Well, they've started murdering people in their homes while attempting to relieve them of their legally owned property without due process.
>Two Anne Arundel County (MD) police officers serving one of the new “red flag” protective orders to remove guns from a house killed a Ferndale man after he refused to give up his gun.
>(A niece) said her uncle “likes to speak his mind,” but she described him as harmless. She said one of her aunts requested the protective order to temporarily remove his guns.
>The new protective orders, which family members, police or others may seek to temporarily prohibit people’s access to firearms when they show red flags that they are a danger to themselves or others, went into effect Oct. 1.
Man shoot dead for his own safety
Hmm, what are the odds a nice friendly copper knocked on his door and just asked politely for a chat, I wonder?
Welcome to Maryland, run, run for all that is good, get out.
>Without red flag laws, the main recourse available to family members is to have a troubled loved one committed to a psychiatric institution. Federal law permanently bans anyone who has been involuntary committed from owning guns, but such actions are more difficult to carry out than red flag laws, which are intended to be quick and temporary and have a lower standard of proof.
>Without such a commitment, formal adjudication of serious mental illness or a felony conviction, many people can pass background checks and possess guns they already own.
>The red flag laws act as a sort of timeout, so someone in psychological distress can get counseling while their fitness to possess a gun is evaluated, said Laura Cutilletta, legal director of the Giffords Law Center.
I forgot Maryland even existed.
Whelp there goes the whole cops are on our side argument.
All I want to know is why the bitch aunt decided her nephew shouldn't own a gun. Aunts who over reach into their brother's or sister's kids need to be fucking shot.
Fuck that, if people run now they will continue to do this. They should start fighting back and killing the cops that come for their guns, put the fear in those fuckers that think they can abuse their power and go against the Constitution of this country.
when were they on our side? It's always been a small minority of cops or sheriffs that are on our side, the majority will do what their bosses tell them to do.
5AM knock
uhh yeahh
It was her brother, not her nephew.
This. The more lethal we make it the less likely they will go through with it and start demanding credible evidence that someone is a danger to others. If your fellow Jow Forumsommando received a gun grabbing order, would you go along with him or stay home?
Observe Folks.
This is the true meaning of “from my cold dead hands.” This man died a hero for you and I. The law will change rather quickly if they realize every time they go give someone a “timeout” they have to rename a highway as memorial to one of their gang. If you give up your guns willingly you’re a bootlicker.
I’m proud of you fuckers.
The only ones who have ever made that argument are boot lickers. They’re the ones cheering whenever police are at leftist protests, but are always bewildered when they come after them.
If they tried this shit in my state I would defend my fellow comrades against gun confiscation.
>one of the aunts requested the seizure
>he likes to speak his mind
fucking women were a mistake
what did he even say?
I’m voting republican
Could be anything she didn't like, I have a couple man hater aunts that absolutely hate my dad because he is a gun loving patriot.
This is me.
Now they redflag the officers who shot him because they will be in a mentally unstable condition and shouldnt be around guns.
Fucking pigs and local government will get away with it to and claim the guy was "mentally disturbed".
Next thing you know, cops will be allowed to kick in your door without a warrant
this is me
friendly reminder that roasties will probably never see anything wrong with assassinating male relatives now that big daddy gov't has given them the power to do so
Truly Catholicucks ruined that state
Gun ownership is a result of Protestant independence and importing a bunch of catholics from Mexico is going to fuck our wntire country over
Prpud of what? 2 autistic larpers who wouldnt do shit irl? Dumb faggot
I would stick with a Jow Forumsommando and ride it out.
>inb4 they ambush us in the middle of a dragon dildo dispute
Found the aunt.
So... they came to take away his guns and then they just shot him on the spot because "he's armed".
Welcome to communist utopia, USSA. Obey the gun grabbing jews or you'll be shot on the spot like cattle, goy.
Guns are apolitical.
Cops are at leftist rallies because they act out black bloc tactics.
Just because you faggots smash windows doesn't mean law abiding gun owners of any party should be punished.
Fuck you.
You've got to be fucking kidding me about this. How the fuck is this legal? Fuck the cops that enforced this, and fuck the state that's allowed it.
Liberals were a mistake.
Invest in toks for maximum SHALL
>White sand beaches
White "sand" is parrot fish poop, FYI.
Gun ownership is an inherently political hobby, you faggot. It’s always been right wing. The only time the left wants them is when it advances their agenda
It's hilarious that people call the cops to "help" some family member
It's easier to fight for your rights in court rather than when you're buried 6 feet deep. Don't point your guns at police officers.
>wife was heavily abused in early 20s
>has PTSD
>we both own and carry
>third story stairwell is a chokepoint
> 2yo has room farthest from entrance
>FLIR in hallway and stairwell
I’d probably die first but that crazy bitch ain’t going out without a 10:1 KD and she damn sure isn’t just handing anything over.
Shooting back will make them think twice next time
The state was founded as a catholic colony you fucking dipshit. The protestants that flooded in from out of state because of DC are responsible for this fucking mess. Central Maryland can go fuck itself.
t. St. Mary's County.
