Canadian Prepper is on to something. Flashlights are reaching absurd brightness levels capable of literally burning out your eye sockets. 100k to 1 million portable lumen flashlights are within a years time.
50k lumen flashlight
Other urls found in this thread:
>Built-in cooling fans
>Nearly 1km distance
Fucking christ, you could start a house fire with that fucking thing
>in less than a decade there will be 30 dollar portable suns
These are gonna get outlawed, aren't they? Pic especially related
Yes. They will eventually be regulated. At those lumen levels you can start a fire and permanently blind people. Remember lads, led car headlights are only 4000 lumens...
Remember when DX80 was the top of the line at 32,000lm? I bought mine back in January. Why wouldn't I just get another and dual wield 64,000lm for a only another $225? I also don't think bans are inevitable, but it won't surprise me when someone gets hurt.
And without DX80
You can also cook an egg with flashlights like those
You leafs can work on your tan with lights like that.
L-laser rifles when?
These lights will 100% start a fire if you're not careful.
I had it switch out of lock out mode in my backpack while I was sitting in class. It looked like the goddamn arc of the covenant with all the smoke and light coming out of my bag ;^D
Astrolux MF04
only reason they aren't fielded openly today is because of international arms treaties that outlaw blinding weapons
>I also don't think bans are inevitable
Obviously not on a federal level. I'm talking about Commiefornia. They actually ban you from owning night vision "sniperscope" optics for guns, because muh CSI gun knowledge or some shit.
You seem like a faggot. Kill yourself, with your fjallraven backpack and emoticons.
Holy shit
thats badass. i cant really figure out what this would be useful for
if you are brown I would have shot.
imagine someone bringing this to a rock concert and shining it on the stage at the musicians lol. this shit is like an area denial weapon they should give these to border patrol
Blinding cops trying to pull you over at night or blinding deer on hunting trips.
>area denial weapon
auto activated 100k lumen floods at all points of entry is part of an ideal gucci home defense setup
i mean its approaching the brightness of a strong laser at these levels. what about crime? theoretically if you pointed these at security cameras could you damage them? or overwhelm their ability to adjust
>install 5 million lumen flood light aimed at front door for intruders
>accidentally forget to disable it when coming home from work
>instantly get vaporized
I like it
Yes you would.
I think the moment these go past a million lumens you'll be able to fry the image sensor on most digital cameras.
>I'm talking about Commiefornia.
>Implying I give a fucking about CA
Now who's the faggot? :::::''''DD
This is why I sat in the back.
so that means you can probably do it already with decent lasers. obviously powerful flashlights would be more useful because they dont require the same precision to aim and cover a larger area. well i guess i shouldnt say more useful, just different. since lasers still give you the advantage of range. there might be cases where a big shotgun spread of light from a million lumen flashlight is more useful depending on the situation.
either way i could see criminals fucking over cops with this and then flashlights getting banned. all its going to take is a pair of guys getting pulled over, one of them getting out of the car and pointing this thing at the cops at night, totally blinding them while his buddy gets out and starts shooting. he could even just drop th elight on the ground and move around, this shit is like a tactical flashbang
Nobody needs that much light.
seems like one of those things you'd only want to be armed in certain situations, like a set of safe room command switches or when a comms jam or main power cut is detected
criminals break down your door, suddenly their eyes are smoking craters and their whole bodies are covered with pure OC liquid kinda thing
3d printing some gear reductions driven by high torque servos and aimed by a raspberry pi running opencv would be interesting
Imagine having a flashlight so bright that your opponents are overwhelmed to the point of shooting randomly due to their inability to aim in your direction.
Aim your pistol at the sun. I dare ya.
lol, what a fucking jackass.
Technically a gun is a blinding weapon
>Muggers and hoodrats now come up on you and melt out your eyes in a flash before stealing your shit without so much as having to aim to shoot or threaten victims anymore
Yeah I’d be kinda happy with a ban desu, i don’t wanna live in the alternate timeline where mass flashings, drive by flashings and flash robberies that permanently blind you are the norm. At least guns need some skill and don’t have gurenteed permanently maiming effects
Self-defense sunglasses, m8.
The thing is “light” weapons give limited advantages to the military and government as I’d imagine pretty serious harmful ray blocking glasses will just end up being standard issue as well as generally available to civilians. So there’s no argument for the government having a new weapon of major disparity over the general populace by banning civilian ownership.
On the other hand ready access to these super lights will be the ideal criminal tool, you both incapacitate your victim, eliminate his ability to be a witness, no longer have to risk threatening your victim, or risk your robbery becoming a murder and make no sound.
It’s not in the interests of the average joe that these end up being readily available, and no there’s no fighting fire with fire scenario.
