So what exactly is the current state of revolver brands today? Of the american companies...

So what exactly is the current state of revolver brands today? Of the american companies, it "seems" ruger seems to push out the better product at the moment. But what the fuck is going on with the other companies right now?
I find myself looking to get my first wheelgun in 357mag in 4"-5" range. I personally hate the lock on the S&W and the talk of declining QC and parts quality, Ruger gp100 and gp101 just looks ugly, no way around that aspect. Colt only just spat out a .38 only snubby.

Am I just limited to old guns at this point or the ruger match champion with it's garish writings all over the gun?

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I have a 4” Security Six. I would definitely recommend it. It’s a great value for the money, it looks good and shoots well.

I have a newer (2002) smith 686+ and the quality is still absolutely excellent. I removed the lock, and it's taken a metric shitload of hot .357. don't fall for all of the internet memes and if you get a performance center you have a real hot rod of a revolver.

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frogs, krauts, and greaseballs make better revolvers than anything burger.

>Dan Wesson
>what S&W could have been

Do you need double action or are you fine with single actions?

hello my favorite jewish S&W shill

henlo fren

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Keep up the comfy times going

am I a fag for liking the slab side barrels for the 686's?

frog and kraut made revelvers are also harder to get and command custom tier prices.

absolutely not. full length underlug is sexual

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anything else is heresy

Ruger for great hunting revolvers, general all-purpose revolvers, a good snubbie (the LCR), and revolvers that can take a huge beating and keep on ticking.

S&W if you want more more than Ruger's LCR as far as snubbies go and performance center for the stuff most competitors use. 686 is still a solid all-rounder and the 617 is a good .22LR DA revolver if you don't get a dud.

Freedom Arms if you want the best of the best single-action revolvers for hunting or competition.

Taurus if you want your revolver's build quality to be a surprise.

Colt if you're a dumb fudd still lusting over the pony.

Italian companies if you want repro wild rest revolvers.

well, I've also been thinking about picking up a Monson built dan wesson in 4". Not really gonna go barrel kit hunting since I hear those things aren't cheap and get snagged up quick.
CZ is offering new built stuff, but at $1000, I'd rather not.

>tfw you ironically want to pick up a .357 Rhino on your next LGS trip
Do I have brain problems?

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Buy an older Smith. Know what to look for.

Yes. Save up and buy a Mateba at least

If you are dead set on a double action gun, I think you are being reasonable. The new revolver market is at its lowest point. Options are limited and although CNC and modern processes can make fine guns, they’re nothing like the ones that were rolling out decades ago. A lot of revolvers work but there are not many new ones that feel right, especially when shooting double action rapidly.

Try to find an older Smith. Don’t be afraid to buy one that is used as long as it wasn’t abused. Even still, there are a number of good places you can have them sent to be refurbished and the action tuned up. People that aren’t revolver shooters tend to beat them up and you can see many on the used market that are damaged by user error.

I’m talking about damaged stars, bent ejector rods, silly issues and actions out of time. I have a nice 629 that I bought used, the cylinder stop would not engage. This meant that the hammer would not cock and I got a good deal on it. The gun was otherwise fine, it ended up being the stop spring, I got one on midway for $2.

I love Ruger single actions a lot. Vaquero and Super Blackhawks. Excellent for full power loads and knocking around with. They are sturdy as fuck and since I don’t mind the beefy frame for their intended purpose, they are a go to. Love the SS finishes and have 4, looking hard at the new Bisley 454 short barrel. Sexy AF.

Colts are fine guns but the cost benefit ratio is out of whack for any generation unless you want a collectible. That said, I got a couple older police guns and they are very nice shooters. Old world craftsmanship and slick as shit.

THERE'S A HUGE GAP between 2002 and 2018/19.

I bought a 627 Performance Center 2017 that came with a shit ton of problems and I was lucky to sell it at a loss of $200

Going online I saw YouTube vid and YouTube comments and forum post after forum post detailing the very same things that happened to mine.

Being fair though, my girlfriend bought a 586 that has been flawless so far, but it came extremely dirty and makes you wonder what these fucks are doing over at Smith.

That's unfortunate. I'm highly considering trading up for a new 6 inch 686 performance center. The handling of them is phenomenal.

