Hey Jow Forums what is the best type of 45-70 lever action rifle?

hey Jow Forums what is the best type of 45-70 lever action rifle?

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a lever action is the best type of lever action. or do you mean brand/model?

>lever action

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not that tube loading shit.

I know marlin doesn't use tube loading, but what other companies do too?

one with a loading gate

Own a Marlin SBL. I love my donkey cannon.

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Henry Golden Boi

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>tube loading

Winchester 1886

Chiappa makes so good bang for buck rifles.

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I think we have the same scope bro, good taste:)

Marlin 1895

Found the eurocuck noguns

>scout scope meme tier trash
Holy fuck you are retarded

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Henry's are good guns.
Aside from the front tube loading, holy fuck they ruined their shit with that.
I dont think Winchester makes a .45/70, and even if they do the price would be a fuck ton for a meh gun.
So marlin is really the only game in town.

>good bang for buck
What the fuck are you talking about?
And knowing chiappa they are some shitty Turkish made rifle imported by chiappa.

>being poor

go for a cimarron or pedersoli

>or not being poor and spending $2000 on 2 Marlins [which are superior firearms anyways] and still have enough money to buy reloading gear for the .45/70

>buy potmetal instead

I really can't fathom why Henry doesn't just corner the levergat market by making models with loading gates. It's nlt like there's an active patent on loading gates.

They would still be in competition with marlin, but there would at least be comparable options.

>lever action
>not falling block action

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Yeah, that's true. If they done it during the Freedom Group takeover they would've trounced Marlin.

>falling block
>cant into pressure

nigga falling block was popular because of how much it kept the pressure.

In black powder loads.
It cant handle modern hot 45/70 loads.
Only marlin and ruger no.1 are rated for most of the good loads.
Even Henry isnt.

>t. cheapass who has never used a quality scope with solid eye relief

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A scope with normal eye relief will always be superior to a scout scope.
The only people who disagree are nigun kids that think it looks cool.

How is it superior?

Is there a reason you're intentionally obtuse? Are the (You)s really so worth it?

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A Henry, specifically because it is a tube loader.


>can completely unload without having to cycle fresh ammo through the chamber
>faster to reload even after you get the hang of both load gates and tube loading
>zero pinch risk


>can't larp about reloading fast in a high stress/low dexterity situation with multiple desperados with single action revolvers on your ass

>slow as hell reloads
>have to unmount the firearm to reload
>have to have body across the 90° muzzle line of a loaded firearm
>have to put your hand directly in front of the muzzle
Fuck off Henry shill. Until they do a loading gate Henry's are trash.

>can completely unload without having to cycle fresh ammo through the chamber
The best part of a lever is cycling it though.

I legitimately don’t look at Henry’s because I don’t care about MUH AUTHENTICITY

maybe the old rifles literally made in the 1800's but the repo guns are fucking great.

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Jow Forumscommandos, I know a lot of shit is sling on this board, but do not listen to
If you put modern cartridges in a repro falling block, YOU WILL blow that fucker up.

dude your full of shit, you don't need black powder rounds to shoot old guns. As long as you don't get the over board super fucking hot stuff you'll be fine.

Who gives a fuck about the tube? It’s not 1886 and you’re not going to be using your levergun to rescue Miss Kitty from a Comanche raiding party. There’s no rational use for a levergun in the 21st century which requires fast combat reloads. Especially for a fucking .45-70 of all things.

>implying you are buying a levergat to look at and not to hunt with/bear gun
Fuck off faggot

Most Henry rifles hold 7-10 rounds in the tube. If you can’t dispatch Bambi with that many rounds at your disposal, stop hunting now.

Ruger No. 1
Marlin 1895

Fuck Henry.

>referring to hunting with a 45/70 as "bambi"
>spouting basic bitch fuddlore over multiple posts.
Get out of here underage noguns.

