For those of you not in the know, the long and short of it is that Mateba Italia has started production on the coveted Unica 6 again. They showed up at last SHOT show unannounced with a bunch of new production, and they're going to start doing high-end AR parts as well. Barrel availability is unknown, but they'll be exporting the .357 model.
I talked to the US Mateba importer today. There's good news and bad news. The bad is that imports have been delayed, and even Mateba Italia doesn't have a timeframe. They were supposed to ship this week. Now it looks like it's going to either be very late this year, or early next year.
The good news? The delay is so that they can do one massive export batch. Because they're making Grifones again. And a bunch of them are headed to the US. I'd guess that this means they'll be doing more than the 100-200 Unica 6s that they were originally planning on, too. Price points on everything are still unknown, I'd estimate $2000-2600 for a Unica 6.
Discuss. Or just have an oddball gun general, I don't care.
Yep. Expect pricing on them to be around or upwards of $3000, though, MSRP on Mateba Italia's site is like €2999.
Jayden Young
glad to hear Mateba's making a comeback, here's hoping that they stick around for a while this time. Diversifying and getting into AR production is a good move IMO but restarting production of their flagship product is even better. Hopefully this batch sells well so we'll get more in the future.
So you just put yourself on a list and then they throw a price at you whenever it's ready?
Liam Moore
Are they going to keep making them, or is this a one-time thing? If it's just a oneshot I might buy a few as an investment.
Asher Gomez
What kind of ARs are they doing? Really high end ones?
Joshua Rogers
Extremely, so it's said. Probably made by gunmonks high up in the mountains or something
Jaxson Thompson
Pretty much. Sounds like they'll contact in the order that people were put on the list, and they get first dibs.
They are in constant production and will remain so indefinitely - as long as people keep buying them, they'll keep making them. Whatever German company bought them realized that they have a goldmine of IP and tooling, and are going to milk it for all it's worth.
Yeah, it's all going to be gucci stuff. Pic related. And I'm seeing shit on their website like €250 bolt carrier groups for ARs.
>indefinitely This pleases me. Hopefully they stick around long enough for a 2nd or 3rd pass, I'm a bit iffy about being an early adopter for something so relatively expensive.
I'm sure they'll stick around. The importers were surprised at how high demand has been. It's an expensive, niche product, and I was somewhere around the 70s on the list like two months ago, so you can probably assume a bare minimum of 120 people on the list. That's $240k of revenue for the Unicas alone, for nothing but export to the US. They export 200 to us, that's lods of emone right there, and doesn't even touch other countries or their domestic sales.
And all this with zero advertising. It took me over a month just to find the importer, I was going back and forth with Mateba's sales guy and the importer didn't respond for a while. Once the imports actually start and it hits gun news sites, demand will skyrocket.
Brandon Sullivan
hell yeah, ive been waiting for an update on this, got my 2600 ready for a unica 6 in 5 or 6" blued prefered.
Aaron Myers
Does it come with blast shielding on the foreend? as an Australian we deal with these, from Rossi and Alfa Proj, the Alfa is a much better gun but the blast is insane in your face from just the .357 magnum, compared to the .44 magnum in the Rossi, but it has proper blast shields to deflect that away from the face
me and my rossi like 3 years ago when the Australian dollar was high enough that I could afford to burn .44 magnum
It's not new. Same company. They never closed, they just stopped producing new guns and sorta went into maintenance mode.
Kevin Roberts
Unica 6s Not 2006m’s
Jose Wright
I think OP is mistaken. I too have been talking to the importer and they told me clearly that they are getting MTR-8s as well as 2006's as well.
Samuel Ross
Why did Mateba ever stop making guns? Was there no demand back in the day?
Julian Edwards
put your money up boy
Ryan Torres
they do seem to be making pseudo-2006Ms based on what they showed off at shot show, I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of them made their way over eventually.
Kevin Sanders
They are making 2006M's. They are already due to be imported. Talk to the damn importer and get your name on the list if you haven't already.
Austin Adams
>mfw I live in a cuck state with an approved handgun roster
I also just know some fuck with connections is going to bring a couple of these things into the state and list them for $10,000 each.