The only thing I don't like on the new 586 is the bluing. It's a travesty to call that "blued" compared to a pre dash 586

>for the stuff most competitors use

This is what always gets me. You have people memeing about how modern S&W is Taurus-tier, yet revolver competition in the United States and internationally is completely dominated by S&W. You'd think that if what all of the dumbfuck fudds were saying was actually true, then people would be competing with pre-Model 27s or vintage Model 10s that were bubba'd to be gamer guns instead of new production.


I will fite you

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My dad just bought a 929 and 327 TRR8. Both are flawless and beautiful. I don't know, maybe lemons are more common than previously, but they can still make a fantastic wheelyboi

Your options expand by quite a bit if you're ok with SAO revolvers.

I have a new production Vaquero in .44 mag that I love dearly but can never afford to shoot.

Not OP, I'm looking specifically for single action. What's the market like for those?

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Depends what you’re after. Like what other anons ITT have said already, Ruger Vaqueros and Blackhawks are overbuilt SAA lookalikes that will gladly shoot anything short of a mild atomic bomb, but are modern revolvers beneath the old school styling. Uberti, Taylor Cimarron or whoever else Uberti imports through make pretty nice old west replicas in a wide variety of calibers and styles at a more affordable price point. Fit and finish-wise, they’re not as good as Rugers, and most of them follow their original model’s design as close as possible, meaning leaf springs instead of coil on SAA clones, having to half cock to unlock the cylinder, etc. Your options are pretty nice these days.

>"I bought one 20 years ago so the quality is still excellent"

Taurus is coming back as a trusted revolver brand. The iffy QC is fading away now that they've become a massive meme for being garbage and finally realized they should try again.

Mirin grandfors bruks small forest, just got one for winter camping

I wish the finishing was better. I had several obvious burrs on various parts on mine.

S@W is still top of the line. the holes are PITA but can be fixed. I wish they'd make blued guns again cause im sick of all the satin but I havent seen that drastic of a dip in quality. A lot of the boomer "it was better decades ago" talk is rose colored glasses

colt is heirloom worthy now,Id be too scared to use them besides anything but a range toy. Even after the cobra repros, I doubt they're ever going back into production with anything that isnt a 1911 or AR. They dont care and dont need to care. its a shame but whatever

Ruger is up and coming and im hoping with all these new models theyre making they will evolve past 'your grandpas favorite fudd supply". IMO they will replace colt as the tag team with S@W

charter arms is still hit and miss. when it hits they can be really good though. Look into their history and the first gens were great, second gens were shit, current gens are improved but it will always be a second rate company. I have a soft spot for the bulldog but nothing else they make

Rossi is same as Charter arms, maybe a bit worse

taurus memes are real but of all the things they make their revolvers are the best. Not counting the clones

Dan Wesson is dan wesson. Custom level work is going to be great if you can afford it. I used to hate on anything custom, then I shot some Dan wessons and saw the light. Shame im poor

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Ruger's been have QC problems as of late. I still love their revolvers though, been lusting after a .357 Redhawk for a year now.

I will say, I got a peach with my carry taurus. this thing takes a beating from hot .357. shit tier finish though, get the stainless model

I bought it a year ago off a Jow Forumsommando. it's why I said "newer," not new.

thanks my guy I just picked it up for innawoods. my buddy has one and god damn if it's not the perfect camping axe.

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the trr8 is hot garbage
let me know when he starts getting light primer strikes, sloppy endshake, and a loose barrel shroud

Can you take a picture from the muzzle so I can see the shape of the barrel? I've been wondering if it's completely rounded (which I don't like) or if it has flats.

I think the inconsistent quality is tarnishing Smith and Wesson's reputation. If you get a good revolver, it's gold, but more and more of their guns are coming out of the factory with all sorts of lazy or weird shit, like flakes in the barrel.

Thankfully, S&W had good customer service so you can easily turn your lemon into the gold it was meant to be, but it's still frustrating to see a $700+ revolver have obvious defects out of the box when you'd expect more craftsmanship and care from S&W.

Yeah, that's probably because even Ruger is falling to the "quantity instead of quality" virus that's infected other gun companies. I remember reading about a new production Blackhawk .357 Magnum that had obvious trigger issues, which is crazy considering how well-built Blackhawks usually are.

the rifling or the crown?

>S@W is still top of the line
Which line, exactly

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I don't have a whole lot of experience with Taurus, but I have an 85 and 992 that are pretty nice. Tight lockup on both.