If they're coming for your guns you do.
I know people who wouldn't kill someone to defend their own lives, but would kill dozens to save their family members.
>mfw I live in a neighboring county
>mfw I shitpost on social media all the time
>mfw I have sent (polite and respectful) messages to the police's faebook page about laws
>mfw I live in the most jerrymandered district in the whole country
>mfw I may or may not be complying with registration laws
>mfw I go to a very liberal college
>mfw I live near a school
Nah Fuck You.
Hand over guns and then spend millions in a rigged court system “fighting” for your rights
Blast 5 cops for pulling a no knock raid at 3 AM and have the law Insta-changed the next week by police union.
Move up and bolster other states that are at risk, but haven't lost yet.
New Hampshire is in dire need of help, look what the New York transplants did to Vermont. Look what Califags are doing to Oregon and Washington too. Those are our battlegrounds, Maryland is already a lost cause, I'm saying this as someone who grew up there. Even if everywhere west of Rockville supports gun rights, it doesn't matter because Baltimore exists.
No, shooting back just gets you killed.
Don't live in a shitty state and hire a decent lawyer.
>he thinks he's going to be the one shooting during a no knock raid at 3 am
>he thinks he's going to be around for laws to be changed
Or do you just like to think you're important enough to be seen as a martyr?
>It's easier to fight for your rights in court
Lol. You have not been to the People's Republic of Maryland. Good luck getting a CCWP or petitioning for relief if the state comes and takes your guns. You will be bogged down in red tape for years while they "file" the paperwork only to find out you've been denied. The judges are completely unsympathetic outside of a few counties that still have their sanity in tact. Then there is the fact the party that filed the temporary confiscation can always petition that it should be extended.
It's fucked.
>No, shooting back just gets you killed.
And that's a good thing
not the guy you were talking to but lawyers don't mean shit retard
when it comes to ERPOs they take your guns, ammo and ccw indefinitely, and there is nothing you can do to get them back until the appointed court date to do so comes (which is often months down the line).
if the court decides it wasn't necessary to continue, they'll give back your guns (scuffed up from the evidence room) and the state can't be sued over it
This. They are escalating it. We are reacting. They will go from physical removal to penalties and fees which is then disputable in court. But at least they learned their lesson as a valuable lesson for future grabbbers.
There's a guy in Canada, a legit criminal mind you, who had a no-knock raid done on him at the wee hours of the morning. The guy killed a couple cops, got arrested and didn't get convicted for it because he was justifiably in fear for his life.
Are you saying Maryland is shittier than Canada?
Still seems like a better option than open firing on cops
And in Vermont there's some douchebag lobbying to let them lose and damage guns with no recourse for the person they stole them from.
This. Remember to vote for Snusnu tomorrow, NHfags
Fuck them, if they want to play fuck fuck games and pretend the law doesn't apply to them I'll gladly sink to their level.
>Are you saying Maryland is shittier than Canada?
>hire a lawyer
And if that doesn't work, do what then faggot go protest the police station? They would have guns. You don't. There's a point to this and you're not seeing it.
I mean, that's just ignorant. But whatever
>Not burying septic tanks full of TATP in your yard and then jumping up and down really hard when the police come
lmaoing @ u all
Based and redpilled
Central Maryland cops are not.
17/23 counties went red for Trump and multiple Sheriffs have said they will refuse to enforce any federal or state AWB.
This is a state's rights issue. You realize most if not all states haw laws that enable judges to order your guns taken away temporarily for non-permanent domestic violence restraining orders, and on a permanent basis for order of that same variety. Same for domestic violence arrests and convictions. These laws have been around for years, and they're designed to prevent otherwise normal peopel from using their guns against family or partners in a fit of rage... you're more likley to be killed by someone you know than not.
You need to understand that the judicial system orders these kinds of things, and the legislative system makes it possible. It's not illegal if state law allows for it.
Not saying any of this is right. Actually, as a cop, I hate taking away guns from dudes who seem normal because their woman alleges domestic abuse. The law is not evenly applied, and I havne't seen much rhyme or reason as to why a judge will approve one order and reject another... since its all testimoney from one side. Granted, orders resulting from domestic arrests have a little more weight to them because there was at least probable cause to believe that someone commited a crime.
Practically speaking, its annoying when you get some guy with a closet full of guns and ammo and have to take it all. I'm honestly shocked there hasn't been a 2nd and 14th amendment challenge to these laws. But I suppose the last thing on most of these dudes minds is their guns when their relationship is falling apart.
It’s not the actions of one person user.
One person stands up for themselves, they carry on. Every time they bust a door open they face resistance then they start to hesitate with their actions. Everyone fucking dies. I’d be okay going down for something I believe in and would have a hard time looking myself in the mirror if I just rolled over
No you can’t. They’ll declare them illegal and you a felon. Look at California. The only way to stop it is to shoot those who write and enforce the law.
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees you boomer zogsucker
How so?
It's better than being dead. But it's alright, you guys are all talk anyway.
