Give me one reason why you should own an AR-15 style weapon
Give me one reason why you should own an AR-15 style weapon
Because this man will rape you
I want one
Because it's a cheap, incredibly adaptable system with available parts and cheap, available ammo.
Literally no other platform offers this kind of affordable utility.
AR-18s are too hard to find.
Give me one reason why I shouldn't you commie faggaloon
Because government kills more peeps every year than every school shooter in the last 50 years.
1) Degeneracy is degenerate.
>[thing I don't like] is [thing I don't like]
stunning intellect
>Give me one reason why you should own an AR-15 style weapon
What ever your reason for not having one
is the exact reason I need more then one of them
They're fun. Would HIGHLY recommend OP
Because I want one
+ Ergonomics adaptable to any body-size,
+ easy to get good accuracy,
+ trigger types available fitting any taste,
+ expensive stock and trigger options can be used with multiple lowers, reducing overall cost.
+ cartage options available for almost any type of use form .22lr over .458 SOCOM to 6.5mm Creedmoor
+ price low compared to other platforms due to the large amount of manufacturers.
+ "lego-gun" to customize and modify, which is a hobby in itself
+ Intermediate cartage easier to shoot than pistols, revolvers, shotguns or foll power rifles for home defense
+ more effective on the target than a pistol or pistol caliber carbine
(which would be the only type even easier to use, but there are also 9mm ARs... so it's also a pro AR argument)
+ similar in use to the current military equipment and therefor the weapon closest in idea to the 2nd
(except lacking full auto, which it should)
+ Firearm type irrelevant in crime statistics compared to pistols.
+ piss off liberals that know nothing about guns
+ this
>used with multiple lowers
should be multiple uppers..
>(except lacking full auto, which it should)
... meant it should be full auto ...
Because youre a little faggot and you cant have mine
So your argument boils down to "it's fun and triggers the libs?" sounds like a fallacy to me.
So the libs can be right.
It's unironically the best rifle for most situations.
Want to target shoot with it? Cheap 20 cents per round steel case ammo for the firing range.
Want to shoot precision rifle? Match ammunition for 50 cents per shot, out to 600 yards easily.
Want to hunt with it? 223 64 grain soft points are good for dogs, coyotes, boars, and even tiny deer like we have in FL. A model with a bigger cartridge can take way bigger game.
I have many rifles, mostly vintage guns like the M1 Garand and Mosin, but the AR-15 is hugely adaptable, recoils softly, and offers a moderate amount of "power" which can fulfill many roles. In short it may be the best type of rifle we have available to the most amount of people.
>Give me one reason why you should own an AR-15 style weapon
So I can kill a lot of people.
Because I want a cheap simple firearm that can kill a lot of shit if I need it to. Otherwise mostly plinking at varmints. And missing.
The real reason comes out, yall are terrorists.
This is the only answer that should matter.
because a 20 inch fixed stock 20mag SR25 mockup looks awesome
Because I want to. If that's not good enough for you, well then tough titties. I'm allowed to own it, so I do, I don't need any other reasons.
It is the duty of the sheep dog to protect the flock
"If the government has it, we should have it"
-Hot Weapons Chick
Only if you're incapable to understand the rest of the post.
>full auto meme support
I figured you people would've learned something from this board. Full auto should only be meant for machine guns and SAWs
You're a fag, and killing a bunch of rioting coloreds is a perfectly acceptable thing to do.
>Killing is automatically bad
Sweetie, that's awful bigoted of you
>you don't NEED full-auto
gun bunnies are cancer
Why the fuck should I tell you?
>girl shares your interests and opinions
>ew, a thot, she must have cooties and is only doing it for attention
anyone who unironically thinks this way is a closet homo in denial.
The only reason why women pretend to have male-dominated hobbies is so they can get attention from men within those hobbies. See the "gamer girl" fad.
I need an AR-15 style weapon because bugs evolve faster than animals and humans and there will be a time when spiders shoot lasers out of their eyes and shit. If you think I'm gonna get lasered from some 8 legged piece of shit using his web as a stability platform to get better accuracy than you are dead fucking wrong.