my ny compliment rifle
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you like fallout?
shit's not done enough, run it through the deep fryer a couple more times
How's this?
It's okay. Mines better
Good fucking lord
It's a CA compliance thing. Doesn't require a maglock
I know, I live in california. """Fixed magazine""" is a far better option.
Second only to not complying
I actually like this look for some reason.
you're not the only one
also cali compliant stocks are fucking hot
It's a spray paint hydrodip. I picked 4 colors of brown that were really close to each other
I vomit a little in the back of my throat when ever I see these.
Nice optic set up
melted chocolate icecream pat
muzzle device counts as a feature so with the detachable mag that would be 2. No cop would but this technically can get you jailed in NY
It's a accuracy anglesight
rate my pipe pistol
I'm gonna buy a new upper so I can add a flash hider just to spite Cuomo's third term.
Gun gore most painful gore
nice airsoft
Yep that's a felony. Gotta be a pinned thread protector or a crowned barrel. Either cuck it properly or don't cuck it at all.
Is that indian camo?
No no featureless or no comply are the only option
>be me
>live in blue state but red county
>sheriff teaches cc classes and will accept any reason to approve
>thinking about building non compliant AR
Should I do it. I'll be moving in a couple years so I don't have to hide it forever
Here is how my CA compliant rifle will look like in a few years.
muzzle device and detachable mag? Someones being a bad boy
Is that an assault chair with more than 1 leg in the background?
Yes. No one ever gets caught unless you're a gangbanger or something. Complying is for faggots
It doesn't have the flash hider anymore. Pics were before it was finished