This same exact faggot swoops into every thread whenever criticizes Henry's dumb loading system and repeats the same stupid shit over and over and over again. This has been going on for several months, possibly years now. Literal fucking autism.

His daddy bought him a Henry. 22lr and be thinks he knows something.

Neither do I, but Henry has a much higher standard of quality than post-Freedom Group Marlin for a similar price. If Henry had capitalized on the drop in quality Marlin had by producing guns with loading gates, they would've almost certainly cornered the market on affordable levergats. The opportunity is pretty much gone now that Marlin somewhat has their shit together again.

Stop being retarded. Being able to top off your gun is very important when hunting dangerous game like bear or moose. Tubes are slow and cumbersome to reload by default and there is a very good reason they were phased out literally immediately after the introduction of loading gates. I could see your argument for having a loading tube on a small-caliber rifle like a .22, but they're a bad idea on anything you might wish to use in a life or death situation.

Not OP. You do know that SP is 3 to 4 times stronger than BB? So you'd have to underload the SP rounds or else it'll blow up you stupid fuck.

>Henry has higher quality than post freedom group marlin
This isnt 2010 shitbag. That's been a non issue since early 2014 when marlin did a full product overhaul.
And since when is 35% more for a Henry "comparable price"

Hes fucking retarded. Dont worry about him.
The falling block was made when cartridges only got up to 15,000 PSI tops, a hot rifle load can easily be over 60,000 psi, and he cant into physics.

>That's been a non issue since early 2014
This. Also, there's all kinds of aftermarket parts you can buy for Marlins now that'll turn them into the most reliable (traditional)lever rifles in existence. I wouldn't worry about the Freedom Group shit anymore, at least where Marlin lever actions are concerned. Remington is another matter.

This. Fuck Henry and their garbage pot metal receivers. Also fuck any modern Winchester made with a sintered pot metal receiver.

Marlins, especially the JM era ones and older Winchesters make any Henry look and feel like the toy it is. The thing that baffles me is how fucking expensive they are.

Ruger number ones are very well made but are also expensive for what you are getting.

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>slow as hell reloads
Only if you aren't used to it. Practice with both.

>have to unmount.
Again, see desperado larping. This is a non issue for hunting and you shouldn't be using manual action big bore rifles for home defense.

If you're in a situation where you want to load a manual action rifle so that in an emergency you can at least still fire one shot at a moments notice and still have the gun trained on the target: you're using the wrong gun.

>have to have body across the muzzle line of a loaded firearm

No you don't. If you do have a chambered and unfired cartridge, you keep the lever open and twist the tube end.

Alternatively if you are that fidgety about it you can still unload it the same with any other lever gun: constant cycling. But the latter has the greater risk of primer indents which is much more likely to cause a ND.

I thought falling block was one of the stronger action types?

>desperado larping
It has nothing to do with larping, and everything to do with preference. Having to load your rifle like a rimfire toy because Henry doesn't care to spend the money to make rifles with loading gates is fucking stupid and you know it.

Rossi's are good.


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Fuck off you cunt

>donkey cannon.
came for the shitposting. enjoying so far.

Moose, bear, boar, and other dangerous game could all potentially require a "fast combat reload" as you put it. They also make good truck guns, but the thing about truck guns is that most farmers who have them keep them unloaded until they're needed. I know I'd love to have to fiddle around with a removable tube while wolves are tearing apart one of my calves.

Didn't you know? Anyone who even considers using a lever rifle for anything except deer hunting and shooting cans is a larper

How many dangerous game is one likely to meet simultaneously? I guess if the tube is empty one could load directly to chamber too

I personally dont want a non-22lr gun that doesnt have either detachable magazine or loading gate but considering the tube holds what, 5 or 6, I think the slow clumsy reload its very critical for most applications

It isn't about "combat" reloads or anything like that, it's just inconvenient and annoying for literally no reason. It's like if your car was made without a driver side door, so you had to slide in from the passenger side everytime. Fucking why

>zero pinch risk
Learn to load, pussy
Having to play the game of "how much powder can I shove in this cartridge" in order to enjoy your gun is a sure sign of low intelligence. High Walls can handle 28000 CUP. They're more than fine.

