Shotgun General
Jow Forums hates scatterguns, but post anyways
Shotgun General
Jow Forums hates scatterguns, but post anyways
Nu/k/ hates shotgats because they're young zoomer hypebeasts all about that high speed low drag salt life am I right fellow boomers haha
My m97.
Makes a good camping gat too.
Tacti-shit is here.
Turkshit scatter gun reporting
Where to find pre freedomgroup 870?
look for PD trade-ins
absolute garbage stock that only should be on SBS's
are there mounting systems/rails for a Remington 1100 that aren't going to scratch up the wood finish of my gat? I have a single shotty now, and I'd love for it to be HD, sports, STALKAN, etc.
I only have a 26" modified choke barrel - I was thinking of grabbing a 21" threaded for chokes and a +2 mag extension.
I picked this up recently
is that a shotty?
Might as well dump a few shotty pics
thats one heck of a shotgun
Still one of my favorite boomsticks
>heck of a shotgun
You mirin
Recent family photo.
I put metal sig flip ups on the ksg.
Thinking about taking this one and putting it in a cute hidden compartment in the garage. Cuz why tf not
Fake and gay
My bolt action boomstick is probably my favorite gun I own overall. Just fun to shoot
Muh wife's breach loader.
Dump complete for now. Enjoy
Are US anons able to buy a Canuck Sentry?
Outta my way you goddamn plebs
Where’d ya get that? Is it the limited edition or a police trade?
Limited edition
I'm waiting on a 7 round mag and compliance shit right now. The Limited Edition model has the proper cylinder bore chromed thicker profile barrel unlike the normal M4's thinner choke barrel.
in about 1 month i will get to post my brand new AA-12
what's the winchester 94 of shotguns?
Unironically the Winchester 9410
A defensive shotgun is the sexiest gun you can have.
But most of Jow Forums is noguns, so what do they know.
Recent 870s are okay
Are sawn off double barrel 20ga ok for rome defense?
I think you'd want a bigger bore and more capacity to defend all of rome.
>I've never fired a shotgun and is afraid a 12 ga will hurt my delicate onions shoulder.
Even a prissy cuck like you can handme a 12ga.
The left cant meme and have no sense of humor.
>sawed off double barrel 20ga
>good enough
>to defend rome
Beats paying foreigners to not attack you.
>rome defense?
Hannibal is coming
Didnt even noticed kek
Laws in the place I live dont allow me to saw a 12ga that short
Are the Cimarron model 97 clones okay? I want a model 97 with a relatively short barrel and don't want to just chop an existing long barrel. I also heard the older model 97s don't handle full power loads very well.
Also, what's a good place and price to find an 870 police tip folder?
Tell caesar to make new laws that allow shorter 12ga.
I dont think so, I think the Canuck brand is only sold in Canada
Local gunshops. I'm sure there's a way to date them by serial number.
Enfields can be converted to .410. Can't tell if that's an actual Ishapore musket, but India converted a bunch of Enfields with shit-house bores to .410 and issued them to police for important work like guarding the higher caste's shitter.
The way Turkshit works, somebody in the US is bound to import them. But yeah they likely won't have Canuck written on a gun destined for the US market.
Cimarron is decent
I don't even like .410 shotguns, but I think I want this now.
Marlin also made a .410 Bore shotgun out of their 336 (though they are rare to find, being only made briefly).
Henry makes a .410 Bore shotgun as well (but no loading gate, mind you).
I think these exist because you wouldn't have to do all that much to change the design of a .30-30 or .45-70 kind of lever-action rifle, basically just do a few tweaks and give it a new barrel.
Don't poo-poo the .410 Bore cartridge though, it's actually not that bad. Paul Harrel did a video where he does some testing and comparison, and depending on load selection it's definitely suitable for even some medium game.
You guys are probably tired of seeing it but heres mine
Fancy shotgun anyone? Remington Sportsman 48F, belonged to my great grandfather. Estimate it's worth $6-7k
It's only worth that if it sells.
