>State police, open up! We have information that you are a danger to yourself and the community. You must surrender all your firearms to the police immediately. Failure to comply will result in prosecution. If you resist in any way we WILL shoot you
Take as many as I can with me. It might be zero, but I’ll be damned if I don’t try
Lincoln Cox
>TREADN'T >*opens fire*
Austin Brown
"Ok just one second" *grabs AK and chestrig* "the front door is open come on in"
Juan Gomez
This is about to become a weekly if not daily occurrence until these fucking Snowflakes in Office realize some of us take the Constitution VERY seriously, and have no problem dying to protect our Liberties! So they must ask themselves are they ready to die to take them from us!?!?!?!
>The “red flag” protective orders are officially known as emergency risk protection orders, and may be sought by family members, police or others to temporarily prohibit people’s access to firearms when they show signs that they are a danger to themselves or others. The law took effect Oct. 1. >other people can send the government to take away your rights What the fuck
Matthew Morris
>cunt of an aunt called the police on him, his niece saying "he liked to speak his mind" He died drying to defend his rights.
Police in town then wonder why for the next few years are shot at when trying to get to people's front doors.
Jackson Long
lmao, Americans always bragging about rights and freedoms when this just shows they don't have rights. This could happen to any one of you and you know for a fact you'd turn them in and if not you'd just go down as another nut job.
Austin Hughes
that aunt deserves to be ostracized from that family. we did it when the wife killed my uncle and fucked up the two kids they had
Levi Anderson
But Mr. shekelberg said that americans would turn in their guns like good subjects.
Jaxson Ward
Camden Cruz
i fucking wish it were.
Samuel Walker
>Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Homicide Unit at (number) Is it okay to make an international call just to give them shit? Calling them out on how much of a bullshit, botched, unlawful operation that was is 'information,' right?
Michael Wright
amerimutts have no freedoms. they are slave people and are herded around as cattle. they deserve nothing but hate and mockery.
Jacob Green
call the homicide unit and tell them the aunt is a murderer and the police are accessories to it
I'm going to have to agree with the Yuropeon here. You only own what you can protect and as it stands now we can't protect the 2nd Amendment.
Incidents like this are going to occur more often as our rights continue to go down the drain. I'm not saying I'll turn them in but there's no point in dying for them when no organized movement is going to be there to make sure the freedoms of our children are protected.
Ethan Morris
>americans getting shot dead in their own homes fucking finally.
Anthony Russell
it is unironically a good thing.
Andrew Garcia
Should've opened up right away.
Josiah Jones
"maryland commisars execute ederly man for being a law abiding citizen"
Angel Carter
americans getting their rights taken away from them is good because it prevents them from embarrassing the rest of the worlds gun owners and making them look bad. americans should not have guns, or rights until they learn to grow up and act like decent people.
Adrian Flores
SKS through door.
Brody Harris
reposting from the dead thread. from what Ive read they have to release their names eventually.
do we have any maryland anons here? how long will they keep from publishing the officers names? this is what we need >Officer A's name from the report once its public record >Officer B's name from the report once its public record Ive checked all the articles and none of them name the officers involved yet. but I imagine 2 weeks from now we are gonna be have officer stalin and officer mao's full names and addresses after a little digging. Im not saying we kill the officers involved. But maybe we red flag them. talk about how they have been suicidal since the shooting. how they got a taste of blood and want to kill more old men for owning guns. maybe we get a lot of anons to knock on their doors at 4am. then if they come to the door armed maybe officer A & B could get shot for pointing their weapons at people for just knocking on the door in the middle of the night.
we also need the sisters name that cunt we should be able to find tonight. Im gonna get started.
just keep in mind they cant keep these officers names out of the public record for more than a few weeks. once we have their names we can get started.
>one euro has been deposited in your bull's account
Isaiah Robinson
>europoor talks big behind his keyboard after a law-abiding citizen fought for their rights better than euros did when their guns got taken away hilarious
Go to infinity chan /baph/ and Jow Forums you're going to get banned for this
Cameron Nguyen
where do you see law abiding people being forced to do twister and executed in their own homes? only in america. you deserve it too.
Jaxon Ramirez
>there's no point in dying for them when no organized movement is going to be there to make sure the freedoms of our children are protected. This. I'm not going to die in my house with my family for an amendment that is going to be eroded anyway.
Jose Diaz
Not your personal army Also, don’t act like a fucking leftist
Jace Myers
It shows that the guy fought back even with the odds against him. Sure, he didn't kill any of them, but with the number of cops versus the number of armed civilians only one in dozens would need to.
