>love weapons and animals
>dad is a hunter
>he wants to take me out in the forest to teach me how to hunt
>don't have the heart to tell him I don't want to shoot animals
What should I do? I don't want to make him think that I'm a pussy.
Love weapons and animals
He will think you're more of a pussy for not standing up for yourself. Also just agree to hunt smaller game. Who cares about birds or rabbits.
Also underageb&
i assume you're a vegetarian too? if not, you're pretty hypocritical.
if you don't want to go again, miss the shot, say it was too early and cold for your liking and would rather just stick to the range.
>teach me how to hunt
Underageb& detected
Anyways just say you’d rather not kill anything but you’d still like to go to spend time with him.
Just stick your ground and say that you don't want to hunt for sport. I think it'd be reasonable to suggest going to a firing range instead.
Hunting with modern guns isnt sporting and is mainly for faggots so dont worry about it OP. The only hunting that is even remotely sporting is bow, black powder, or spear. Everyone else is a tower sitting fudd/onions faggot. Just explain it that way to your pops.
He shoots them, you dress them, and get fully involved in stalking and prep work. Also, participate in pre hunting rituals to get you both in an appropriate head space.
Man up and face your fears, and talk to your dad about it. It is his responsibility to help you through life's problems. If he doesn't know your feels he can't help you.
you are a pussy tho so he would be correct in thinking that
I will not teach my kids what to think and like/dislike. I will however teach them to stand up for themselves and be true to their beliefs.
If your father values democracy and freedom he will be proud of you even though you don't hold the same beliefs as him.
Also: rabbits and birds aren't really animals. Kill them guilt free.
Hunt animals that do more harm than good. Like wild boars and coyote.
Generally speaking I was on the same boat as you, but knowing how much of scum Coyote are and the distance they would go just to try to hurt my animals if given the opportunity; fuck them.
most of hunting (if you're actually hunting and not just hanging out in a hunting blind all day) is stalking through the woods and enjoying the great outdoors. until you get good (or lucky), the animals will probably notice you before you notice them and hide. some people go years without seeing an animal they're legally allowed to shoot.
also venison is delicious, and perhaps one of the most ethical meats you can eat, since the animal got to live a full life in its natural habitat before a quick and relatively painless death. can't necessarily say the same thing about the hamburger meat you get at the store.
>I love animals...
Population management (aka hunting) is important to many of the species of critter that people hunt. In fact, we had a shortage of hunters in my area a few years back that resulted in overpopulation of whitetail. Many ended up as roadkill or dying from disease. If you love animals you really should consider what is good for the population, not just what makes YOU feel good.
> before a quick and relatively painless death.
Something like 40% of deer shot by American hunters are not recovered by the hunter, because they didn't make a clean kill. Most hunters are shitty shots, and too lazy or don't have the skill to follow a blood trail, so the animal dies a lingering death.
With bow hunters, the ratio rockets up to something like 70-80%
Just miss the shot. "Whoops dad, happened again."
>not just hanging out in a hunting blind all day
where do you live? in my state you just about cant hunt any other way due to how flat the land is and how dense the woods are
get him to take you hunting for animals that are disturbing the Eco system eg if you're in Texas, hogs
Hunting is intrinsic to human nature and has a reward response more intense than crack. Don't be the first man in your bloodline to break the chain of hunters.
Grow some fucking testicles
Rabbits are cute. Rather hunt a deer.
If you eat meat but won't kill an animal then you're a pussy that doesn't respect an animal enough to bear the responsibility of killing it for your food.
You sound like a beta male cuck.
Point proven, kill yourself you disgusting subhuman autistic. I shoot all my deer and bear with my AK just to piss dumb little faggots like you off.
go with him. just miss your target
you determined this how?
>It is his responsibility to help you through life's problems
millennials actually believe this
That man created you. Literally stuck his dick in your mom's gaping vag hole and pumped away for 3 minutes, just so you could live. And you tell me that man doesn't deserve better than that. I fucking dare you. I fucking dare you and I'll knock you the fuck out. I will. I will knock you the fuck out. I will fucking floor you. You tell me that man doesn't deserve better than that. And I will knock you the fuck out. I will knock you on your fucking ass. I swear to God I will. Anybody deserves better than that. The worst among us deserves better than that. And fuck you if you disagree.
>t.orange shirt guy
user youre off your meds again
>Father don't have a responsibility to their sons
What are you, black?
Hunting in this day age actually helps animal conservation. Part of the money earned from hunting supplies goes towards conservation efforts. Hunting helps control animal populations to prevent over population.
I knew it, you guys dont have a hunting culture.
