How fucked are you guys now?

How fucked are you guys now?

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I'm down in San Diego, can you tell me what this map represents? Also I don't feel that bad since a lot of other states cucked out too

What does this mean? I'm on the border of 4 and 5 (in 5) how fucked am I

Oceanside Tri-City area

we are as fucked now as we were fucked 10 years ago
until you remove the real (((problem))) nothing will change
if you get rid of the real problem, all the other problems will disappear without artificial (((support))).

>red flag laws incoming

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Any other SoCal anons? Checking in for future meets

I'm curious as a Midwest fag what is this?

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I'm in Stockton. We count as SoCal

>>red flag laws incoming
We already have them

>Stockton is SoCal

Bro you're NorCal. Sorry. It's ok.

Nooo take us :(

San diego college fag, living of campus so am a hasfuns

Map looks like the construction districts of CA.

everywhere is fucked, it's just a matter of time

It's basically the same, they already fully fucked handguns so I don't see how this marine can hurt that anymore. Now with the new governor I'm assuming he's going to sign that semi auto ban that Jerry brown kept vetoing.

Why don't califags just destroy the aquaducts feeding the tri-city area? Given a week the cities will eat themselves alive

Madera county reporting in.

Morbidly curious to see how Newsome spins this and what bills we'll see passed and signed next year. Bet he's drooling at the thought of the first infringement he can make.

I'm fucking pissed that Newsom won, despite doing fuck all during the campaign. He barely campaigned, he didn't submit a candidacy statement, he didn't show up for several debates. He also did fuck all during his time as Lt. governor, choosing to skip out on over half of all meetings he was supposed to attend.

But he still fucking wins, just because of fucking Los Angeles and San Francisco voting for the fucker with Democrat after his name on the ballot. Fuck, I'm mad.

Don't be, his win was a shoe in from the day he announced he was running. I knew back in 2016 he'd be our next governor.

California elected the most virtual ant-gun politician in the country. He has a personal vendetta against guns because his Grandpa offed himself. This is the kind of Anti-gunner who's incredibly dangerous. His hatred is entirely personal.

This is all true, but to be fair, John Cox ran the weakest campaign of all time. I never saw him do anything, he stayed quiet. He had so much support and he didn't use any of it.

coarsegold user right here.
fuck mexicans and fuck taxes. RIP this state.
we need the legion to liberate us from this fucking (((republic))) of california.

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That's another thing, Travis Allen was busting his ass on the campaign trail, and was extremely pro gun, unlike Cox. Travis also wrecked everyone during the debates, making both the former LA mayor, Villaraigosa, and John Cox look like complete tools.

But despite running a stronger campaign, and having more charisma, Cox is the one who gets the endorsement from Trump, making him the default winner during the primary. I really saw it as Trump screwing up this time, choosing the weakest of the two Republican candidates. Fuck, CA republicans are always too fucking stupid, that they can never catch a break. Just like in the last governor election, when the republican vote got split between another pro gun, high energy republican like Tim Donnelly, versus another low energy, anti gun weakling like Kashkari.

The only silver lining so far I can see, is that Newsom's personal vendetta against guns goes too far, that more likely than not, SCOTUS gets involved and slaps his shit.

At least my county wasn't retarded, and elected a pro gun sheriff, Chad Bianco, replacing our "I support the 2nd amendment but..." sheriff Stan Sniff, whose getting sued as we speak. Here's to hoping Sheriff Chad will be the kind of sheriff to tell Sacramento to pound sand, he at least ran with one of his platforms being refusing to obey sanctuary policies.

Coarsegold? More like WORSTgold, amirite?

Kinda neat to think that I live in a small town in California, but I share it with another Jow Forumsommando.

I'd like this area a lot more if it wasn't California. The mountains are a blast to drive. I can shoot in my backyard, Chuck and Nancy's doesn't complain. The people are friendly, and the air is 'cleaner' than the valley and my old home town down in the Mojave.

I'd be elated if Madera county joined the Jefferson movement. Mariposa county is in it, but not us.

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>SCOTUS gets involved

Ah, I remember last time Sniff was up for election. CalGuns, after much internal deliberation at a single event in Riverside county, gave him their unending approval. Much to the chagrin of everyone on Then he turned into the shithead with CCWL issueance like everyone on said he would be.

Bet Brandon Colmbs was a little redfaced after that.

>I'm assuming he's going to sign that semi auto ban
I sort of hope this happens. It's going to happen anyway and it's the best chance of having SCOTUS actually hear a 2A case.

east county hick reporting

LA fag reporting, deep inna enemy territory here

wasn't that vetoed recently by JB?

Yup its too big of a ban and it's something they keep pushing for and only Jerry brown stopped it. I'm expecting it, or Washington to do an AWB next year now that they just got all semi autos as assault weapons. As doubtful as people are of SCOTUS stepping in, a complete ban on semi autos is something they'd have to make a ruling on.

>that pic
t-this i-isn't real r-right user?

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Not Californian, just chiming in with my observation that I think at this point accelerantism is what is best for California. A semi-auto ban will be taken to the SCOTUS very fast and be stricken down, saving the rest of the US from it. Then y'all can work on your other laws.

It's absolutely real. Have you not been paying attention? They've been openly calling for the death and replacement of white people for over two years now.

Correct, I've just been hoping they'd come out and ban everything or do something that was death by a thousand cuts. And now with our new governor he might be stupid enough to sign the bill. It's not like anyone complies but I'd rather not have to drive to Arizona for all my shit.

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>They've been openly calling for the death of replacement of white people for over two years now
Post a source faggot or youre going full Jow Forums on me

You're a blind idiot.

>They've been openly calling for the death and replacement of white people for over fifty years now.


