You may only post ITT if your state is about to get fucked in the next few days. What are you guys buying before the bans start rolling through? Illinois here, we were already fucked years before but we had relatively lax gun laws when compared to other liberal shit holes like California, Hawaii, NY, NJ, or Maryland. We (had) shall issue ccw permits, no statewide assault weapon ban, and no magazine limits. We're truly fucked now.
The fact that both you and I expect it confirms it.
Adrian Sullivan
Ehhh some of us are pretty Jow Forumsomfy with what we have already.
Jason Thomas
WA here. The law coming is going to redefine every semi-auto as an "assault rifle" and require training and +21 to purchase. Luckily no feature bans or mag caps so if anything people will just be buying semi autos to avoid the training/age restriction.
Colton Sullivan
Houstonfriend here,
Not sure what the polls are saying but I'm seeing a lot of Beto posters here. Nothing's going to happen if Cruz loses, but I'm thinking of buying more 5.56 and .308 tonight just in case. Hopefully everyone chills the fuck out after the election.
"Seventy-one people were shot this past weekend in Chicago. Twelve people lost their lives. The numbers are staggering, but they can never measure the futures lost and the devastation experienced byfamilies left behind."
>same article, notice that absolutely none of these things has to do with gang niggers getting killed in Chicago:
"Without a doubt, we need common-sense and long-overdue gun safety legislation. Criminals and those who want to do harm shouldn’t have access to guns, and no one should have access to weapons of war or be able to obtain guns illegally. We need to ban assault weapons, bump stocks, and high-capacity magazines, and we need to stop the importation of illegal guns across Illinois’ borders. It’s also time to enforce universal background checks and enact agun dealer licensing bill."
And the best part? Liberals love this fat kike. Even more so after Obama started his statewide tour praising him. Yeah I'm thinking we're truly fucked.
I don't think she has a chance in hell to actually win but if Abrams wins, the state of GA is in for a massive redpilling
Carter Rogers
PA bro reporting in. My mailbox has been bombarded with cringy leftist campaign material for weeks now. It appears that there is a very good chance that Wolf will secure another term. He and his followers appear to be pushing reform as hard as ever due to the Pittsburgh and nationwide school shootings.
I’ve been cruising gun shops in eastern PA and we’re doing just fine. Cheap ARs and lots of hicap handguns and ammo. I think a lot of us are well provisioned for the communist insurrection. This state has always had a strong 2A voice, regardless of who thinks they are in charge. That can always change though.
Eli Garcia
Georgia AR owners are gonna get BLACKED
Evan Bailey
Funny, I always get shit from the GOP. But I agree, regardless PA was always strong in gun rights, even the Dems aren’t nearly as rabid as others about them, for the most part.
Christian Ward
Fellow Illinoisian here. I see this as a mix bag for us. Once cannabis is legal I gain rights. Had I applied for a medical cannabis card my CCW would be invalid and FOID card wouldnt be able to purchase ammo. Need the weed for my stomach issues, not a lot just a mild amount at night after work. Cook county might go back into hardcore gun lock down mode fixing absolutely nothing but the rest of the state should be alright. Also note we do have 2 major gun companies in our state should keep them from going too far.
New governor is expected to put in as he has the majority, Democrat. Real polls are accurate on this one, none of the fake news ones. The current republican one has been pretty shitty to the point we couldnt pay our lottery winners. Yeah, a scheme that is nothing but income and they couldnt pay the the winners. Was anti-gun to begin with and blocked obvious items based on no good reason. Never a good thing for guns to have a D win, but then again 50% of our governors go to chair anyhow it should be interesting.
Hudson Anderson
er go to jail.
Lincoln Howard
any news to do with vegas I should be worried about? we’re pretty alright about our fun and i’m not concerned, but maybe i should be?
Parker Torres
isnt illinois on the verge of bankruptcy?
Joseph Thompson
I fear NH may join cuckstates after tomorrow.
Thomas Adams
Is Iowa safe?
Thomas Roberts
Not really. The Republican governor wanted that so he could make it so they didnt have to pay all the pensions promised to those retired. Pretty shitty move after the courts told him that he cant touch them. Basically why he will lose tomorrow easily. The guy truely did a lot of things to make people hate him in this state.
Washington here, we may be getting fucked by bloomberg (I-1639). I ordered some more 7.62x39.
Julian Ramirez
Are there any specific bills in store for Illinois? We're currently not even bad, gun law wise, except for NFA items.
Eli Bailey
Illinoisan living out of state for school here. I'm honestly not too concerned about Pritzker. The downstate Dems haven't fucked us with gun legislation yet, so I'm hopeful that they can hold out a bit longer before I leave that shit hole for good. Also really regretting voting for Rauner and not Ives in the primaries. He's such a fucking cuck and bent over on guns again in August.
Owen Clark
Another Illinoisanon here, I've only recently gotten my FOID and money to buy guns and so far, have only bought surp (I'm an /msg/ fag). How fucked am I if I want an AR?
Damn, that may well have been the Cabella's I was working at back in '13, it was the same shit at my store. It did teach me that if we get a Dem president anytime soon I'm buying an AR in .243 and a .357 Revolver (that's already on my list) or a .40 S&W handgun. As I recall it, those were the only non-shotshells cartridges we never once sold completely out of, even in FMJ practice rounds for the pistols.
Tyler Sanchez
Plus a psychiatric exam, plus mandatory release of your med records to the STATE, plus yearly "fee", plus surrender your right to 'no search w/o a warrant'
Brody Martinez
Buy a lower and 30 round mags asap.
Jordan Hill
There's no way that at least 2 out of 4 of those will survive a challenge. Medical records are very strictly controlled thanks to HIPPA and surrendering your 4th amendment rights to exercise your 2nd is obvious bullshit that has been shutdown before.
James Jackson
has anyone ever panic bought ammo that you don't even have a gun for.
Dylan Fisher
She doesnt have a chance. Screenshot this if you like.
The gap toothed dindu wont win georgia. Theres not enough retarded niggers in atlanta for her to swing the state.
Aaron Thomas
Ask the folks on the east coast about their 2ndA rights. Soros spent 10s of millions to get Globalist shills elected to AG positions in dozens of states, these guys can order state police to violate your rights and if your not a millionaire it's virtually impossible to win a court trail to get your rights back
Isaac Fisher
Post yfw blue wave and you are selling 22lr for $1 per round
Fucking Chicongo ruining things for the rest of the state again, great.
Evan Brooks
Im in NJ and it can't get worse. Even our Republicans fuck us over on guns. I wish libertarians weren't a fucking meme, I just want to shoot steel with cool guns and magazines over 10 rounds.
Ethan Edwards
Should I get some 40 rounders and 20 round AR-10 mags too while I'm at it?
Jacob Harris
if this passes I am selling my FAL and M1A I got for cheap at the pawn shop for a massive profit during the panic.
>Plus a psychiatric exam where in the proposed law does it say i have to submit to a psych exam to buy a semi-auto? the rest of that is true tho
Asher Bennett
WA here, about to get cucked by 1639
Austin Roberts
why not just keep the nogs in prison when they get arrested. isnt that easier? all the leftist judges have to do is stop commuting their sentences and putting dangerous people back out on the street. its not rocket science
Josiah James
bloomberg money is fucking our republican advantage this election. its disgusting how much of his money is pouring into the small congressional races
Alexander Anderson
But then who would illegally vote for more democrats?
Parker Ward
Dead people, and all those illegals they keep shipping in.