why did you enroll in the military?
how was it?
would you do it all over again?
Why did Jow Forums enroll in the military?
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Unironically 9/11
I enlisted as soon as I was old enough in 2002
I didn't
Biggest regret of my life.
because watching marines clear fallujah looked fun as fuck to 17 year old me
I joined the Marines, and if I could do it all over again, I'd join the chair force. Really I would. Same pay, treated like a human being, bitches still like the uniform, and more likely to be hired with skills I can use in the real world back home.
Don't join the Marines, neither as infantry or a paper bitch.
> I enrolled
College fag drew this, right?
> To fight in the middleast
A neo con globalist drew this?
Like protecting the country from invaders isn't a good thing. The Mexicans and other gross little violent tribal monkeys have been a fucking menace for decades. Mexico is lucky it doesn't get bombed.
Was hoping to shoot sandniggers and niggerniggers, got none of that. Would redo it very differently.
Makes you wonder who this comic is making fun of. Defending your border and land is more important than going to some faraway place to kill whoever the fuck
I enlisted in the US Army as soon as I turned 18. Was thinking about military for the later portion of my senior year in high school. I didn't apply to any schools and didn't want to go to community college so I enlisted. To answer your question, I don't think I would do it again. Honestly, I was never particularly patriotic. It was mostly a tedious job. The military is also filled with gigantic assholes. Tired of being made to feel like crap instead of getting help when I didn't do something right. Not an environment I'd recommend someone go into.
>I enrolled to kill people, not actually help my nation
Never did, might though if I fuck up engineering
>don't defend your country
>go die for Israel
This is more like it
You are literally going to defend your homeland border. That’s pretty much as good as it gets for a soldier
>A neo con globalist
yesss......a globalisttttttt
I enrolled to die for Israel!!!
Not to actually protect my nation from foreign invasion!!!
I didn't. Went for ROTC, then when I went to the doctor for knee pain found out I wouldn't be able to contract because of it.
Fucked up my knees in high school doing stupid shit. Tore both meniscus, not repairable. So instead I got a degree and sold guns for a couple years. Now I'm an accountant who spends more money on his car than on his guns.
Defend them from a caravan of unarmed poor people that are over 800 miles away?
How scared are you really? Why are you guys so scared of fucking everything
oy vey the chutzpah on these goyim nowadays!!!
its like they want to protect their own borders from the millions of brown skinned people we are shipping there!!
they want to protect their own borders instead of Israels!!! THIS IS HATE SPEECH!!!!!!
Ran out of options
I flunked out of a top school, the mediocre school didn't want to give me back the scholarship i declined, and my family was belittling me for going to community college
I just used the military to escape, little did i know how homoerotic the whole experience would be
>60 to 75% of inmates in USA prisons are hispanics
they have turned the southwest back into mexico
you cant even walk the streets at night if youre the wrong color and 12 year old juan rodgriguez will stick a knife in some little old lady for 30$ and her phone.
>what are you so scared of?
we dont have shin bet or IDF soldiers kicking pregnant women in the back and shooting children for throwing bottles here to protect us
Foreign invasion of 1200 unarmed people? Why are you so scared?
I value the economy instead of a wave of spics who fucked up their own home and now want in to do the same here by refusing to assimilate and follow the law of the land.
>1200 unarmed people
all around me
all that I see
jewish lies
more than 1200 people cross every day you hebrew speaking asshole
Im fine with it.
let mexicans die for Israel when the jews finally force the USA to invade tehran.
whites shouldnt even be in the military anymore. let browns and blacks waste their lives for jewish goals.
I joined in 2000 because we hadn't had a ground war in a while. I voted for Bush because he didn't want a war.
All the dudes I know going are butthurt because they know they're not really going to shoot anyone desu
man hearing this shit is actually kinda sad.
do you have any regrets user?
>why did you enroll in the military?
I was conscripted
>how was it?
Alright, i guess. i wanted to fix infantry weapons or tanks instead of AA guns though
>would you do it all over again?
Conscription, not that there is a choice, but i'd try to go artillery or tanks
I felt obligated to because both my parents (and a line going up my paternal side) did. It was a mistake to be desu I feel like my life only really began to flourish once I was home, I wish i could get those years back
>"Border Mexico"
Whoever's responsible for this probably isn't even a native English speaker
to establish central banks
create a infrastructure rebuilding pipeline in the middle east to funnel billions to wall street
to make sure oil/gas pipelines run through israel instead of turkey or syria or iran
to protect israel
to learn how to take naps in 110 degree heat on top of gravel
mission accomplished
>why did you enroll in the military?
No motivation to do anything else. Scored well enough on the ASVAB to get a decent job that I ended up not liking but it's not too bad.
>how was it?
It's not bad. USAF gets treated pretty well compared to other branches.
>would you do it all over again?
Haven't even finished Tech School yet so I can't really say I know what it's like to be operational.
