Let's talk BM-21 Grad. How accurate is it? Does it fire massed with the battery? American MLRS does not mass because of DPICM in rockets, it is too pwerful.
1KM? This is too much I think. The rockets are solid, there is no ICM on Grad or Prima.
L:ol, Chinese MLRS is more powerful. Uses miniaturised AESA active radar on each warhead it can locate the target quickly and is known to have a CEP of 20mm.
Camden Lewis
I wonder how many casualties would be if one Grad opened fire on a big city center without warning.
Why can't we have simulators like that :(
Angel Morales
Does Grad have different kinds of warhead like Tochka? I saw a youtube video before of the different kinds of warhead a Tochka could deliver. From cluster anti personnel mines to anti tank shaped charge on a parachute.
Nolan Russell
Aiden Peterson
But we can user, I did it last week in Arma
Nicholas Ross
Yeah, there is about 15 different rockets for them
Ryder Baker
Russia has CEP of 1km while China has 20mm, what is America's CEP? If I recall America uses the nearest hit on the target becomes CEP while China uses average CEP. If America fires a volley the hits are 1000m, 950m and 300m the CEP is 300m while China gets 750m from the same hits.
Carson Carter
I have only ever seen one video that truly showcases the systems accuracy and effect on target area. I don't know however from what distance this was fired, and that obviously has a great effect on the spread of missiles.
Video won't load for me anymore, but it could be due to some proxy stuff from work PC. If anyone has a mirror, that would be great, otherwise, you can generally see what happens from the still image. Accuracy is shit, but its a great weapon when you want to fuck everyone up, including civilians and their houses. And if you hate the people you are fighting....its usually what you want.
>How accurate is it? youtube.com/watch?v=nF7KIJ_6ETM It is "fuck that area in particular" accurate. Russia operates an upgraded Tornado version with guided projectiles and fire control system. >Does it fire massed with the battery? You bet it does. >American MLRS does not mass because of DPICM in rockets M270 aka MLRS is a different calibre of rocket artillery. It is armed with 12 relatively large 227 mm rockets. A similar Russian system BM-30 Smerch is armed with 12 300 mm rockets and uses guided projectiles too. >1KM? "1 km" - what? >there is no ICM on Grad Because it was designed in the 60s. There is now. >Your thoughts? Lurk moar.
The system is designed to hit clusters of enemy troops, armoured vehicles and structures. It is supposed to hit areas, not points. >Very inaccurate compared to Chinese MLRS Accurate enough to reduce Chinese human waves to cinders in 1969.
What? The US has used mass firing of an Mars battery at a single target before, there's a semi famous nighttime video of it happening during the gulf war
Austin Brooks
negative ghost rider, waste of rockets. each one of those things has 644 dpicm's inside it, so you're throwing that times 6 down range each time you empty a pod. That's versus the 70 or so in a conventional 155 round. You would typically put a pod against a battery.
I've seen the video, they just aren't all shooting at the same target.
David Torres
>CEP. Radius of where it hits from where it supposed to hit. No you dumb fuck. Just fucking google it if you don't understand.
CEP means circular error probable. It's the median error - distance from point of aim. What this means is that half the shots fired are expected to be within this distance of the target.
I would consider the BM-21 grad a trend setter like the dragunov. It wasn't better than many artillery pieces at the time but it was a new concept that western armies were not using (like a DM rifle for infantry)
True Russian innovation in MLRS even if in true Russian fashion it's only good for indiscriminate fire.
That's the old model, the new "Xi Jinping IV" model has micro quantum sensors and has a CEP of 5-6mm in winds of up to 70kt, not to mention a range of around 12,000km.
Blake Brooks
That's an outdated model, the "Red Dragon" missile has a CEP of less than 0.05mm and a range of 56 light years while capable of travelling while capable of traveling at mach 1200, in winds of 100km/s wit an explosive effect of a 25 gigaton bomb and 250km of RHS penetration. 5000 per launch unit on the back of a truck.