>counter-strike patch
Are Euro cops really just big larpers?
>counter-strike patch
Are Euro cops really just big larpers?
>have some fun with an inside joke
Can you tell me a bit about yourself, OP? I want to know just what kind of a wanker acts like this.
How old do you think they are?
Probably played CS as a kid. Funny to think about.
>Gets to live out his dreams of removing terrorists
meanwhile you are here shitposting
>be me, 12
>start to play cs
>love playing counterterrorist
>decide to be a cop because of the game
>look just like I dreamed of as a kid
>feels rewarding know a game motivated me to a career I enjoy
>put cs patch on my uniform to remember why I started
>some neet on Jow Forums thinks I'm larping
>mfw made fun of for childhood dreams that came true
where do you sit on the spectrum, OP?
too deep
The CS patch is fine, he probably plays CS.
>blood type patch
>100% cast iron guarantee of being taken to a modern hospital and treated by professionals
There's your LARP.
>eu corps removing terrorists
The only thing they remove are right wing dissenters who get mad on Facebook
Blood type identifiers can be unit mandated.
And the emblem of the Donetsk Sparta Battalion is from Metro 2033. Your point is?
don't you have to prepare for the next no-knock-raid?
They are
>CS patch
user it's just a morale patch...
Having a blood type patch would still be useful in that situation.
Not really since they just test everybody anyway due to it taking only a couple minutes. No medical professional will take a patch/tattoo etc. at face value when they can test your blood type so easily.
We need more cops like this in our country. It would be better than the lukewarm neo-cons we have now.
>Actual counter-terror unit
>Wear counter-terror badge
>Euro cops
It's French BRI-BAC Brigade Recherche Intervention - Brigade Anti Commando.
>Are Euro cops really just big larpers?
He gets paid to train and shoot and put on full tac gear with two pistols and a Benelli M4 with an Eotech.
If that's larping I would gladly join him.
But those eyes, they scream...
>It's not happening. It never happens.
Better Larpers than fatter
Pic is from the shittiest shithole in France, he'll get his happening eventually
Ayo open up, this is da poh-leece
>Are Euro cops really just big larpers?
Chose one and just one.
These guys were the entry team that went into the Bataclan exactly 3 years and 8 days ago when the two remnant terrorists went hiding after a simple police comissar and his driver had shot the first one on the stage which detonated its TATP-rigged explosive vest as the terrorist was about to shoot an hostage.
The BRI team then assaulted the corridor in which terrorists had positionned 20 hostages who were held as human shields.
They rushed the terrorists as a staggered collumn hiding behind their heavy shield nicknamed "sarcophagus" and grabed the hostages who were disposed against both sides of the corridor room one by one.
One cop lost its thumb.
No hostage was killed or harmed.
The shield had 17 impacts of 7.62. Pic related.
(yeah we know "notice bulge owo what's this?", and all)
You call that Larping?
(guy can't into english though)
They have a funny name though for a french unit, "B.R.I". Looks like "Brie" lol. I give you that.
Don't a lot of soldiers join because of video games nowadays? Surprised there aren't more cop video games, just stuff like SWAT 3-4 and True Crime.
>muh profesional bearing
No fun allowed.
Well, that's one kid who lived up to his "CTs FOR LYFE!"
Not if they are in the back of an ambulance or doing their own casevac. Maybe they need whole blood right away. Or if taken to a clinic for some reason instead of a hospital. It doesn't hurt to have it. Shit even modern armies have blood type on dogtags, helmet bands, patches ect. And they can usually get very urgent medical care.
The real joke there is being on an arm which is more likely to be missing than a torso.
It isn't larping when it's your job, brainlet.
Nah, the french arguably have the counterterror team that is the most likely to end up doing Real Counterstrike Shit in the real world, and spain the second; in the US terrorists just explode themselves or get killed by local SWAT, in england it's mostly the regular SWAT types inside of counterterror specialists or the SAS, on the rest of the continent every incident I can think of was ended by straight up street cops, in Australia it was such a fiasco that if the counterterror guys were involved they should have lost the title, and in Canada it was a mad cerimonial lad and a mountie
Because Euros are fucking losers and don't play good games like PUBG and Call of Duty.
>counter-strike patch
>That m1014
Living the dream
God that's a sexy shotgun.
And the amount of absolute asshurt it causes headshotting people with it from 40yards away on a jump is amazing.
opérateur af
On a similar note. I used to be a regular on a Ghost Recon forum and one of the younger users did exactly what you described. Chased his dream, did his research, worked hard, went through the pipeline. Miraculously got through, long tabbed, and was assigned to an SF ODB.
Not that guy.
pretty sure that's a CAG guy in the pic
The lad looks chill af. Seems like the person you would say ey up chief to on a morning.
Fucking THIS
Yeah. Most have never fired a gun.
>CoD and PUBG
I'm fucking trash at fps games and i regularly get chicken dinners and killstreaks.
CS tho, that's hard.
Then you give fluids instead of blood and in rare cases carry 0-negative blood I think(universal donor)
Then they aren't cops.
I do remember the first versions of CS were filled with images of european anti-terrorism units.
>No hostage was killed or harmed.
This proves frogs are soft and unmanly babies and unwilling to make hard decisions like hard men. You efeminate faggots should learn from russia how to conduct antiterrorism.
>Are Euro cops really just big larpers?
Does anyone have that one picture of the American cop in the hoodie?
In this gorilla's defense she could actually tackle perps unlike most miniature susies that join the force
Fuck, I know vidya had a part in my joining the military.
And don't worry user, Ready or Not will be out soon. I personally can't wait to balance team management, collateral damage mitigation, and casualty minimization just like a real SWAT commander with CNN up his ass might.
If he is doing his job who really cares, let the man have a patch from vidya.
>tfw 29-year-old boomer working in an office
How tf can I do this for my job without having to start as a faggot cop who spends all day sitting on the side of the road writing speeding tickets?