For me it would be the Chamelot-Delvigne Model 1873 in .380. Such a beautiful revolver god damn.
If you could get any old gun in a modern chambering what would it be?
Either a Krag in .308 or a Merwin and Hulbert in .45 Colt
Luger in 9mm
A 1851 Colt chambered in 5.7×28
Winchester 1895 in 308
C96 in 5.7 and 357Sig
I have one in .22lr
A PPK in 10mm
Savage 99 in two different frame sizes from original
Smaller frame: .30 carbine, .357 Magnum, 8mm Kurz, 7.62x39, 5.45x39, 5.56 NATO
Larger frame: .303 British, 7mm-08, 8mm Mauser, 7.62x54R, .30-06
Once I got the conversion mess sorted out, its fun to shoot. Zero recoil whatsoever
Webley in .500 S&W
what the fuck where did you find it?
define old
Fuckin’ old, dude. Like, more than five or six years.
I'll just assume pre 1900 then,
Martini Henry in a modern caliber.
Martini Enfield's don't count because still 120+ years old.
Luger in 10mm
A Webley-Fosbery in 10mm, cut for moon clips.
Forgot pic.
Well unless somebody wants to invent a new cartridge that'll work with a damn Volcanic, I would take a 9mm or .22lr Bergmann-Bayard 1910 but I would absolutely love a Galand
Goddamnit. In .32H&R
A Brown Bess in 7.62x51 NATO
This in 32 ACP/7.65 Browning. Semi-rimmed cartridge so would work in a revolver.
>Rig brown bess with trapdoor springfield-like conversion
>Drill hole in side of cartridge, keep tape over hole for storage
>Create cone-shaped pick to shove into vent hole to ensure alignment, possibly making this part of a pan primer
>Prime Bessie normally