>Marine Force Recon operator scores "impossible" 127 yard kill with .45 pistol
>The Marine Corps Times can now confirm that on October 16, 2018 a Marine Force Recon operator, whose name is known by the Times but will be withheld for PERSEC reasons, scored a 127 yard kill with his issued M45A1 Close Quarters Battle Pistol. During a roadside bomb attack in which his carbine was rendered useless he was forced to draw the classic sidearm to defend himself and his fellow Marines: "the magazine came apart at the floor plate, dropping all the rounds, and the magazine body became jammed in the rifle." >The attack escalated when militants appeared from nearby structures armed with PK-type machine guns and RPG's. >"One of them stood up and took a few steps to the side. I saw the outline of an RPG an realized he was clearing his backblast and getting ready to take a shot" the operator explained. >"My ears were ringing from the initial blast and I tried to get [another Marine's] attention but he was practically deaf too. His rifle was still functional and so I tried to walk him on target with the .45 but on my second shot the [militant] fell over."
>The operator did not realize his feat until several days later. An investigation, demanded by local tribal leaders who claimed that valuable supplies had been stored in one of the buildings Marines were forced to fire upon, revealed that one militant had indeed been struck and fatally wounded by a 230 grain ball round. >The operator informed the Times "I was told I got him in the upper neck" but this detail cannot be confirmed. >This would be the longest confirmed kill with a sidearm in Marines Corps history but will not officially take the record until further details are released: branch records as well as commercial records, such as those published by Guinness, cannot be claimed anonymously. Due to the sensitive nature of the operator's mission an official claim may never be submitted. Even so, to see a sidearm design over 100 years old still performing so well in the harshest conditions and possibly saving numerous Marines from an RPG attack is a testament to the quality of the weapon and American manufacturing.
The gun that single-handedly won ww2 is still winning wars today
Aiden Davis
Somebody played a lot of Halo 1.
Chase Morris
> shoots >days later body is found Took literal days for that 45 round to make it 127 yards.
Nicholas Nelson
>impossible Difficult under combat conditions? Absolutely. But not "impossible". If you have a good holdover (about 16 inches with this particular load at 100 yards) and you're not flipping out its not impossible.
Agreed. It all depends on conditions, primarily weather or not the target is moving and weather or not you are getting shot at. I can keep 100% of my shots on a man sized torso at 50m, while shooting 1 round per sec. So i could keep roughly half of my shots on a fully exposed, static target at 125m. Half blown up, shitting in my pants, i guess i could still manage 10%.
Jeesus christ they're still using 1911's How retarded can you even be?
Henry Price
Joseph Phillips
t. 9mm fag Get fucked nerd 1911 in .45 now THAT'S the gat that keeps on givin son.
Ryan Stewart
Is this a meme, because that URL isn't up anymore. I can't find it on the site at all.
Alexander Torres
Yeeeeeah! The .45 caliber won world war 2 for us. Now it’s going to win us the war on terror for us. Hehehe you see son, you should have got that colt 1911 instead of that plastic Glock 19
That's fucking amazing. That magazine malfunction is a pretty dramatic shitshow, though. I wonder how the fuck that happened.
Michael Flores
>9mm fanbois btfo >Muhreen haters btfo >45aarp haters btfo I always sleep easy with my 45 under my pillow. Sip on brother man. >commiefaggot boomer Gtfo faggot, theres already a Ian/Carl cocksucking thread.
>when a shit trained cop makes a lucky shot it must mean a highly trained Recon Marine is in the same tier as a fatass LARPer and all of his hits are luck Shut the fuck up bitch. Go eat another doughnut.
>"I'll shoot a few rounds at this target with my .45 and hopefully one of my squad with a working rifle will catch on and make the shot." >"WTF. He fell over. No fucking way." Jow Forums, answer me honestly. Is there any other scenario at all that this would have been believable? If at 127 yard kill with a .45 happened, this would be how it happened.
You're not allowed to post that picture ever again.
Chase Butler
Any reason to wearing a plate carrier on top of soft armor?
Jason Jackson
Soft armor only stops pistol rounds and shrapnel and it's not that heavy while a plate can stop a couple of rifle rounds.
Nathaniel Gray
> have to move a humvee >plt sgt: HEY WEAR YOUR FUCKING PPE FAGGOT >awkward with all my stupid gear pouches >slick pc and helmet easy to move around in
its what some recon bubba told me the main reason why they did it.
Henry Nelson
>marine kills a guy: 1911 is da shit its the gun! Btfo glocks >whiteoid incel shoots its class: guns dont kill people, people do!
Not impossible at all, just improbable. Outside of combat I've seen a ton of really good pistol shooters hammer steel targets out to 500 yards reliably.
David Brown
>the magazine came apart at the floor plate this is the actual story
9mm pokes the nigger .45 acp stops the nigger 10mm ends the nigger
Dylan Evans
The new record is a Brit killing a pkm wilding haj with a .338 lapua at around 2 miles away
Ayden Gomez
Those muslims are so bad that Marines and other elite Groups literally makes challenges on how to kill them in the most extravagant ways.
If US civilians had the guts of their ancestors in the 40's places like Afghanistan would run the international Pork and Beer day on saturday and church day on a sunday
I used to do a bunch of LR shooting w/handguns, the M-29 44mag was my favorite. An issue 1911 has poor sights but the new 45s are much better and if the shooter has skillz it's not an impossibility.
Luke Richardson
>Even so, to see a sidearm design over 100 years old still performing so well You know what else would preform just as well? Literally any other double stack. I don't know about you but if you were forced to use your handgun as the only weapon 7 rounds isn't very reassuring.
>reading comprehension I never said anything about calibers, you could have any double stack .45 and it would be way better than a 1911.
Nathan Miller
>Virgin gaymer gets triple the frags GAMERS
Luke Miller
>45 >High Powered Normally the news sucks with gun descriptions, but they hit this one on the head.
Jackson Sullivan
I think we all know that no double stack has the equipment required to make that shot. That's a 1911 only shot.
>inb4 b-but m-m-muh 7 shots!! >sounds like 7 is plenty for The Marines
Jayden Brown
what is that chord attached to?
Mason Wright
It's a lanyard that ties to his belt.
Nathan Long
>45 is the high-powered cartridge >but High Power is a 9mm pistol Hmmm...
Henry Hill
>chord It’s attached to a wicked riff
Jacob Jackson
>an investigation, demanded by local tribal leaders >claimed that valuable supplies had been stored in one of the buildings the Marines fired upon ugh, fucking tribal shits
Angel Mitchell
SHALL aside, on a scale from 1 to Stevie Ray Vaughan's plane crash, how much Boomer angst would a Newsome blanket ban on "hi powered" .45 auto pistols and ammo bring?
>An actual no-shit Marine Force-Recon Marine taking contact while deployed >LARPer Is this one of those instances where words are just being used to say you don't like something
Cameron Kelly
Yes sir, nine teen eleven, best hand gun ever made, won us WW1,WW2, and is still in service today.