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If you're getting pinched with a loading gate you're doing it wrong. There are zero benefits to tube loading. It's just fucking awful, period

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Anyone who says that loading tubes are fine don't actually own a Henry or are lying to themselves. I have a big boy steel and the tube is a giant pain in the ass to deal with. It extends really fucking far past the muzzle, it's not captive in any way, the knob to turn it is too small and it will never ever be as fast as a loading gate given the same amount of experience with both. Not to mention repeatedly cocking the lever to unload is a fucking nonissue because you do it with the henry as well to make sure it's clear.
It's such a shame because the henry action is very smooth and the wood quality is great.

Henry Repeating Arms, hands down, or a Marlin one before Freedom Group.

>It's such a shame because the henry action is very smooth and the wood quality is great.
they make great american made rifles at a great and affordable price point. if they made guns with a loading gate, i really think they would dominate. of course, its easier said then done. perhaps why they work well but at the same time are affordable means a trade off with the loading tube.

>what is brush hunting
>what is swamp hunting
>what is hound hunting
>what is bear hunting
>what are ranch rifles

What kind of parts, torvarish?

Tell it to this faggot:

He may just have not wanted to move the iron sights or raise the scope for handling reasons

In what way is it always superior? Scout scopes do exactly as advertised, which is a desirable quality in some applications.

>Henry Repeating Arms, hands down
Nah, a Miroku-made Winchester is easier better quality than Henry. And it loads like a centerfire lever action is supposed to.

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Get a Uberti for 45-70 and be the slickest shooter around.

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Of the old school "weak" action types.
Yeah its stronger than a rolling block, but nothing like the marlin action or mouse type

>What are wolf packs, Alex?

Why do Henryfags always come up with these outlandish strawmen about people who want loading gates?

It's the same person in every single god damn thread.

Almost positive it's the fucking CEO of Henry, because I know he's defensive as fuck about the tube loading.

I've had this exact thought myself. How pathetic.

Because they have a nice firearm with a lot of great features except for one that is utterly retarded

What else do you expect from a Wisconsinite? Change the design and make both to allow what people have been asking for so long and get more sales and no complaints?

I would be willing to tolerate it for the .410 Bore, because that's a gun I don't think I'd ever be in a hurry to reload with for any reason, but I consider it a drawback otherwise.
To me it's like a Single Action Army clone without its own loading gate, where you'd have to take the cylinder out and poke the empties out with a stick. Sure, it may still be a good revolver overall, the quality could even be very nice, and while some would be willing to overlook a quirk like that, I personally am very put off by it.

I like the look and quality of Henry a lot, and the Long Ranger is an awesome rifle that I genuinely want to get, but when it comes to wanting a .357 Magnum rifle, I would sooner look for a Rossi M92 and then go to work on one of those with files, fine grit sandpaper and fine polish (as well as probably refinishing the wood), then I would settle for sliding out a tube underneath the barrel and inserting cartridges there.

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I'll go you even one more.

keep the original henry line and call it "classic" or some browning-tier faggy bullshit. add updated shit people want under a different category.
two birds, one stone. more market share. more money.
to keep from going balls deep, holy shit we lost our ass, bankrupt time. only run the new rifles as a limited offering, but with potential for future sales. possible outside contracting to a reputable manufacturer for initial run if unsure of tooling and/or not wanting to re-train and buy new equipment.

>and the Long Ranger is an awesome rifle that I genuinely want to get
I'm willing to give Henry some credit there, that actually looks like a nice rifle - especially with the iron sights. But fuck them in every regard.

every other regard*

I wouldn't say "fuck them", but I'd say they're not doing themselves a favor.

Tell us about your rifle user. She's pretty