Joseph Bailey
Welp. I wonder what the betting odds are that my cause-of-death will be something similar.
Gavin Wright
yet he is going to be relegated to the trashbin of history and labeled as a nutjob. so much for "defending against tyranny" lmao.
Gabriel Sullivan
i know you're trying very hard euro, but I understand. someone who fought just a bit harder than folding over like you fags did is unheard of > you deserve it too. I'll be shooting through my door.
By who? CNN? This story is going viral, nigger. You can't shut it down.
Easton Johnson
I can see you glowing from here.
Cooper Murphy
europeans dont need to fight because our police arent Orwellian psychopaths that force people to play twister for their amusement. we are very comfortable with gun laws that you americans would only dream of. have fun dying for an officers shits and giggles.
Jeremiah Peterson
Since I answer the door with a gun, guessing same. I have a no soliciting sign and only 3 people I know in town would visit and they call ahead. Also deep in lot so neighbors doors are closer even if in the middle of my property on the sidewalk. Neighbor did have a forced entry about 4 years ago and since moved out, but I am not taking chances.
Lol no. It’ll be old news in 2 days. Google his name. It’s been picked up by like 4 stations. Not trending on Twatter. It’s not gunna get traction.
Thomas Harris
the media is going to spin him as a violent wackjob. and as we all know, american "people" eat up whatever the media tells them. so thats what hes going to be remembered as.
so much for the constitution. i hope you enjoyed betraying your homeland for this.
Ethan Cox
Are you a UK cuck?
Angel Howard
>europeans dont need to fight damn you drank a lot of the koolaid >our police arent Orwellian psychopaths *gets arrested for insulting a mudslime on faceberg or twatter* *gets weapon sweeped* > we are very comfortable with gun laws that you americans would only dream of. imagine being comfortable with not being able to own 99% of the guns we own by default
Josiah Ortiz
the brits should invade and take them back. then they will at least get good use of them.
Jonathan Martin
>damn you drank a lot of the koolaid great argument there, matt the mutt. >actually believing american memes go ahead and try to insult the police over the internet in america. see how long it takes before officer pablo bursts down your door and makes you breakdance for laughs >falling for more american memes europeans can get as many guns as they want for the proper paper work. we can get machine guns if we wanted to and you would be beat to death by a police officer for even asking for one.
Aiden Ross
You can't even own a butter knife you cucked faggot
Bentley Collins
>armed agents of the state are kicking in peoples doors and murdering them for not giving up their guns youre a faggot we have every fucking right to know who these men are these are police officers who are a matter of public record thats why they have to file these reports. so we dont have secret police kicking down doors without any oversight. if you have no interest in knowing who these guys are thats fine.
anyways I think I found the sisters name. daphene m willis. I wont post her facebook but it all adds up if you dig a bit. this is the bitch who ratted out her brother and got him killed for no reason. what the fuck kinda name is daphene anyways?
>americans ITT actually defending their country when OP literally has police officers shooting people dead for defending their rights the chinese invasion cant come quick enough.
Asher Clark
dont suggest such a thing. the americans would shudder at the thought of someone actually teaching them morals.
Jeremiah Murphy
Look guys. If cops come knocking on our door asking for our weapons this is going to be us. We'll go down as just another nutjob and be forgotten about, not remembered as patriots defending the constitution or liberty. I don't know about you guys, but I have a family to take care of so I'm going to turn them in when the time comes instead of going out in some kind of futile "Fuck you" to cops and leftists. I suggest you all do the same. Maybe this is just the end of an era.
Ryder Lopez
I'm telling you you'll have more luck with /baph/ and you're probably going to get banned for 3-5 days. You could always come back when you succeed in digging and good luck either way
Charles Jenkins
i will unironically support the chinks when they invade.
Asher Sanders
Shouldn’t have answered the door.
He should have fallen back to a defensive position and waited for the “attackers” to force they’re way in.
Cooper Johnson
>great argument there, matt the mutt. what's to argue? you've already said it yourself that you're a cuck who has no need to fight >>actually believing american memes outright denying exactly what happens, crying that their memes, yet uses your mutt memes in response >europeans can get as many guns as they want for the proper paper work too bad you don't live in any of those euro countries that don't have cucked gun laws, which are about to go away thanks to the EU. I'm done replying to your shit bait
Don't speak for me, faggot. I hate the overbearing presence of our stupid fucking nanny-state Orwellian governments. They ignore real problems that real people care about, and instead focus on the easiest "problems" to solve, regardless of whether or not those "problems" are actual problems, often just eroding our already tenuous rights even more. And they'll never stop doing this, because they can't actually be held to account, because there isn't anything a commoner can point to to say "No, you're in the wrong, this violates my rights".
