911 with some spacy-based engraving, and brass/gold inlay. Like the orbital trajectory / arc of voyager and the planets and stuff.
Here's the first grip lads
history in the making