Someone atracks or robs you with a gun they give you a chance at retaliation, typically trying to hold you at gunpoint or potentially missing or failing to incapacitate you in the event they start shooting at you. Just watch all those self defence webms.
Someone flashes you it’s game over. No need to aim except the victims general direction, no fear of retaliation, no fear of being witnessed, no fear of having a murder on your hands.
And yeah being blind for life, especially after previously having it seriously fucking sucks too
That isn't a flashlight. That is a directed energy weapon.
I want one.
>*implements 1,000,000 lumen light in in the mirror section of the swat trap house*
i love how he directly flashes the dog with it several times
Just close your eyes retard
*blocks your path*
Quick. I need a legal way to put these on the back of my car for when assholes tailgate with their high beams on
>mass flashings
>flash bys
I can only imagine giggling retards running around with welding masks and hoodies to keep from getting burned, as they go through and shine a flashlight at everyone
>so that means you can probably do it already with decent lasers.
You've been able to do that for years. I remember back in the Anonymous vs Scientology days people using laser pointers to fuck with the cameras of their goons. But like you say, hard to aim.
>Just close your eyes
And now your incapacitated. Meanwhile, the assailant is wearing eye pro. You lose.
What's the best site for getting muh high beems?
If your bumper isn't blocking their highbeams they aren't tailgating you. Just hurry up and move over. You're literally creating traffic.
>if suppressors are legalized murderers will be able to kill people without anyone knowing!
Best estimates of when we have a use-of-force case on a simple WML from police?
You could achieve the same with a full sized nude picture of Trump. Or Hillary.
I'm both excited and afraid of the future.
These super flashlights and the new 5watt+ Chinese super lasers that can start fires have me concerned.
Flashlights and lasers of this kind of power are on par with the same level of dangerousness as an actual firearm and should be treated with the same level of respect. The problem is people can just order them off eBay or Ali-express and have no idea as to the real level of danger that they present to themselves and others.
Back the fuck off lightgrabber
Laser pens have been a thing for a while. A decade? When people started blinding helicopter pilots it became an offense to misuse them. I think it is sorted somewhere between murder attempt and terrorism to abuse them now and we seem to have it in check these days. High powered flashlights will probably be treated as 'assault with intend to murder or maim' if they are abused. In the meanwhile I'll remain more worried about the urban tribal members walking the streets in groups armed with sharpened screwdrivers.
Ooh link me dat dank scifi space light gat.
Gonna fabe me a lasvolver this weekend
Ok, we get it. You’re the token adult in the thread. Please keep in mind, this is a weapons board. We like talking about weapons and how they’re used. That’s what this board is for. So, can you please take your smarmy concern trolling back to plebbit? Thank you.
>A decade?
They pre-date smart phones. Laser pointers have been readily available for around a quarter century. Still waiting on the first mass lasing.
But can it strobe?
It's literally in the fucking video that it can strobe you dumb cunt.
thank god nobody will think set one up next to a freeway during eveing rush hour in darkness/shitty weather
This is why we can’t have nice things.
>b-but think of the chuildrens
So wait a minute, this thing can in fact, blind you? What if you accidentally pointed it at someone's face?
then they'd go blind
it's not rocket surgery
The brightness is akin to witnessing a nuclear explosion if you shine it at someone's face in the darkness.
*everyone claps
take off that name
>strobe function
>literal light machine gun
National Flashlight Act when?
>mount to rifle
>tactically clear your house during night operations
>bathroom mirror
Fuck im blind now
I can hardly wait for the ATFF to "accidentally" set our dogs on fire
Ban assault lights
That's really amazing. A black prepper!!!!
What eyewear would protect you from getting blasted in the dark with one of these lights?
Just carry a mirror everywhere
How many lumens is the sun to us on Earth?
Actually tailgating creates traffic. Douchecanoe.
What's a good edc flashlight lads?
A welding mask
Guy's what if we take an AR15 and slap six of these on the rifle and connect it to one button?
Gearbest. They usually have coupons too, so be sure to look that up.
it would be extremely painful
Lumens are measured at the source (how much total light is emitted)
Auto-darkening welding helmet.
that's a big flashlight
>Seven seconds of blinding light before the batteries die
>Spend the next ten minutes replacing 80 AA batteries
whats a bright thrower thats not too ridiiculously huge like the OP light but still like at least 1,000 lumen
I would say SlowTech is a better idea than GayBeast.
BudgetLightForums is where you want to go looking first though.
Thrunite Catapult V6
"Lumens per sq ft" is is Lux, not Lumens.
is thrunite a pretty reputable brand?
that leads to my next question:
what are your guys favorite/top flashlight brands for quality and reliability?
im guessing surefire and streamlight for starters
>Still thinking flashlights run on AA batteries
I hope you're joking
Only a matter of time until someone plays with one of these a bit too close to an airport.