To die for my merchant masters
Joined to get experience in a job being fresh out of high school. Almost done with my deployment, so I've gotten a lot of the experience I'll need. Just waiting to get the fuck out
I mean their technically allowed to if it's in self-defence, so if someone happens to throw a stone at one of your buddies...
man the jew york times just have zero self awareness
the jews over there just think the cattle buy anything they print and are so used to telling the goyim how to think and why to think it shit like this makes it right past them
jews need to be wiped off the face of the earth
at this point I would join Isis if it meant killing jews
alas, Isis are jewish puppets as well and do what they are told also.
Do we have any mexi/k/ans here with a death wish willing to take one for the team and trigger something nice?
the jews will just call him a nazi like they do with everyone else who owns a gun.
Sports medicine classes were full
Served in the South African army, and as soon as I get my residency in the US i am going to look into joining the guard
To get away from an abusive family and get a real chance at going to college. Seeing the world is nice
>hispanic white supremacist rodrigo martinez shouted AYO HITLER BANG OUT FOO before making a white supremacist hand motion and opening fire
all the white supremacists are dark skinned people now
gay nigger faggot just spray pained a bunch of swastikas on a synagogue
guess what race his foster family was?
i needed the credits and it was the last elective open
because my local rabbi threatened to send me to federal prison for hate speech because I said the two shia minority countries bordering iran on either side werent responsible for sunni guys from saudi arabia with ties to ksa and mossad intelligence taking out the twin towers and the whole war on terror seems to benefit one tiny little nation besides america.
he said it was all a coincidence and threatened to have me locked up.
judge said I could do a few tours in the sand box to cure me of my antisemitic critical thoughts.
Stop making this thread you colossal cock smoker.
Reservist here. It's great, I'd 100% do it again.
Yeah, flipping the switch to "military mode" once a week sucks, but as junior enlisted, it's a cool way to spend your summers and there's very little expected of you besides showing up for training and staying semi-fit.
Most militaries also have an easy option to allow you to go try out for SOF or go to full-time if you decide things aren't working out civvie side.
To kill people
this just got interesting
You aren't even real military. Put a reservist up against a active duty soldier and 9/10 the reservist comes out looking like a soup sandwich.
Yes I'm jelly.
Because I wanted to. I got very good grades in high school and could have gone to a nice college but I wanted the lifestyle of a warrior.
It sounds cringy, but I often wish I was alive in Roman times, just so I could serve in the legion for 20 years and retire to a nice countryside villa with several young female slaves.
Shame there's no real wars happening.
Yep, registered with the Selective Service when I came to the States. The federal government never summoned me, though, and I think I'm old enough now that things would need to be dire before I get the call. Semper Fi
the rules about the stars facing forward was only instated in 2003, so older uniforms had the flag as shown in the picture.
this lmao
I joined after high school to be a machine gunner in the marine corps. I never attempted to get into college or enroll in CC. I went straight into the military without giving it deep thought. It’s a great career option for people who don’t really know what to do with their life but honestly if I could go back I wouldn’t do it, or I would join the reserves. I have a lot of pride in the marine corps, in my mos and in my unit but I haven’t adapted well and the lifestyle isn’t for me at all. I’m at the point where I’m trying to just ride out my contract without getting in trouble and take advantage of the benefits afterwards.
Who will the West fight next? It's gotta be either Iran or China, right?
Preferably, it would be a nice Jow Forumsomfy race war where it would be possible to rack up 50+ kills on looters and whatnot, but I doubt such a thing will happen anytime soon.
>fighting wars for jews
completely expected and rational use of the US military
>protecting its own borders
crazy unilateral action PR stunt to fool voters that makes no sense
what did the (((new york))) times mean by this?
one is a threat to Israel
one is not a threat to Israel and lets jews run its banks
Iran is going down pretty soon.
its as simple as that. why do you think all these fake WMD programs were made up so we could fight for Israel in iraq, syria, libya? but the north koreans actually have WMDs and we dont do shit?
now if the norks ever pointed missiles at tel aviv then shit would go down.
I joined the Navy immediately following high school, because if I didn't get away from home soon enough I probably would've killed myself (srs). Doing so helped cure most of my autism as I began making friends for literally the first time in my life.
Obviously reservists are inferior to regular troops. But it's the easiest way to get military training without being obligated to a term of service or being shipped to god-knows-where.
After basic, we take our courses with reg force troops and get plenty of weapons time. There are some guys who like the military enough to take continuous contracts; they work full-time for the military, but aren't obligated to deploy if they don't want to.
I may go to the regular force eventually, and I get to skip a bunch of training because I did it as a reservist.
If OP wants to join the military but is unsure, it's not a bad option. If you're certain you want to join, reg force is definitely better since they get better equipment, but if you don't want to sign a contract right away due to other commitments, reserves all the way.
How would you compare the Reserve to the National Guard? I'm planning to enlist in one or the other and then attend trade school. Either that or go active duty before joining CBP, I have some time to plan everything out. Also, which branch would you recommend?