Guess I’m just pissing off the side of the flight deck then
Good why take up space for urinals and toilets when you can just have toilets that do the same thing?
Why use a urinal when you could just piss on the side of the boat in the sea.
clean it up janny
That urine wasn't yours to lose. That was the property of this here United States Navy!!
This is old news, user.
I've seen urinals on smaller ships like DDG's, but never on a carrier. It was pretty funny watching people get their panties in a wad and whining about how the military is becoming emasculated or whatever over this.
Also, most people who've been on a ship with urinals would probably agree that they are utterly disgusting. They get backed up all the time, but people will still pee it them. Then if the ship takes even the slightest roll, urine overflows all over the floor. The best system really is having only toilets and designating one for pissing only to keep the rest of the toilet seats clean.
I piss in the women's showers anyway. And by that I mean their mouth
Good one.
>take a piss
>dick touches the bowl because im not a microdick
>have to wash dick in sink now
i didnt ask for this
that's what you get for sitting down to piss like a bitch
oh and there is that too. dickheads unable to aim. fucking dicklets deserve the rope
just piss in the sink
Toilets take up more space
This, saved you money when the water bill comes in
If you can't stand and pee without pissing all over the seat like a child, then you should sit on the toilet. Ideally, we will switch to squat toilets and wide trough urinals for every application because they are much more sanitary.
You know how people are though. Generally speaking most people treat the toilets on a ship as they would at their own home (because it kind of is their home at sea), but you still get a some people with the "I don't have to clean it so it's not my problem" mindset where they'll piss over everything like it's a Walmart bathroom.
Also, ships rock. Granted carriers don't roll that much under normal circumstance, but if the weather is bad enough they will.
why have toilets when we can use OPs mouth?
On the flip side... I once saw a Wookie use a piss tube.
I was on the USS Makin Island (carrier) and it had urinals. But you're right, about a month in they were wrapped in plastic because they kept getting backed up.
Why not just install a piss trough at that point?
>Toilets take up more space
cant shit in a urinal
can piss in a toilet
>Why not just install a piss trough at that point?
Because they use way to much water.
So the point stands that they take up less space.
Do you shit more often than you piss?
>So the point stands that they take up less space.
And I counter your retarded point with the fact that only installing toilets reduces your logistical footprint. Instead of ordering amd stock piling parts for 2 different systems, one of which that does a literal half assed job, you only need to stock pile parts for one system. ergo saving space be reducing unnecessary cargo. Also. Toilets are more reliable than urinals.
>The best system really is having only toilets and designating one for pissing only to keep the rest of the toilet seats clean
I have never been in such a hurry to piss that I couldn't raise the seat. Ever. Its childish stubbornness to not raise the fucking thing. Meanwhile, I have occasionally been sick enough that any delay may have resulted in shit pants. Raise the fucking seat.
>he doesn't shit in urinals
>but you still get a some people with the "I don't have to clean it so it's not my problem" mindset where they'll piss over everything like it's a Walmart bathroom
Bring back the Lash and Keelhauling.
That wasnt my point, I'm not the other poster. You avoided my point and made the dumbass statement that toilets are less complicated than urinals.
>cant shit or piss on the floor
Yet i do it anyway
>Its childish stubbornness to not raise the fucking thing
You're not wrong. But you could say that all day long and people are still going to piss on the seats.
Urinals are fucking disgusting. People use them and get splashbacks on their pants and shoes. They also tend to not wipe their pepe hole and dribble in their pants after pissing. End result is that they smell like a hobo in summer. Fuck urinals.
>They also tend to not wipe their pepe hole and dribble in their pants after pissing
dude what?
Were you never potty trained? Do you have no control over your bladder?
You get splashback from toilets too dumb dumb
Everybody's just going to pass in the sink. On the USS Denver and a couple others there was an entire area of urinals and fewer toilets since you mostly took a piss. Toilets only is going to be nasty messy.
What is up with the Navy and having urinals not function? The building I'm at, one of the three urinal is always flooded or outright non-functional.
this lmao
Who the FUCK wipes their dick after pissing? You're not a woman
I wash and wipe my dick after a pre-sex piss, just to be a gentleman.
You could at least edit it to say 2018.
He didn't say that toilets were "less complicated". He said that toilets are more reliable than urinals, and that urinals are redundant. Look into the bathroom of the average home and you won't find a urinal. You won't find a urinal in an average home because a regular toilet does a urinal's job better, and the toilet can flush solids.
I hate you for making me explain the functions of toilets and urinals to some clueless faggot online.
>Jow Forums - Toilets and Urinals
We got a badass here.
The place I work at has 4 urinals and 5 toilets for the mens. Every 2 weeks on average the shit (literally) fucks the sewerage sustem because they completely botched it when building the warehouse pipelines. Its funny seeing plumbers come in over and over again knowing exactly what the issue is.
>wake up in the middle of the night to stomach giving me hell
>also have boner for no reason
>boner touches bowl while i piss
>boner subsides and take fire shit
>post on Jow Forums about it before even getting up
shouldn't have tried that damn hot sauce
now im trying to get back to sleep but my asshole is on fucking fire
wow thanks for the insight
Should learn from superior Indian navy, and just have a designated shitting street on one of the decks.
T.Pajeet, shitting inna street.
>implying wiping the last drop isn't one of those small pleasures in life
>implying it's normal to have a small yellow stain on all of your white underwear
>ships rock
What kind of madman loves being underway?
Good, urinals constantly stink of piss since cleaning can't keep up with sailors inability to aim their dicks correctly.
>USS Makin Island
Awww that cute, LHD thinks he's a carrier
Because they use literally retarded contractors like Skookum to clean and maintain them coupled with overuse (my building has 800 men working in it with literally 4 urinals)
>Why use a urinal when you could just piss on the side of the boat in the sea.
1. We are human beings.
All female aircraft carrier crew?
more room for tranny and gay pride events on board.
That's gonna last all of one refit.
with a mostly male crew, a certain combination of urinals and toilets is more efficient in both time and space than just toilets.