Problem is, no one will really want it.
Only going off of an online auction we found of the same gun about 7 years ago that sold for $7k. This one will never be sold, not as long as I'm alive.
One heck of a shotgun
No we love Remington 870's here, broham.
Especially top folders!
Looks like you got grandpa's furniture too.
heck of a shot gun you got there user
lol, the pictures were taken at my grandfathers house right after he handed the gun down to me last month. He'd been telling me for years that some day it will be mine, but he's 87 now and I think my grandma finally convinced him that he should give it to me while he still can rather than having it get wrapped up in some legal bullshit with her brother (it was their dad's shotgun) who thinks it's rightfully his, even though he got all of the other guns when their dad died and not a single one of them is still in the family.
This is peak 590A1 performance.
I've got a regular ishapore and can say that unless the Indians decided not to change the magazines like with mine then that ain't one of em.
Orange one looks like shit though, in my opinion.
Meh, I like it.
>Special needs orange
>Kinda want
Pls halp
i have a question, i noticed when swapping stocks on my 500 that the threads on the receiver are aluminum with the steel bolt
is there any steel threaded seats out there i can swap in or do I just have to not be a gorilla about it forever to keep from stripping them out?
>be me
>want a 16 gauge
>bid on auto 5 in 16ga
>lose auction, bid on another auto 5 auction
>lose x5
>put a throwaway bid on a beater Remington just so I walk away with something while expecting to lose latest auto 5 auction
>win both
well now what am I supposed to do? Any one want a rough but probably functioning Remington m31 in 16?
keep both? i don't see the problem
Fuddshit reporting in.
Get that orange shit out and get some wood furniture
>922r compliance
I don't have room for both.
I’m not sure if I want to shorten the Remingtons stock another few inches to proper whippet length or if I should just cap it off as it is since I can still shoulder it.
Also don’t mind the tape, it’s holding the tang screw in since I’m still fitting the stock
Furniture done. Accidentally got the wrong diameter rods from mcmastercarr so the stock is on hold. Considering just plonking down another 300 on a custom machined 4ga slug mold idk tho.
Is 922r even enforceable if you're not a manufacturer?
Will buying foreign parts online get you in trouble?
fagpul sale at PSA a few years back.
gross. no.
If shtf orange would be spotted pretty easy in the woods, guess it could be good if you hunted and did want to be spotted.
maybe he likes it because it looks funky and is fun to shoot.
if shtf those aren't my only shotguns.
Make room faggot
It's extremely hard to get busted on 922r as a private person. I don't think there's a case on record where someone gets successfully prosecuted for it, and it alone, at best it's a tacked on charge for something else, for a higher sentence.
It's pretty much really just to inconvenience people and keep importers in line. Nobody is going to just look at you and think "Hey, that AK probably has a Yugoslavian piston, I should call the cops!", they'll tell him to fuck off.
Yeah, and I doubt any atf agent is gonna even think to check something as innocuous as a benelli. Maybe a saiga or VEPR but not something that isn’t foreign looking. I bet there’s a ton of Auto 5’s that aren’t 922r complaint.
>not a single maverick 88
I dont even know who we are anymore.........
Not impoverished?
Don't know how you didn't get a (you) yet but that's fucking sexy user, good taste
99% of comedy is left wing.
And it's all fucking garbage. If you want comedy that isn't "CHEETO HITLER LMAO" and "so relatable we all do this haha" then you have to get it from the right.
And 99% of everything is shit.
So that works out I guess huh?
hell yea those are fuckin sexy
Political comedy is always garbage, but please give me some examples of right wing “humor”
Most of comedy does suck though. Like, look at standup comedy, lefties have been gentrifying the shit out it as a genre for the past decade.
the 99% of comedy is trash faggot lmao.
only retard npcs can laugh at amy jewmer
we arent all poorfags like you