I have handled one or two that were kind of rough. Probably a good idea to look over any Taurus before buying, if possible.

Isn't that custom gun prices?

I mean, you’re a fag for sure. No doubt. But for many, many reasons. Not just this.

Old Dan Wesson Model 15s are criminally underrated and can be for (relatively) cheap.

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It's still nearly 2 decades old, retard.

i got a taurus 527 6.5” and fired over 1000 rounds through it of a mix between 357 and 38 spl. Flawless fun.

I love my Vaqueros. Shooting a revolver is a great reason to get into reloading, you’ll save a lot per round on 44SPL, 44MAG compared to other calibers. Centerfire revolvers can be expensive to feed.

I cast bullets and reload for all my guns. I shoot everything from light target loads to jacketed thumpers with big fireballs. I get free lead from work, tire shops, the dentist and salvage. This means basically unlimited free projectiles. If you get into hand cannons, you can work your way up as you get better at shooting hot loads.

Check out the deals on Black Friday. Check eBay. Save your brass. You could likely get a single stage Lee press and die set for well under 100 bucks. I use the Lee powder dropper for my handgun loads and have won many shooting tournaments.

Reloading is a fun hobby, especially paired with wheel guns. There is a lot of savings to be had and you have a wide latitude of powders and loads to work with.


It's 16 years old, which if you took your head out of your assistance for a minute you'd realize that 16 years is relatively new for company that's 160 years old.

Jesus man get some perspective.

>gp100 and gp101 just looks ugly

>Ruger is up and coming
Where have you been for the past 20 years

>20 years
More like least

If you don't like the look of sp101s and gp100s but still want a double action ruger 357, look out for a nice old security six. I think the new rugers look good, but I also really want a 357 vaquero

Get this OP

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My first gun was a 40ds, I've since bought about 12 more, and it's still the most accurate, easiest to shoot gun I own. I haven't ever shot a classic colt python, but of all the modern revolvers I have shot -- it's like 30x better. Makes .357 feel like .38 and .38 feel like .22

I have a few .22 automatics, and they're so full of so much California brand self loathing they find a way to be waaay worse. Can't take the magazine out with one chambered? Wtf that's stupid.

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Just get a goddamn JANZ-Revolver, you fucking poorfag. The state of this board I swear.

Is $615 a good deal for a 357 Dan Wesson revolver?

>tHe StaTe oF tHiS bOaRd i SwEaR
As if you're not the one saying something retarded, you fucking faggot.

up in coming in that theyre not only appealing to hunters and bill's fudds
they were always under colt and smith and wesson because they refused to innovate and now loom at them

get an SP101

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the line of quality that can be everything from fine duty use guns that you can beat up or custom quality range toys, but the overall quality of the company is still great. that line
>but muh hilary holes
they could have gone the way of colt, kimber, or remington so Ill take it

How about Dan Wesson?

Get a Colt SAA

custom level quality. So obviously theyre one of the greatest but not if you cant afford dropping well over a grand for a single pistol

See . My local gun store has a used one.

I'm a die hard s&w guy, but my dream revolver is this one.

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whats the condition and what does it come with? Overall seems fair though, dan wessons are nice

As far as I could tell it looks nearly brand new. I didn't ask if it came with anything, however.


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I'm fairly sure it didn't include anything.

>Refused to innovate
You don't know what innovation is.

>even Korth uses those awful, tacky Hogue grips

what the fuck man

>now look at them
Producing the strongest revolvers in America?

The fuck do you have against hogue, they're fantastic to shoot with

Correction again! It comes with two different barrel lengths.

What do you all think? Should I go for it?

they lack aesthetics, and I don't like finger grooves on grips

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>motherfucking Colt
>more innovative than Ruger
You've gotta be fucking kidding.

Ruger's lockup seems to help their revolvers hold time very well. Never seen a Ruger out of time.

I would, Dan wessons are cool


but in the prime of colt and smith and wesson they were not on the radar as much. But those days are past and Ruger has taken some steps towards being more innovative. In the past few years with new versions of the GP100, the LCR and now recently joining the modern wonder nine race with the security 9

I like wood grips but I care more about what is better to shoot. Hogues are fantastic to shoot with.


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Got the Dan Wesson. Need to wipe it down a bit.

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the outline of the entire barrel, from the front sight down to the underlug
like a silhouette of the gun from the front

If you have the money for a korth, you have the money for custom wood grips