How important are kneepads?
How important are kneepads?
They help a lot, sure you could "tough it out" every time you slam your knee into a rock, but it's a lot nicer to not have to.
for you? very
Personally I prefer not beating the shit out of my knees on rocks, i go without elbow pads but if i'm doing any kind of moving and shooting outdoors i have knee pads.
depends what you are doing
the more time you spend on your knees the more important they are
if you actually worked a day of manual labor in your life under a machine or something, you'd already know how important they are
Essential equipment
top kek
Very important.
Depends on what's important to you.
>wanna look yough in front of your friends?
Go ahead and skip em
>wanna have cartilage when you're 50?
Maybe invest in a pair.
They also have the added effect of streamlining your silhouette, ao you don't have to worry about catching your pant legs on anything as much.
dont listen to this homo unless theyre crye in pant kneepads they just are uncomfortable and move around. a piece of foam from ammo crates stuffed into older issued army pants with the kneepads works as well.
Digits confirm hilarity.
Yeah just like cigarette butts work just fine for ear pro right?
Come on man, just because your NCOs made fun of people for being soibois doesn't mean self care isn't important.
>unless theyre crye in pant kneepads they just are uncomfortable and move around
or arcteryx kneecaps
i would play hockey in the basement when i was younger. me and my brother would have 1 v 1 shootouts where one is the goalie. playing on hard concrete without even a cup, slamming the knees into rock really isn't helpful. we eventually used pillows to cover the knees and then my old knee pads.
those were the only piece of protective gear i used. my balls paid the price multiple times
Almost as important as...
does that lower your test?
does that lower your test?
does that lower your test?
does that lower your test?
does that lower your test?
Can we talk about these for a second?
>doesn't enjoy taste of dick
>cant open mouth far enough
If I saw a girl putting these in before going down I'd just leave because any head you're about to get, gum or not, will be terrible.
hey It's hard not to scrape even when It's a small dick
does that lower your test?
does test your lower that?
FUCK OFF FURFAGS. Just because animefags think they're welcome here doesnt mean you get to waifufag about undertale furry degenerate monstergirls, fucking queers.