Evan Clark
>their they're* sage for double post
Samuel Reed
>still parroting american propaganda memes lmao. is this what they actually teach you in schools?
Nicholas Clark
I wonder who's behind all the shill posts itt desu
Daniel Russell
90% guarantee hes from texas.
Dylan Morales
I have no idea what baph is pol is nothing but mid terms bullshit Im just saying daphene m willis got her brother killed for owning guns.
Angel Roberts
I know this is a troll post, but sadly it is true. Whenever I asked a gun owner what the red line was that the government would have to cross to get them up in arms, it was exactly this: cops coming to an innocent man's door and killing him for his guns. But since right wingers and patriots are so apathetic and unorganized I have a feeling this will yield little response, and I expect similar incidents to happen in the future.
Noah Clark
shill harder
John Robinson
This unironically. I love my guns but if I had to choose between them or my kids, I'm going to make sure they have a father unlike some inner city nog.
Isaac Stewart
>yes don't fight for your rights and your children's rights >you wouldn't want to leave them fatherless to protect them, would you? >you'd be a nigger! where do these shills fucking come from?
>I don't know anything about any country except muttland so the only knowledge I have about the world is through memes >Yet im still a fat pretentious asshole and my mutt brain is clogged with shit Americans are so fucking stupid is hilarious. OP made me happy today when I learned another amerifat got gunned down in his own home. Keep thinking you are free, mutt.
Lmfao...Listen you beta bitch! You Are WEAK! That is this countries problem WEAK asses everywhere...Real men are a minority! Your pathetic ass has no real convictions and will always cave under the slightest pressure! Shit is going to get real soon and you(and probably your family) will be the first to go because you refuse to be a fucking man and stand up for wtf you believe! Your children will learn soon enough how weak you are and they too will walk all over you! I WILL FIGHT, I WILL KILL, I WILL DIE for what has already been fought for killed for and died for to ensure I retain my Constitutional Freedoms! Hell I might be forgotten but then again I might take the most Uniformed tyrants down (Highscore) in a single gunfight since WWII ( I like my odds)... The Beta infesting this country is obscene! You Effeminate fucks might as well start wearing skirts! Honestly its so pathetic... I SWEAR TO GOD, I will fight until my dying breathe to keep this great nation WHOLE!
Nicholas Kelly
>mutt mutt mutt mutt mutt it's a vatnik everyone
Jose Russell
>believing in memes made by burgers there is not a single account of anyone going to jail for facebook posts. Go ahead and look, mutt.
David Murphy
Colton Anderson
>have a huge speaker system concealed around my front porch >blast at deafening volume: 'I SAID COME IN, DON'T STAND THERE!'
To quote The Patriot, "Can you tell me, why should I trade 1 tyrant 3000 miles away for 300 tyrants 1 mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king". Fuck voters who tolerate this.
Camden King
Fuck off CIAnigger
Grayson Baker
>anyone who thinks these officers names should be public record and that they should be held accountable for killing a man for owning guns after getting snitched on for no reason is a ATF agent
right. Im the glow in the dark. because Im advocating violence. if you arent willing to get a snarl from the watchdog every now and then you shouldnt be here. if youre fucking scared of da gubment asking you questions about why you want to know the names of some goons they are sending into peoples houses to disarm and murder them maybe youre the fucking glow in the dark statist boot licker.
these cops should live in fear for the rest of their lives and have to relocate after having their houses molotov'd in the middle of the night while their families are asleep inside. this shit makes my blood boil. fuck them. and fuck people who think like you. >people who feel strongly about this and think this entire process should have consequences are disinfo shills!!!
no any cop or LEO that knowingly and willingly says fuck due process we have some unconfirmed wild accusations made by some vengeful cunt so we dont need any other reason to murder someone for not peacefully giving up their guns and being involuntarily committed to a psych hold so they can never own guns again.
fuck you. fuck everyone else just like you. Jow Forums back in the day would be talking about the best way to butcher as many feds as they could and describing plans here. but now we have nothing but this fear and compliance bullshit like you and it makes me genuinely sick reading these threads. >Jow Forums wants to live in a world where they are scared of da gubment instead of a world where da gubment is scared of dragon dildo assaults