Mines the 360 PD. Super light in hand, and very comfy to carry about all day. Loaded with Federal's Hydra Shok.
Best every day, and everywhere, carry?
Either you're trolling or you have never fired one.
....OR I have man hands.
Post your gun then, Chadosaurus Rex.
or he doesn't carry full-power .357 loads in it
can't be assed to post a picture but I carry a S&W 36 no dash with a bobbed hammer running gold dot +p 135grs
got those same grips as you and honestly found I preferred the Hogue boot grips because they're easier to take a high grip on the revolver with
Smith 442
>S&W 36
That isn't anywhere close to as bad as the 360 PD.
i am aware, given it is twice the weight and firing 38+P instead of 357. i am also aware that a good grip on the 360 makes it a lot more manageable and most of the people who bitch about it do not know how to properly handle a double action revolver.
i will concede that it is legitimately painful for longer firing sessions, ESPECIALLY with hotter ammo, which makes it unfun to train with and as a result not a wise carry choice, but that's one of the reasons I'm not carrying one
Have you ever fired a 360 PD? The thing draws blood in the web of your hand within the first 5 rounds.
OP still hasn't posted his gun. Noguns confirmed.
yes, I have. again, hold it properly. also helps if you, AGAIN, are not firing full power .357 loads, which as I have said, are painful to shoot.
if you are bleeding from shooting any form of firearm you are probably not doing it right.
Nobody is saying it sucks to fire .38 special. It's chambered in .357 magnum, so I assume someone paying extra for one would fire full power rounds.
How many rounds of .357 mag did you fire through it? Most I could go was about 20 before my hand started to lose feeling.
>hurr you're doing it wrong
No, I was doing it right. The gun is just badly designed.
Only problem is that when the frame cracks, it causes jams.
>b-but Beretta fixed that
Sure, if you count putting a note into the box telling you not to fire certain brands of standard pressure factory ammo a fix, then it's fixed.
i'm not sure how you are managing to disagree with me despite having said in every statement that .357 is painful to shoot out of it. it's like you're looking to disprove something we both agree on.
the very first post I said suggested he might not necessarily carry .357 loads in it, which is sensible given how uncomfortable they are out of that firearm. each post after, I said that it is painful to fire full power loads out of the gun for any extended period of time. when I fired one, I put about 20 rounds of .38, 20 rounds of .38+P, and 20 rounds of 357 through it. as you said, yes, my hand was quite numb by the end. was I bleeding, crying, or begging for mercy by the end? no, my hand was just pretty tingly, in the same way that it might be after firing 200-300 rounds of 38 in one session, except much faster.
if you were bleeding, you were doing it wrong. if you were not bleeding, do not claim you were. there is no designing the gun to be any less painful. you could make it heavier or you could make it less powerful, but both completely defeat the purpose of the firearm. if you are a turbo weenie, use a grip with a rubber backstrap.
I thought they also put a designation on it, and added some thickness to it where the frames might crack?
>the very first post I said suggested he might not necessarily carry .357 loads in it,
I can guarantee you that he doesn't carry .357 in one, since he doesn't own one.
> Post pics, like in 30 seconds! Or else you do not own!
How out of touch are you user? He said it is is everyday, everywhere carry ya Fucking tard. Whats he supposed to so? Yank it out his holster, and take a pic for you of it on top of the diner top where he is having coffee in a public place? That will go over well. Not like he is claiming to have anything exotic either.
Is this the one the Japanese police arrived at by doing math problems, reviewing charts, and never actually touching a gun?
For me, it's the S&W 642.
what are these small revolvers called
Well, with S&W, I've usually referred to them by their frame size, J, which is small. Some also call them snubs or snub nose, but that isn't always accurate.
In addition to , that one in particular has a scandium frame. Scandium is a lightweight, high strength metal and S&W also uses aluminum alloy, which is the same sort of deal. This series is called the Airweight (or Airlite) series, so you might hear them referred to as "Smith and Wesson airweights."
Just bought this baby today. Feel like sex in your hand.
>can't be assed to post a picture
LC9S goes anywhere, I can keester stash if I really want. Yes the trigger sucks ass but it’s for life threatening emergencies, most likely within 3-10 yards
What's wrong with them? I've been wanting to pick one up.
Walther PPK. Everyday, everywhere.
Continue reading the thread.
Glock 19
I really tried to like the lc9s but that trigger is indeed awful. Like my first mag I got 7 inch groups at 15ft awful. No thanks.
I went shield 2.0 instead. The p365 or glock 43 would have won but I'm that boomer everyone hates who likes an external safety.