Rusty barrel

I went to clean out my new ptr91 after shooting 20 rounds of surplus Korean pmc and then 20 rounds of tulammo at the range last week. Exactly 5 days had passed since I shot it, and I kept it in a climate controlled safe during those 5 days, but the barrel looked like shit and the first couple swatches came out with brown streaks. Do you think the barrel could have been rusting? Any chance the ammo I shot was corrosive? Anyone else's ptr barrel or ANY barrel for that matter look like total shit after only shooting 40 rounds of 308?

It cleaned up and looks fine after a few passes with a copper brush and some solvent but I was sweating for a bit after seeing the brown swatches. Even if it was rust could have it done much damage in only 5 days?

Pic somewhat related but no where near that bad.

Attached: t7_crud.jpg (307x281, 17K)

I was about to fucking die laughing before you said it wasn't your barrel pic. Can you take a real pic of the barrel? 5 days isn't that much to worry about
>not a rustwalker

Clean your room^H^H^H^H guns. Always and ASAP. This is your rifle, the thing that keeps you alive. Maintain it.

Attached: CLEAN_IT.jpg (500x449, 40K)

I wouldn’t worry about it

I’ve never had that happen with non-corrosive ammo, it did with my nugget firing surplus when I was young and stupid. It should be fine even if it was rust, it takes a while for it to pit and really cause damage. Just keep a light coat of clp or oil in the barrel from now on after you clean it.

Strange, that ammo isn't corrosive and the rifle wasn't exposed to unusually high humidity. Tulammo .308 is amazingly shitty, but it shouldn't be leaving rust. Are you sure it's not just oddly-colored carbon fouling?

>tripfag doesnt know that all commie ammo is corrosive, irrespective of what the label states
This is one of many reasons we hate you

I don't think this is true...

Yeah I've never had anything like this happen to a rifle... it's not high humidity here in PA. I was wondering the same thing, I don't have much experience with 308 or battle rifles so I was hoping maybe it was residual powder or fouling or something.

I didn't take a pic before and the barrel looks smooth and shiny now that I ran a copper brush through it and cleaned it. The part that freaked me out was that it looked all bumpy and gritty even after running 2 swabs through it before I broke out the hoppes and copper brush. Now it looks back to normal though as far as I can tell with the naked eye and a light.

all ammo is corrosive if you don't clean, carbon hold mositure and will rust.

Don't be a sperg, there is a definite and clearly defined difference between corrosive and non-corrosive ammo.

Is tula/wolf/Brown bear corrosive then?

it was probably copper?

Copper would stain green/blue after oxidizing.

Yikes you're fucking stupid. I have shot cases of "commie" ammo through my SKS with zero rust issues. All rounds were labeled as non-corrosive.


Pretty sure he's just baiting you guys, don't waste your energy. Only corrosive "commie" ammo is really old surplus like yugo m67 7.62x39, etc.

I use household ammonia to clean shitty bore cancer followed by an oiled patch. This actually works better than any other solvent I have used

>not wanting bonus tetanus damage

WRONG. A batch of Klimovsk manufactured 7.62x39 came into the country a while back that was 100% corrosive while labeled non-corrosive. Also some of the Red Army Standard shit has been confirmed to be corrosive.

I'm going to clean my guns again just because of this thread.

Not a bad idea...

It was probably like that when you bought it
Its fucked.

Shoot oversized caliber bullets to scrape the rust off