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Reminder that anyone who doesn't have his winter tires on by late november at most is a retarded subhuman
First for no C71
I live in Vancouver. I ain't spending money on that shit
any Anons with T97, can you please put a casing/round in the chamber (remove the bolt, etc to make it safe first, obviously) and take like a 45 degree angle pic of the chambered casing. I really need to figure out what an acceptable level of head clearance/unsupported case is in the T97 on average.
would be really grateful to anyone who can make the effort for fellow Jow Forumsomrade, thanks
Is the Trs-25 a decent red dot for a 22? Looking to slap something on my 10/22
Yeah, they’re fine. I had one on my old T97.
Depends where you live there bucko, but I agree if you get snow that stays then make sure you have winters to put on.
>I live in Vancouver.
I keep watching reviews of the Type 81. Even though it's 5 moa and made in the Chinese forges of Mordor, I want one
Any WK 180 owners, how representative are the accuracy reports in this review? 0.75-1.5" at with commercial ammo is pretty good for that price point, even if he had an upgraded trigger, but is that normal accuracy?
Just lit up a pumpkin. Canuck regulator with target load is a much more enjoyable time than fmj through an ar15
How bad is the housing market in your neighbourhood these days?
I'll let you know before christmas, thats when mine is supposed to be here
I'd rather a hardwood if we're talking T81. A QBZ-03 would be neat, too. Imagine the aftermarket that would bring.
perfectly happy with mine. $1000 well spent. Guess at this point you'd have to buy used or wait for the 2019/2020 import that may or may not happen.
accuracy seems to be the only downside. it's reliable in the canadian cold like you'd expect any AK to be and there's barely any wear 1000 rounds in.
How's the trigger on yours?
You couldn't afford it either way
not bad not great? I've been spoiled by some really gucci triggers tough.
Some where between SKS and mil-spec AR. it's definitely one of the better well sorted parts of the rifle.
My 1800 square foot house is valued at $600,000
I don't own it. Still live with my parents. Probably going to rent an apartment once i'm out of university, or move to the eastern fraser valley. No other province in Canada really appeals to me
How are Abbotsford and Chilliwack?
They're okay. Gang violence is growing in Abbotsford as Surrey is getting gentrified. Chilliwack is nice, but It would be a pain in the ass to live there until the freeway is completely widened
How long a commute are we talking to anything of import?
I hear Chilliwack isn't too bad, I'm in Victoria and the market here is insane
Chilliwack to surrey (Vancouver outskirts) would probably be an hour with no traffic but would easily double with traffic. Add another hour to get to downtown, Vancouver from Surrey in traffic. The market is slowing down right now.
www dot kikebook dot com slash CCFR-CCDAF-Not-a-Gun-Lobby-Group-278941952552534/
What the fuck is this guy’s problem?
I'm in the market for a BBC here, what would you guys recommend? anything except the Vector, the TNW, and JR carbines, something NR.
I love the CX4 but the Sub2gay's folding properties are really cool. The CX4 can easily be taken down but that leaves you fumbling with the pin that comes off between the upper and lower.
The PC9 carebines are sold out everywhere and the reviews are not very glowing.
I hear Toronto's full of them these days.
Can be a pain with certain scopes.
I’ve heard the PC9’s are pretty decent, what have you heard against them?
Has anybody done a proper accuracy test of the things? Are they actually 5 MOA? I'm kinda expecting SKS level accuracy from them.
What did the pumpkin ever do to you user?
Never been squash hunting? Pumpkin can be aggressive.
I was looking to pattern my canuck since I've yet to shoot it with the regulator pistol grip, I bought it as a defender with the full stock. My AR-15 showed up today and I wanted to mag dump it once. Just making sure everything works before range day
>implying I didnt already put them on yesterday, vacuum my carpets and put in my WeatherTechs
Fucking casuals.
Get the Beretta
Fuck the LOLtek
Buy cheap Beretta mags from Corwin Arms.
Trust me.
What ratio came with fixed vs folding stock?
>Want t-81
>buy one off cgn
>get scammed
>still want one but now don't want to risk an emt
>a week later 4 get posted and sold within a day of posting
>still scared of getting scammed so don't buy anyone of them
BTW what's the news with c-71, is it being delayed over the RCMP early implementation thing?
1000 of each
>1000 of each
weird, it seems like 9/10 of those FS have folding stocks
Apparently they might get their wrists actually slapped for that shit.
Think the price will go down for black Friday, or should I buy now?
Open it or keep it sealed 5ever?
Molenegro how much did your roth steyr cost or was that just a pic you posted once
Actually, what does Jow Forums think of the M1A compared to the M305b?
Buy a Stag-10
If you open it, you have to eat one
Is it because it makes your iron the big iron or is it because you want a practical .308?
