I'm a young 18 year old lad from California. Where's the best place to start for a gun licence?
I'm a young 18 year old lad from California. Where's the best place to start for a gun licence?
>In the good ol' USA.
Just go to a gun store and buy one if you don't have a criminal or history of mental illness.
>from CA
GTFO dude
You don't need a license
>go to gun store
>pick gun
>take multiple choice safety test
>fill out background check
>come back in 10 days
>pick up gun
T. Californian
Gun?! Why do you need a gun?! Someone your age has no use for a gun, user. You're more likely to hurt yourself if you own a gun anyway. I don't think you really need a gun. user, you're insistence on getting a gun has me really worried. I don't think it's healthy to want a gun this much, user. I really didn't want to do this user but I went to a judge and got one of thise red flag orders. It's for your own safety, user. The police will be here soon.
getting out of CA is a great start.
Thank u for actual useful information
Stop giving me ptsd
Either gonna move to Alaska or north east
don't forget to vote for a house rep user.
Is Montana pretty "base"? Im looking for somewhere that's right wing and cold. Everything that's opposite of cali
In that case Idaho might be more your speed.
I wouldn't bother in Commiefornia
You best buy soon and as much as you can. You won't be able to purchase rifles starting next year due to the new CA law.
Stop encouraging them to move and ruin other states.
DIAF, commie scum.
In California they call their firearm licenses "Firearm Safety Certificates" you can't buy without one.
>gun licence
I feel the deepest disgust every time I hear an American say these words.
Lmao, right leaning Cali anons that live in this trench are harder that most of you will ever be, must be nice living somewhere where it's easy to hold your beliefs because the majority shares them.
Friendly reminder: most conservatives who grew up outside of California have lived in a relatively homogenous echo chamber all of their lives. California conservatives are unironically tougher than 70% of you flyover fags. The social and political bullshit we deal with daily would fuck most of you up, provided you even had the spine to go counter to the Dems in the first place. It's easy to vote and represent conservativism when everyone around you agrees.
Fuck off you supreme faggot
It's a 5 minute multiple choice exam that you take at the store
I'm a lolbertarian, user. There's no majority that shares my beliefs anywhere.
I'm sure a high-school in your area has a lolbertarian club or something, just gotta keep a look out, mine did.
You don't need a license for a rifle in CA, but the legal age is 21 now
Get your shit asap the new governor is gonna fuck us in the ass further then Brown did.
Should I buy a rifle from a FFL Gunstore or just make an 80% lower AR and "forget" to get a serial number from the CA DOJ?
If you know how to mill an 80% and got the tools, them go that route.
>If you know how to mill an 80% and got the tools
Drill... router.... files.... YouTube.....
A fucking brainless faggot could do it.
How bad is shit going to get in California? Things can't possibly get any worse, right?
Are you serious? It can always get worse, they want an all out ban on semi auto firearms and until the scotus rules on any current gun legislation the blue faggot states will continue to infringe on our rights.
Do you want it done nice or do you want it done like shit. You need a mill to do it nice.
Assuming that by license you mean the safety certificate, look up registered FFLs near you, they should offer the test. Its a 30 question multiple choice test of common sense questions that anyone with a functioning brain can ace. I got mine done at what I believe was a pawn shop.
I'm 19 and have a shotgun that was given to me by my dead grandfather but apparently that's going to be illegal next year, if I register do I get grandfathered in or should I just not do anything?
You literally cant come 2019. Dont even bother
Technically you'll never be Grandfathered ever again.
I think he means a hunting license due to the increased age to 21 for buying any firearm, but I didn't think that was enforced yet.
>gun license
if you have conservative views, FORGED into you, and you vote red and pro-constitution, go ahead and move. Just accept you'll be hated and work from there.
I've been wanting a gun for years, but I'll never buy one while I live here in commiefornia. 2019 cant come soon enough so i can finally get out of this shithole state. All hope is lost, especially after this midterm election as Noosum will lynch the state even further of people's rights.
>gun license 2018 in california
dont forget to register your gun
Califag here and I've got my eyes set on Montana. There has apparently been an influx of Californians moving to Idaho, and I'm not taking any chances, so that's a no from me. I'm staying away from those liberal dipshits.
That dosen't change the fact that it is a license.
>Peoples republic of commiefornia
Pick one.
Guns are registered when you transfer here in Caliphornia. There is no way to legally avoid it.
Easy, don't comply.
80% lowers/frames if you want an AR or Glock.
>Imagine being this cucked
Oh wait I can't
Why the fuck do you idiots keep registering your guns? Holy fuck
Because they don’t want to be killed by the gestapo
Don't comply, literally nobody does and there's no way for the doj to find out.
You will be in 2020 fuckwit
>I'm a young 18 year old lad from California. Where's the best place to start for a gun licence?
correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that doesn't go into effect until february
I live in a major city faggot ohh ur so tough no 1 agrees with u
How do you get through life typing like this?
It's actually true. Boise is a liberal shitpit full of African immigrants and lawless Californian scum. It's to the point where the Californians have figured out they need to stop admitting where they're from, because the natives actually, unironically hate them. The big meme is "Oh, I'm from Texas!"; they don't seem to realize that you can't take the California out of the Californian.
God, I used to love my state. Now I can't go two days without some road-rager cutting me off and throwing shit at my car, or seeing a meth-addicted straight-outta-zimbabwe-ass coon on a street corner with a "homeless vet, pls gibs" sign
Four more swamps
Cant buy a gun till your 21 thanks to Jerry Browm