[citation needed], because how in the fuck would you even begin collecting that data short of self-reporting surveys?
Worst case, have him show you how to stalk, but let him pull the trigger. Later in life, if you ever want to pick up hunting or even wildlife photography, you'll have the skillset. I wish I' had time to learn the skill from my uncles and father before they lost their deer lease.
Also, if you eat meat, every meal of wild game is a meal not made up of an animal raised and killed from a feedlot.
Get a load of this faggot.
You must live in a pretty shit area for it to be your main concern.
I'm going to tell /tg/ you posted that, user. They're not going to like it, not one bit.
He wants to share his knowledge and share time with you. It's about bonding.
The killing part is quick and rare.
Think about this, when you're off for college or even after that doing your own thing you will look back with the time you could have spent bonding with your father. Will you regret the choice you made? This is his hobby and he wants to share it with you, you should at least have the courtesy to bond with your old man before you don't have that chance anymore.
Just suck it up and blast a woodland critter with your dad. There's nothing more satisfying than teaching your younglings to be self-reliant, don't take that from your dad by making him compromise. OP, people would kill to be able to go hunting with dad just one more time. Don't lose this opportunity man. You'll regret it forever. Im sure he'd love to spend the time with you anyway, but do it for him OP.
Look at it like this:
Regardless of what you do, your dad is going to go out and take an animal. So you can either go with him and spend time with him and learn something useful, or you don't and that animal will die anyways.
Secondly, I love animals too. But hunting is done to conserve and prevent animal populations from exploding out of control. There's no reason loving animals and hunting can't go hand in hand. Many hunters I know have far more of a connection to the land, outdoors, and wildlife than the granola smoking hippies who think a 2 hour hike makes them an outdoorsman.
Are you a vegan or a vegetarian? If not, I personally believe you'd be doing yourself a lot of good for hunting an animal. So much of the meat we eat is mass-farmed and industrially slaughtered in horrible conditions. I'd much rather eat a deer that lived a good and free life, and then died quickly and a lot less hard than it could have. It just weighs less on my mind, as opposed to eating some prepacked steak or sausages knowing that the animal I'm eating probably lived a short, sad life full of suffering and mistreatment. I'm at the point where I try to only eat meat that I hunted myself nowadays because the idea of tucking into oscar meyer bacon makes me sick knowing what conditions those porkers lived in.
If nothing else it could be a good bonding experience with your father and you can learn a potentially valuable skill.
>deer lease
Uh.. where can I get a deer lease?
Asking for a friend haha....
This thread solidifies my impression that hunters are indeed retarded
>I don't want to make him think that I'm a pussy.
Tell him you don`t want to shoot animals, period, you will be more of a pussy by doing something you don`t want to.
>i assume you're a vegetarian too? if not, you're pretty hypocritical.
There`s a difference between killing for eating and killing for fun.
Don’t be a faggot
Just shoot a deer and eat it, it’s not very hard
If you eat meat -- GO. You need to respect where your meat comes from, and you need to know what it's like to harvest an animal. It's also TONS of fucking fantastic meat.
If you DON'T eat meat -- don't go. Tell your old man what's up. Unless he's like a drunk, abusive TV dad, he'll respect you.
If you can't kill an animal, you shouldn't be eating meat
Please dont make me want to fuck the rat. I dont want to fuck the rat.
>if not, you're pretty hypocritical
"How can you love animals but eat meat?" is some PETA-tier level rhetoric.
Hunting isnt killing for fun if youre doing it right. Hunting, for one, keeps populations in check (since we killed off most apex predators we must assume their role) and also its dirt cheap meat. a $0.25 7.62x39 HP + time spent processing it = really fucking cheap, fresh, organic meat that wasnt sitting in a pen chowing down on onions and corn all its life. Hunting is literally just a more direct way of getting meat on the table without a middleman.
>teach me how to hunt
It's pretty fucking easy. You rednecks make it seem waaaayyy more difficult than it actually is. Just go in there and don't move around too much. When you see an animal, shoot it and it will die. Cut off the meat you want and leave. EZ PZ.
Hunting kills a member of a family
Farm animals don't rely on each other
OP here, thank you guys a lot for the replies. My relationship with him has been quite distant since we don't have a lot in common and I guess he found my interest for guns and decided to teach me how to hunt. As I much as I hate killing living beings, I will try to do it for him, I want to make him happy and proud.
And no, I'm not vegan.
> Deer dads
> Not polyamourous and deadbeat shitbags
Doe meat does taste better though.
Yeah dude, the difference is eating, you just gotta eat it.