So I'm going to get a gun. For home defense and general self defense, but also guns are fucking cool. I really don't know where to begin, I figured for my purposes all I need is a hand gun. What do you guys recommend? In my very minimal research I saw a lot of m1911 mentioned. What do you guys think?
My first gun. M1911?
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As a first handgun, honestly no. Since it's for HD, you'll really want a light on it, and most decent 1911s with a light will start at $750. You'd truly be better served with a higher capacity more modern 40/9mm. 1911s tend to have a bad reputation with HP rounds, and the capacity really does matter. The 1911 still has a place in this world, but it's not a good first HD gun.
Shit, didn't even think of a light. Good tip. Excellent advice. More modern you say, eh? That's reasonable, but hell where do I even begin looking user?
A 1911 is like a puzzle box when you take it apart and put it back together, get a simpler modern design
Depends on your budget. But I really hate to admit it, a glock might do you well. They're ugly and boring, but functional and check all your boxes.
It's not ideal, but if that's what you want, go ahead and get something, preferrably something a bit cheaper, in case you don't want it.
Pic related. My first handgun was this 1911, got it for 500 back then. Loved it, but the flashlight thing was certainly something to think about, as I used it for both home defense and concealed carry. Still, at the end of the day, if you want it, go ahead and get it, it's not like you can't effectively use it for what you want and need, just make sure you accept the handicap that comes with getting this design.
Rails look odd on 1911s. You could carry a flashlight separately and it still does what you need.
No opinion on S70 / S80?
Regardless of that think of 1911s having three tiers
RIA/Cimmaron Colt/Springfield and Wilson Combat in ascending order of price.
You're looking at just the 2nd tier plus smithing in some cases
Confirmed for never owning a 1911, it's retard simple to work on and service.
Its not ideal for casuals because there's a lot of BS you need to sort thru before you can understand how to make the gun work right 100 percent of the time.
>it's retard simple to work on and service.
not if you have never messed with one before, you need someone to show you the right way, or a good youtube video, and don't forget the idiot scratch
Gonna agree with this user. Get a Glock, or a S&W M&P if you want a manual safety. Or if you really wanna be cool, buy a Jericho 941 (preferably a metal frame version).
Yup its among the easiest automatics
Hes taking it apart and putting it back together there are a gazillion videos on it if he doesn't have some one to teach him and as for the idiot scratch c'mon its probably going to be a 500 dollar RIA or Tisas who cares
OP here, I won't lie to you guys, my budget isn't huge, unless I really fancy owning a gun and want to own a variety then whatever I get may be my first and only gun. Right now I can probably spend about 500 give or take maybe like 80 bucks. So with that considered, as previously mentioned by , glocks are indeed quite ugly. I might be being a picky faggot but most handguns I've seen are pretty ugly with the exception of a few including the 1911. A light may not be essential but its not a bad idea. I guess I'm looking for reliability, not completely ugly, and relatively affordable.
Then give a park Cim 1911 a look
Its parts compliant unlike some of the Turkish guns that are slightly out of spec
I really hope you don't have kids
I really hope you don't own a 1911
jokes on you, I post on Jow Forums, I don't own any guns
There's plenty of options in that price range. Gen 3 and 4 Glocks, Gen 1 M&Ps, if you want lower cost but still good, the Walther Creed, Ruger Security 9 are good options. Steyrs sometimes go into insane sales. You can also go into the used and police trade-in market and still find something good to great within that budget. If you still want a 1911? Go Rock Island Armory. They're rough around the edges, yes, but they work.
The options are there, and I know it can be daunting to choose when you're a beginner. Sometimes you just gotta treat it as a kid who wants a toy, and jump in head first. Like I said, my first handgun was a 1911. Before that, I'd only shot rifles in the Army, and that first experience was when I was 21. Now, I build my ARs, and settled on M&Ps. Go with what you want at the moment, what the wallet allows, and learn from there, OP.
I worked hard as a wagie in the summer, and my first handgun will be an sp01.
It feels pretty fucking good to work hard and I'm going to get myself something nice
What's your budget?
Baby's first handgun?
A new Ruger or Glock 9 so you can afford lots of winchester white box target and a box of Hornady critical defense HP.
Bud's has a Ruger 3301 sr9 going for like $330. Has a rail, light weight, high capacity 9mm. Might be worthy of OP
bought this for $500 few months ago. it's perfect for what i needed. Full size, cheap ammo, proven manufacturer. Breaks down in 5 seconds. feels great in my hands, nice wide trigger. Tall, steel sights standard - i can rack it with one finger or a hard edge if need be. Complete teardown is stupid easy, too, just need pin punches, that's it.
Obviously if you're the kind of brainlet that strips screws and thinks the key to assembly is a bigger hammer, the 1911 isn't for you.