>no evidence
>another Jow Forums nigger
Oh, good ahead and tell me its the joos

Look up the number of cohens, -steins and -bergs who are pushing for gun confiscation and then tell me what you see.

This. Probably a Caltrans map

Again, no direct evidence, and jews pushing for gun confiscation doesn't mean there's an active effort to kill and replace whites

No child can legally own an AR15.

>gun confiscation doesn't mean there's an active effort to kill and replace whites
They want police to kick down doors and imprison or kill traditional American gun owners. That's what gun confiscation is. It's about using the state to kill conservative white people.

I'm against confiscation too, but what you're saying is a conspiracy without proof sweety.

That black women who wants to change the fact that new Hampshire is 97 percent white

>Again, no direct evidence
Were not going to spoon feed you look up the last name of every pro gun control advocate.

Sweetie, sorry you can't spell.
Even if he did show proof you would shoot it down. Just look at who is pushing gun control like diane Feinstein or bernie Sanders.

>still crying "ITTSSS THE JOOOS GUIISS!!!"
What I was asking for was for a source to back up his claim that there is an attempt at white genocide being made but all you guys want to make this about is gun control and steins/bergs

Can Jow Forums niggers get off Jow Forums?

>making an excuse to not bring up evidence
So you're wrong than? Just admit it already and get out

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The hell they are. They’re Mediocre California. NorCal starts about 150 miles north of Stockton.

Its not hard to deduce what he's saying though... The Snowflakes would NEVER do it themselves! So we/they (Productive,tax paying, God fearing, White folks) are going to be forced to kill "good" cops and listen to the left scream VICTIM even louder....Just one step closer to a full blown civil war!

The only thing he's wrong about is them trying to replace White people....You can NEVER replace the greatest race the earth has had the pleasure of knowing!

I'm not that dude but there's a ton of out spoken Jews who push for third world immigration and are very clear on what they want. You can literally just Google Germany immigrants and find multiple articles with some jew saying how there is no German culture and how great it is the new Germans are there to replace. Literally look at the names of anti gun and pro refugee politicians or activist. We also have multiple dual citizenship Jews who are extremely anti gun.

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Not all liberal commie gungrabbers are jews, but all liberal jews are commie gungrabbers

I thought no NRA members were responsible for those mass shootings.

I guess that just guarantees that the next one will conveniently be done by an NRA member.

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It's California so everyone blames the NRA because they are so far removed from gun culture and owners normally. The amount of random aids looking hipsters who will randomly bring up gun control and complain about the NRA in public places in Southern California is amazing. They literally believe the NRA is an all powerful multi trillion dollar blood thirsty killer organization who wants to shoot all Mexicans, women and children. Meanwhile everyone in California who shoots and isn't a boomer hates those faggots for fucking up gun rights and helping write gun control. I've only seen elderly people and gun store employees who are nra members.

Where my CenCalFags at? When are we going to secede? (You wanna come with norCal??)

nigga dat chukchansi?
you ever wanna go shooting drop an email here. I'll save it.
also there is an oakhurst user on /out/ as well.

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this fucked ->sexy e-thot streaming 1/2 naked get in bois!!!!

no one fucking click that

using ngo's to circumvent national laws and import millions of dark skinned people to break up the homogeneity of the nations jews have infected
source: open eyes and an ability to think critically

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I clicked it, nothing happened.

what was it?

Sanger country user here. Let's go.

>For centuries now

oy vey its criminal I tells ya!

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honey its just a coincidence tyrones car was parked outside, that I have 3 missed calls from him on my phone, that his nikes were left underneath our bed while you were at work and our 2nd child has kinky hair and looks like dak prescott.
youre being paranoid honey.

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Ventura County Jow Forumsommando here

Over in Murrieta. There's nothing out here.

Orange here, with semi-based rooftop viets.
They know how important it is to keep guns, lol

Maine and New Hampshire are god tier states

where my 2 niggas at

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San fernando here

Not for much longer.

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hunting zones

916 here

Very fucked, now gav gav is our new overlord and that shooting that just happened is going to give him all the excuse to ban semi-auto firearm...

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>pro gun sheriff, Chad
meanwhile in slo county dont die in solitary...

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I live in so cal, and I want to move to Vermont

NH state house and senate are now controlled by antis, only the governor is pro-gun... for now.

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Fuck man, Chuck and Nancy's is my closest neighbor.

But sure, I'll toss you throwaway email. I might be persuaded to head out some time. You hit the gravel pit out near Bass Lake, or you hit up a place like Sun Mountain.
[email protected]

At this point it's over. Media conglomerates might as well be state entities. I felt ill when I saw the list of people who are bending over backwards to get this state BLACKED as fast as possible.

Why dont white people see things like this as a threat? Because it is a direct threat towards their kind. If you swapped white with black in that tweet it'd be racist.

Zone 6 niggers. Get at my level

Because whites have been successfully atomized, and are not allowed to express anything resembling and identity. Doesn't really help that most whites are libtards.

Because they've been brainwashed to think that any population that doesn't fit the media's standard of diversity is the result of some oppressive patriarchal system and that they deserve to be replaced

I live in Portland. The Africans that come here are peaceful and controlled. They do smell like shit though.

>The Africans that come here are peaceful and controlled.
For now. They will either remain Nacker Oreos or be polarized by divisive BLM/white-guilt jewish media.

Welcome to Kern county. Bakersfield is our county seat. We are super right wing, and have an easy ccw process. Mostly mountains and desert tho

Damn the white race is fucked then. Whites will all be extinct by the end of the century. There's nothing we can even do about it, we are just screwed. That hit me right in the feels user.

LA nigger.

>shilling this hard

he may be a shill user, but I'm afraid he's right