>giving money to Springfield, even ironically
Just get a usgi parts kit and a receiver from cgn/gunbroker/or (((wolverine))) and build your own
Keep it sealed and bury it with a cheap Type 97, all greased up, vacuum sealed in an Argon filled Stainless steel pipe with mags.
I think youre right
>Type 97
couldnt pick a worse gun
holy shit if I didn't just buy a Stag I'd be all over that
>tfw this config is 1" too short for NR
Tac 14? Did you cut the barrel down?
12.5 grizz
Another option to consider for the price point
what province are you in user? Fancy skeet shooting with pistol grip short bois?
It's a cheap throwaway gun you won't miss if you have to part with it, it's a gun you hand over to the RCMP, sparing the rest of your collection from seizure that's hiding within the drywalls of your house or somewhere else if they were to get the jump on you for whatever reason and show up at your doorstep.
you somehow found a rifle more obsolete than the M14
I would have loved this had it fed from a magazine and had iron sights, sort of like a scout rifle.
Fuck off constable.
I'm the user with the canuck regulator who was shooting pumpkins in my back yard with an AR, I can assure you I am no officer
C-71 is still in the senate, and is still at second reading:
Once second reading is over and voted on it goes to committee. It seems like the bill has been slowed down more than the Liberals would have liked.
My mommy always said not to talk to strangers.
Is there any Canadian site you can buy OEM Glock uppers from?
>Argon filled Stainless steel pipe
that's a new one, how long do you think this would last?
Don't hang out with soupfag user, he's a major faggot and will probably suck your dick. Unless you're into that, in which case he won't.
if not just import them
Also he'd just call you a poorfag just for standing near him. I'm convinced he can't be in a room with someone without saying it to their face.
not as long as abs or pvc
Did anything ever come of the MP who was going to call out the RCMP and C71? I forget his name
Another poly 80 man? Not really, you can order OEM stuff from associated dealers, but i suggest you just buy a after market parts. After all, if you have the chance with the blank slate, why just draw what's already been done?
Good, good, there might still be hope for me to get a BRS99 before ((C71)) then.
I love that it's slowed down, inciting rage from the antigunners, and the ((UN)) assholes trying to disarm us.
Friendly reminder the UN is trying to disarm all people in order to make them easier to control. Anything other explanation is simply pretext.
I might just be looking in the wrong places but every aftermarket slide I've seen is retardedly overpriced and costs more than a full Glock itself.
What are you hoping to get a good deal on around black friday, cangen?
Binland best memes best guns
Go see a gunsmith. You can't judge headspace from a photo you fuck
Don't listen to this user. A picture will do just fine. Don't worry about "headspacing". It is a minor issue blow way out of proportion through a coordinated effort by the Big Gunsmitthing Corporations to drum up more profits.
As long as the bolt closes fine, you are good to go.
No need to thank me.
Try aztech armory. Most aftermarket in Canada is retarded because it's all trying to chase the high end market since that's where the profit is. I paid under 300 for my slide. Saurez int from aztech.
true, but you can judge head clearance and see if yours is way out there, waiting for unsupported casing to give you the bukkake surprise or within boundaries of acceptable and you're just spergin
This is why I disrespect the UN in every way
((Oy everything is for your safety and economic benefit, just accept what we say so everyone has world peace))
Kind of want a vz58, but I'm not willing to pay even $1000 for one. I'm at the point were I'm really happy with the guns I own and unless a great deal comes up, I wont bother.
Probably just ammo and maybe some magazines.
its more to do with what companies are export licensed or have distributors up here. aztech is fine for one-off's, but if a retailer wants to move product, they need to be able to buy product in quantity. ZEV, lone wolf, agency, etc. all have distributors up here.
glass. i hope i have money for, and can find a good deal, on a vortex d-back FFP 6-24.
>get back from safety course
>only one woman and one minority
this is why we're losing gun rights
Like said, glass. I've bought a few guns lately, and I'm running irons on all of them. Need a good optic for my AR15, then a good sks mount and scope
Does anyone in Canada carry Russian nugget food? All anyone seems to have is Chinese sardine cans.
Aztech and IRunGuns
Built a few myself.
So if you bought a 12.5" barrel shotgun and put a pistol grip (only) on it, making the overall length under minimum, you'd have to register it as restricted right?
What's the process? I heard something about a "verifier" and some kinda paperwork. I'd like to know what the process is before I do anything.
Just add a stubby bayonet.
Nah I want to shoot it a the indoor range since it's the only range within a few hours' drive so it needs to be legit. I have plenty of other shotguns of all shapes and sizes and other RPAL guns so there's no real problem on that end.
Chinese, my dude.
So what would I expect from a class from this guy? It's a lot cheaper then other instructors.
There doesn't seem to be any set days like other instructors.
Damn that’s a solid deal. As much shit as people talk about m14’s there sexy rifles and can be very accurate
They’re great rifles dude, what gats do you have right now? They’re much better than an sks. I have 3 sks’s That I never shoot because the vz58 is just so fucking sex