556x45 is the shittiest, weakest, and most ineffective intermediate rifle caliber on the market, abd you know it.
556x45 is the shittiest, weakest, and most ineffective intermediate rifle caliber on the market, abd you know it
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sike nigga you thought
>a bunch of cheds shoot up a van with 70+ rounds
Gee when theres a fuckload of bullets, its almost like anything in their path is destroyed. Wew lad serious science there.
>7.62 x anything would have done a better and more destructive job on the mexicans
I 'unno, OP said it was ineffective but it looked pretty effective in this instance. For reference, this was from an ISIS slug gun execution.
It's pretty crap in situations where a rifle matters.
It makes it really easy to train speds though.
Is this ARFCOM?
Well its cheap, and high velocity. So that's why I own a 556 rifle. Im probably going to get a .300 memeout and a .308 rifle.
I'ts probably the cheapest centerfire rifle cartridge there. So I see no reason to not own some.
>stand ten feet away and shoot someone
>implying hordes of any bullet wont kill you
>being to stupid to realize most other bullets are (keyword) more effective.
This is a science thread for sure.
nyet. rifle is fine
>being to stupid to realize most other bullets are (keyword) more effective.
Goalposts, they are a shiftin'.
Must be why the most powerful military on the planet uses it.
When anons talk about caliber without mention of load data or bullet construction, I know they're retarded/noguns/both.
Thanks for making it so obvious.
Whatever you say faggot, eventhough all of those points are mentioned in OP.
Stupid fuck
>any grain between 40 and 90
>any barrel length
There fixed it for you. The cartridge is shit, not the gun faggot
And that the second and third copied it.
Whoa no need to get angry user. Did your uncle touch your peepee again?
The superiority of M855A1 must really piss you off.
>changing the conversation
Gg faggot get rekt
Nope, but its nonexistant availability and extreme price does.
Its useless.
>i want a 458 socom!
>ear piercing screeching ensues with phrases like "too expensive" being thrown around
>Gg faggot get rekt
Clearly a child
I love these threads. Can I shoot you with this puny round? For science?
>tfw you're in the infantry and "receive" a "free" mag of 855a1 after every range trip
Feels good man
>still avoiding the original argument
Clearly lost the argument and mad about it
Gg noguns getrekt/madbro
Only If I can shoot you first
>tfw when you get an arm blown off in infantry and qt nurse gives that good good morphine
>feels good man
Lmao ok I'll bite, despite the awful grammar.
The round clearly outperforms 5.45x39mm and 7.62x39mm for starters, the two closest other intermediate cartridges.
>most ineffective
"Ineffective" is a binary term, something can't be less or more ineffective than anything else, just effective or ineffective. As for how effective it actually is - that depends vastly upon the weight of the bullet used and it's muzzle velocity and you would very clearly know that if you had spent more than 5 seconds on Google doing the slightest amount of research.
>Clearly lost the argument and mad about it. Gg noguns getrekt/madbro
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
>outperforms 545 and x39
Mother fucker not even.
545 has the best tissue damage, and x39 has superior barrier penetration. Both of these are something the 556 seriously lacks.
>ineffectivity depends on what you use it for
Gee, you think? But overall as a cartridge, 556 is sub par in everything.
>308 has range, mass, and barrier penetration
>7.62x39 has penetration, mass, and rainbow trajectory
>556 doesnt work well outside of 200 yards, even less if youre using some shit short barrel
>556 has no barrier perks and its cheap
What im saying here is that all 556 has going for it is its cheap and lightweight. Thats the only reason people like it.
>outperforms 545 and x39
Both 5.45 and 7.62 Soviet intermediate cartridges have cases that are 39mm long, so looks like we're off to a good start already. WRT external ballistics, neither of them are superior to the 5.56mm NATO; 77gr match loads like the Mk262 will absolutely rape any Soviet intermediate cartridge at distance and loads like the Mk318, M855A1 and the XM556FBIT3 loads are all barrier blind.
>308 has range, mass, and barrier penetration...
...and has much more recoil, muzzle report, is heavier and was actually found to have similar terminal ballistics to an M193 round after fracturing in a hydraulic medium. It also loses a large amount of it's performance when shoved out of a short barrel.
>7.62x39 has penetration, mass, and rainbow trajectory...
... and it has a thicc jacket so no fragmentation and penetration means fuck all if it consistently overpenetrates. It also has more recoil than the 5.56mm and is a heavier and bulkier cartridge.
>556 doesnt work well outside of 200 yards, even less if youre using some shit short barrel
>556 has no barrier perks and its cheap
See above, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
>545 has the best tissue damage
>only steel core
>relies on tumbling
Enjoy your ice picking.
>and x39 has superior barrier penetration
To 55 grain FMJ, not to modern stuff like M855A1 or Mk318
>Both of these are something the 556 seriously lacks.
This isn't the seventies.
They probably could have done a much better job when they drew it up, but its lightweight, pretty flat shooting.
Can you give an example of what you think they should have done differently?
Something like 224 valk
Proportion the case to more readily accommodate ideal bullet shapes, like the Soviets did with 5.45 or this
Come on user. It's the shittiest, weakest, and most ineffective intermediate rifle caliber on the market.
What happened here
Cartels and Mexican police had a firefight, lots of rounds fired, lots of dudes wasted.
Can you post video pl0x
Soviets did not design an optimized case for 5.45, they optimized a steel core 5.45 projectile for the x39 case.
What advantages does .224 Valk have over 5.56 in a service rifle?
Not a video, check this thread.
Whichever order they did it in, they put a focus on an optimized bullet. It isn't the end of the world, but they quite clearly could have done a better job with 5.56 when they drew up/chose it off the shelf.
So you'll have no trouble bouncing one off your thick skull then, won't you?
>when she still suckin
It's not an optimized bullet though, it is long because it is steel core.
what an abhorrently low quality post on all fronts jesus fucking christ user
Nerve gas. Many such cases, very sad!
>all he cares about it STOPPIN POWAH
k then dude