Civilians owning functioning weapons at home backs up voting ballots, just like how gold backs up cash.
Prove me wrong, you can't.
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Those are the “four boxes of liberty” - the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.
How about the time an innocent man got slaughtered in his own home defending his weapons and no one retaliated?
Civilians owning functioning weapons don't back up shit, at least not in America, because no one is ever going to use them. They would've by now seeing how our rights have been so trampled.
>because no one is ever going to use them.
>just like how gold backs up cash.
It doesn't?
You live in a constitutional republic, user.
The only democracy over you is your local government.
lmao this. Sorry OP you're wrong
Not in Jew America but it used to be that way traditionally.
It's not a %100 instant solution. But it prevents radical wide spread enforcement, and if the culture that maintains the practice is perpetuated then it also protects against infringement over time.
This is why maintaining a cultural interest in weapons and self defense is so important. You won't be around to fight tomorrows war but your kids, neighbors kids, and the interest you pass on will.
Voting for regional oligarchs has nothing to do with democracy. Ancient Greeks are rolling in their graves; direct election is an oligarchic method of filling office. The absolute STATE of modern politics.
>but it used to be that way traditionally
Not really. Fiat currency backed by gold was only a popular, widespread thing for a very short period, historically speaking.
Essentially. OP is wrong on all assertions
Are you implying that I'm a faggot? Are you projecting ?
Correct. Coins used to BE valued for their own make up. They used to be made of valuable metals. I took a class on the history of money back in college, it's really fascinating. It's also good to know about common misconceptions of the origin of money, like how private mints used to be the makers of coins long before governments outlawed private minting so the government could control the value of money. Money wasn't just some made up shit. It evolved over time, from massive stone donuts to the little green bills we have today.
whatchu know bout rai stones user
And what exactly do you think I ought to do? Go shoot up a random cop car where I live, hundreds of miles away from where that happened? What do you think that would accomplish?
Stop being an idiot.
Admittedly I don't remember all that much about them from the class, just that they varied in size and that because they were so big you actually didn't have to carry them around. Verbal sales were all that was necessary. Not a very convenient form of money, huh.
Silver dollars are very cool, user. Did you get it for a reason? Or just to have?
A statement issued wothout evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Be gone child
Basically the dictionary definition of the exception that proves the rule on Jow Forums.
No, I imply nothing unstated. Do you have a confession you want to make?
One day, you'll get to suck off a giraffe so hard its skull will cave into its neck. The colosseum will go batshit and give you a roaring ovation. Roses tossed, arms upraised, women swooning. Then you'll know what victory tastes like.
Rai stones are valued for their histories - who carved them, who moved them, etc. They're a form of "prestige dosh", much like the necklaces that are circulated between islands on an endless migration.
It's from a hundred years before I was born, and I'm a cowboy larper and fetishize things from that time. And yeah, silver in general and silver dollars especially are cool imo. I wish our government hadn't allowed Nixon to disconnect us from fiscal reality. We've been in bubble after bubble since then, and are no doubt headed for a massive collapse. The only reason it hasn't happened is we have nukes and everyone depends on us (and our debt). I don't understand why there isn't rioting in the streets over our enslavement to the Fed.
Read the wiki on rai stones... they're cooler than silver. One of them was being transported by canoe, once, when it fell overboard. Everyone agreed that it still existed at the bottom of the ocean and so its ownership and value as currency remained intact.
Misuse of Hitchens' Razor is bad form, user.
>how gold backs up cash.
It doesn't and shouldn't. We stopped doing that because money tied to gold is supervolatile. If someone with a gold reserve floods the market everything is fucked.
On this election eve I remind you that, as Mather Byles once noted, rejecting monarchy in favor of democracy is the act of trading one tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants one mile away.
>We stopped doing that because money tied to gold is supervolatile.
So, you know how some things that people say are true?
This is the opposite of that.
>I don't understand why there isn't rioting in the streets over our enslavement to the Fed.
Lack of education/obsession with drugs and partying/nobody cares
>If someone with a gold reserve floods the market everything is fucked.
If they flood the market with gold then their own gold is also devalued. Fiat currency is too manipulable without us knowing full and well what the manipulation does. Did anyone at the Fed predict the 2008 Crisis? Fuck no. Bernanke admitted the Fed was blindsided completely. Hell he even admitted the Fed may be partially to blame for the Great Depression. We're playing with powers we don't fully understand.
>I don't understand why there isn't rioting in the streets over our enslavement to the Fed.
Porn + Masturbation + Hookup Culture + Video Game/Internet/...
Lysander Spooner (who happens to be my cousin) said
>A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.
>money tied to gold is supervolatile
Gold is much less volatile than paper.
actually, it was because FDR was in bed with this retard "economist" called Keynes who thought that spending made debt go away. He was retarded. BUT, anyway, before that, the money supply of the US was fixed at a price of about $14 per ounce of gold, as such, money had a great deal of buying power. However, we were ending up sending fuckloads of gold overseas because lol no one likes cash when you can have actual assets like gold. Also the Breton Woods agreement is shit.
And a man who is his own master? Government of the people, by the people, for the people, assholes.
>presuming that any politician ever had the good of the common people in mind
Woo boy.
See left
Conditioning. We’ve been conditioned on all sides. The left has”the drone strike” argument about fighting back, the right has been conditioned to always support cops and military. Both sides have been conditioned to fight against each other and not the government.
ding ding ding
>have thousands of guns in home
>police just burn the house down
How many times does this need to happen for Americans to learn castle doctrine doesn't work and fire resistance is an important component of building a home.
>I don't know whether to be horrified or disappointed
>Playing pokemon go at holocaust museum
1911, copper zippo, case slipjoint, and Morgan dollas, are you me?
Literally nothing wrong.
Why does every retard act like they’re some kind of intellectual for saying this shit?
A republic is a form of democracy, the people all get to vote for the leaders.
>constitutional republic with democratically elected representatives at the local, state, and federal level