Confirmed: nothing more dangerous than a marine armed with a Glock 45

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Ten round mags are too much!

Really butters my biscuits. Fuck california

Fuckin funny that they have extreme gun measures and they dont work

Obviously ban on assault rifles will not be enough.

>california is the first state to outlaw firearms entirely

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Supposedly he used “extended mags”

thank you NRA-backed Republican falseflaggers

Where is that guy's neck


Looks like a turtle, ISIS can't do shit to that guy.

he didn't have one at the time, but necked himself shortly after this photo was spread online

Feinstein was right. Soldiers shouldn’t own guns because they have the ptsd

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It was socialized by his comrades.

Was that an actual thing she said?

>US Marine Corps

Guess he took some of the freedoms he was spreading over the world back home with him.

Time to ban country music.

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Glock 45 9mm
That is always going to bother me.

This unironically.


I had read it was a Glock chambered in 45 acp. Granted this is journalists were talking about so who knows. I can’t even be mad, that’s shitty naming

An incel that lived in his mothers basement. I'm shocked.

45 stoppin powuhhh wins again

Lol let’s push this, MilFags all over would literally throw the biggest shitfit in American history

It’s real

No, the fact that they named the new Glock 9mm the 45.

Glock confirmed retarded. Are the numbers arbitrary?

They're patent numbers

That’s fucking retarded and autistic

I sincerely hope that we don't pull a Sweden and have regular hand grenade attacks like this one

As bad as an AR mag dump into a mall sucks, drive-by fraggings would be worse.

yeah it was a glock 21

Stolen and appropriated by /fa/ neck guy

>country music night
>mostly christian university students
>conservative part of Cali
>right after Dems raindrop midterm performance
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the shooters motivations here.

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That's redundantly and doubly true and accurate.

>9mm is underpowered fags BTFO
glock 45 is chambered in 9mm r-tard

It wasn’t a glock 45, it was the glock chambered in 45 (the 22? Idk)

wonder if he was one of these "redneck (retard) revolution" antifa faggots ian and karl are connected to

The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle. It is your killer instinct which must be harnessed if you expect to survive in combat. Your rifle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills. If your killer instincts are not clean and strong you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill. You will become dead marines and then you will be in a world of shit because marines are not allowed to die without permission. Do you maggots understand?

G22 is .40


They said the handgun was bought in 2016. So it can't be the Glock 45.

What's with the MAGA bandanas?

Are these the bad hombres of MS-13?

Can we please learn more gangs than CNN-soccermom issue MS13? It's corny and about as relevant as Latin Kings or something .

It’s confirmed a Glock 21. It’s chambered in .45