>have abusive gf or whatever
>get gun to protect yourself because her new bf is insane
>she calls the cops to get your guns taken
>no knock
>let them take the guns and her bf is waiting for you once you're out of the mental hospital on 4 new drugs sporting several diagnoses that will get you ignored if you ask for help or protest
>don't let them take your guns and you end up in a shootout with the entire county SWAT team
man i mean if i was an abusive fuck and my gf ran for her life, the first thing i'd do would be infiltrating her social circle, the second thing i'd do would be to learn if she has guns (or if she doesn't suggest that she gets them somehow) and the third thing i'd do would be to invoke these laws on her to get her right to self protection taken away
and yes, i would be waiting outside the mental hospital playing the concerned ex
none of this makes sense to me, who signed off on this? in no way could this ever be more helpful in a domestic violence situation than just making the cops and social services do their fucking jobs and get at risk people separated from their abusers
>I know people who wouldn't kill someone to defend their own lives
Anyone who wouldn't kill to protect their own life doesn't deserve to live
>imagine having so little to live for yet such an inflated ego and sense of self-worth
I'm sorry your life is so shit user
>better than being dead
Do you recognize where you are?
>cops kick down your door at 3AM
>shoot your kid and dog
>take your property
>”but at least I didn’t sink to their level”
Fuck cops.
This. Stack them 50 high. Don't stop pulling the trigger
You seem to be having a very hard time understanding that not everyone is as big of a pussy as you. “Just keep sitting in the back of the bus with the rest of the niggers Rosa, they will just beat you and get the firehouse again. Do you really think you’re going to change anything?”
This is factual and based in reality.
Those orders require due process and evidence, the current round of "red flag" laws only require hearsay with no evidence.
Bootlickers like you deserve what you get
Name and link please?
It never ever fails; whenever a cop comes on Jow Forums they are always talking about how they are above board and defending authoritarian policies while claiming that they are defending the constitution
if it really meant that much to you, you'd ask to remain away from such duties
I'm starting to regret showing my gf my guns
True hero right ther.
>USA 2020, most states
>make wrongthink post on an image board for homosexual butterfly collectors
>local PD get call from "concerned relative)
>come to relieve you of dangerous funs
>gun you down in your parents living room for not surrendering your garbage rod
>Jow Forums is still complacent because "there's no official federal grab!"
>"just move lol"
>"don't be preemptive, muh optics!"
Tbh, I can't wait til this hits muh "free state" crowd.
It’s a tragedy that a cop doesn’t get the Dinkheller special every time they try to pull some shit like this.
>being smart about a situation makes you a pussy.
I'd rather live to fight again another day than go out like an asshole who won't make any bit of difference. Ya'll have some massively over-inflated egos.
ITT: wife beaters with guns who are concerned about 40 year old state laws
remember kids, always have a gun that no one knows about, and always keep it hidden
cops at the state level do not have access to firearm purchase history unless involved in a federal case, and mostly rely on self-admission of ownership and the account of third parties to determine what weapons need to be removed as a result of these orders
>>imagine having so little to live for yet such an inflated ego and sense of self-worth
>I’m sorry your life is so shit user
No I live a relatively good life. I have a good stable job, a good place to live, and a close knit community around me that I know cares about me. However I am not some pathetic, yellow sack of shit who is so spineless it makes a slug look like a vertebrate.
I’m sorry about your massive inferiority cuck complex user
Fuck your optics, they came in!
>guns are apolitical
stopped reading there. when an entire party bases itself on removing your freedom those freedoms become political. nothing is inherently political but anything can be.
>lick the boot, nothing to fear!
>hide, don't fight!
>just give up your guns to the police!
>you can still spend thousands of dollars fighting a court case!
>I’d rather live an fight another day
You mean run away and find somewhere they won’t do that, then when they do that, you run somewhere else?
Kek, you're going to comply the moment a cop knocks. It's easy to talk the talk on the internet.
Martin "Ran for office six years after moving here and has never held a job in Vermont" Lalonde
>ITT: wife beaters with guns who are concerned about 40 year old state laws
Meanwhile, in reality
>The red flag protective orders are officially known as “emergency risk protection orders,” and may be sought by family members, police or others to temporarily prohibit people’s access to firearms when they show red flags that they are a danger to themselves or others. The law went into effect Oct. 1.
Get the fuck out you dirty commie.
Hogan signed it into law, morons.
Vote Libertarian.
Nice projection m8, keep telling yourself you aren’t the only one
>pic related, you
>vote libertarian
Yay! Let's bring back polio!
If polio worked, FDR wouldn’t be president and we wouldn’t have a nanny state of nigger welfare.
>ITT: wife beaters with guns who are concerned about 40 year old state laws
This isn't the same, if that was the case they'd get a restraining order, but those require due process
>anons are worked up about police
>always have a gun that no one knows about, and always keep it hidden
Everything else aside this is good advice.
It's maryland. Guaranteed the bitch looked like pic related and wasn't happy her brother voted Trump and complained about MD's "common sense" laws.