Everyday Fit

Rate my poorfag every day fit Jow Forums,

>Pacsun Woodland Snapfront @ goodwill
>Shitty Flex-fit jeans
>Danner Pronghorn boots
>SW 686M

Post others I guess

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Post cordog dick you fucking transvestite

Something is wrong with your fingers skinwalker.

you look like you suck a lot of dicks.

holy shit did someone beat ur hands with a hammer

I’ve been known to in my time

Helps me shoot guns and jerk off easier

youre cute, you single?

No as a matter of fact

well you look like the type of guy that could use two significate others. snapchat? number? email?

Implying that won't unrape you.

>Post others I guess
No this isn't /fa/ you giant fag

Well I don’t visit /fa/

>be op
>replies to every post instantly
>people come in and critize shitpost
>op was never seen again
tfw you watched ops final moments before he commits i dont feel so good

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Maybe I’ll take you up on it

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You look like that autistic German guy.

Oh I’ve wanted to kill my self long before this post, what kinda person would I be if I didn’t think about deepthroating a 12ga and pulling the trigger at least once a day

Still waiting faggot

we all are waiting pal. i wanna see how cute his dick is

your mass mogs me desu
>levis sherpa made in USA
>levis black jeans
>vans """"""skate"""""" shoes
6'0 145lb

I’m a hairy motherfucker

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